Food Systems

Photo by Vince Lee from Stocksnap

As climate change continues to become an increasing problem, our food systems are not only in danger, but also contributing factors. However, by becoming aware of the major negative impacts, we are able to make promising change. These changes can appear in many different ways, whether it be food packing, changes in pesticide use, increasing food security, or creating urban agriculture environments. Read more below about the positive environmental impact of each of these topics.

Photo by dandelion_tea from Pixabay

The Future of Food Packaging

PFAS is known as a forever chemical for its persistent properties. It can be found in food contact materials such as wrappers, paper bags, and take-out containers. Companies are taking initiative to eliminate these chemicals in their packaging.

Learn more about the Future of Food Packaging

IPM in the Agricultural Industry

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a control strategy that is becoming increasingly common and rapidly improving over time. Pest control and pesticide use have drastically changed over that last 100 years and as we have transitioned into an era of great environmental concern, the way we manage pests in agriculture must also change.

Learn more about IPM

Photo by Joel Muniz from Unsplash

Food Insecurity and Food Rescue

Having enough food is a privilege often taken for granted. Food insecurity is still prevalent despite one third of produced food being wasted in the US. Food rescue programs could be the answer to help redistribute resources to where they are needed most.

Learn more about Food Rescue Programs

Photo by Linda N. from Flickr

Urban Agriculture

Urban communities need easily accessible, nutrient-dense foods. Food insecurity and anxiety due to the Covid-19 pandemic showed the increasing demand for fresh produce, grown locally, without toxins and harmful chemicals. Urban agriculture provides close-to-home solutions for city residents.

Learn more about Urban Agriculture