Overarching Lenses

Photo by j.mt_photography from Pexels

These overarching lenses frame the way we think about environmental health. They span across core topics to have wide-reaching impacts.

lllustration by Ricardo Levins Morales; Image source: Columbia University

Environmental Justice

Exposures aren't impacting everyone equally. Some populations have higher exposures. Others are particularly vulnerable. Rays of light within environmental justice show how collective health can be improved.

Learn more about environmental justice

Illustration by Marjan Farsad © BuzzFeed 2020 / @marjanfarsad

Climate Change

Climate change is critically important. We are running out of time. Explore some ways that climate change is being positively addressed so communities can be more resilient in the future.

Learn more about climate change

Getting Started?

New to these topics or want a refresher? Explore our class companion website, Learn Environmental Health