For Donors

The Swansea University BioBank has been established to collect blood samples from patients who have survived 2 or more primary cancers or a single advanced stage cancer usually for at least 5 years since initial diagnosis. The BioBank is also recruiting healthy donors who have no immediate family history of cancer.

The Swansea University BioBank samples will be used in research aimed at understanding how some patients are able to survive cancer so we can improve diagnosis and design better treatments.  The BioBank has been ethically approved as a research tissue bank by the Wales Research Ethics Committee 6  (REC reference: 19/WA/0106). 

Volunteers will be asked to donate up to 100 ml of blood for the purposes of this research (around a fifth of a typical blood donation).

Volunteers who are interested in contributing to the project would need to provide Biobank with: 

i. Their contact details (Name, Address, Date of Birth, Telephone and/or Email Address). 

ii. A letter from your GP or specialist consultant to confirm in writing their cancer status and that they are physically and mentally fit to provide blood samples.

For more information please contact:

Prof Steve Conlan