
Achieve and Succeed!


I often stay other days too--let me know a day ahead if you need help.

Double click on the above link and then click on the "mail to" link open.

This page is a guide to how to use this site...If you already know how the site works--click on the Homework Assignments page and select the dropdown for this month to get details on today's work and class notes.

How can this site help you succeed?

Let's just say you MISSED something in class for SOME reason.......

Use the HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS PAGE to stay caught up if you are out (or ZONE OUT) and to review.

I write a LOT--but I bold the MOST important parts. Some nights you may just skim the site, but we ALL have days of confusion or distraction and THAT is when you should read every word.

Checking the website daily is REQUIRED!!! Its a way to chunk review each day so you do not cram before tests.

The Homework Page helps you...

  • Clarify details on homework assignments you copied into agendas
      • Find models of HOW to do assignments
      • Get examples of common mistakes to avoid on that night's work
      • Print or download FILES with the day's handouts.
  • Get homeroom information about school-wide activities and deadlines (ex: parent teacher conference sign-up, picture day...)
  • Get occasional EXTRA CREDIT opportunities
    • these assignments expire after a few days and are NEVER offered at the end of the term. Earn a few extra points as the term progresses to help when you have a bad homework day or a tough quiz. I also sometimes post extra credit questions that I may add to a quiz or test.
  • Read DAILY CLASS NOTES summarizing main points of the day's lesson and see the day's agenda.
  • Agenda will include what was passed out, collected or handed back.

3. After reading the daily entry, jot down questions to ask the next day--don't wait until the night before a quiz/test/project due date.... If you didn't understand something, chances are your question will help others as well.

KEY to formatting of sections of HW page:

  • Orange background contains homeroom info and is always at top of page.
  • The homework assignment is in black and white with blue heading
  • Daily Class Notes are in yellow boxes
  • Green boxes are extra credit opportunities.
  • Handouts will be attached as files to my Homework Hub entry each day. They are MUCH easier to download from there. Homework Hub is in the STUDENT LINKS page of the Foxborough Schools Ahern web page.
  • DOUBLE-CLICK on handouts in homework hub to read or download.

Click on underlined link to Homework Hub