For Researchers

Researchers can apply to our cancer tissue biobank for samples for use in appropriate cancer-related research. All applications are reviewed by Swansea Steering Committee and must be compliant with the Human Tissue Act to ensure a legal and scientifically appropriate use of samples. 

The Swansea BioBank collects whole blood and serum samples from appropriate donors. PBMCs, plasma and serum are routinely prepared and are available upon request once researchers have completed the BioBank tissue request form. Once an application has been accepted by  BioBank steering committee, researchers will complete a Material Transfer Agreement and the requested tissues may be transferred between institutions. 

Anonymised samples are supplied to researchers with  donor numbers and a basic data set of age at diagnosis, gender, histological diagnosis, grade/stage. Treatment and follow up data is available on most samples, dependent upon the time since diagnosis.

Researchers who would like to request a BioBank tissue request form should contact:

Prof Steve Conlan