Rays of Light within Environmental Health

We often hear about the problems in environmental health, but there are some amazing wins and new progress to give us hope.

Explore some bright spots within Environmental Health.

Cover photo of light streaming through smoke; Broadview, Seattle, Washington, USA by Wonderlane on Unsplash


This site summarizes some of the new advances and hopeful progress within environmental health today. With the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, the world can seem pretty grim sometimes. Looking to science can help us see some bright spots -- how can we work together to turn some sour environmental health lemons into hopeful lemonade?

These annotated briefs were prepared by amazing graduate students in public health in the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health. Instead of a typical term paper, their Concepts in Environmental Health (ESHH 511/611) final products are shown on this public-facing site so we all can learn -- briefly -- and with reputable sources so you can go down the rabbit hole and learn more.

Core Topics

We talk about core topics within environmental health frequently -- but what are the latest wins that show positive progress (i.e., rays of light) in these areas?

Photo of improved air from State of Global Air (pdf)

Air Quality

Air pollution is linked to increased mortality and negative health outcomes. Explore some rays of light within school air quality, housing developments, and how electric vehicles can help.

Learn about air quality

Water Quality

Water quality matters. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and plastics can pollute marine environments, yet advances are on the horizon. Plus floating wetlands offer new ways for removing pollutants.

Learn about water quality

Photo from Freedge

Food Systems

Food systems and safety nets are essential. Explore food rescue programs and how urban horticulture can improve food access. Increase crop yields without pesticides with integrated pest management. Then, learn how to package food to avoid harmful contaminants.

Learn about food systems

Photo by Noelwah Netusil

Built Environment

The built environment and human health are linked. Explore innovation in the built environment, with green roofs, negative technology emissions, and concrete alternatives that give us hope for the future.

Learn more about built environment

Image of someone at a protest or strike holding a sign that says over worked, under valued, exploited

Photo by E.A. Unuabona from Unsplash

Occupational Health

Occupational health describes our workforce's physical and mental health. The Great Resignation and aging workforce are changing our workforce and environmental health outcomes associated.

Learn more about occupational health

Photo by Siobhan Bickerdike from Flickr

Waste Management

The advances in how we manage waste are inspiring - growth is all around us. Get into the mindset of a Circular Economy - one with no waste - in a world where food waste is converted into energy, where fungi can clean massive oil spills, and menstruation is sustainably and equitably managed without adding to landfills.

Learn more about waste management

Overarching Lenses

These lenses frame the way we think about environmental health. They span across core topics above to have wide-reaching impacts.

lllustration by Ricardo Levins Morales; Image source: Columbia University

Environmental Justice

Exposures aren't impacting everyone equally. Some populations have higher exposures. Others are particularly vulnerable. Rays of light within environmental justice show how collective health can be improved.

Learn more about environmental justice

Illustration by Marjan Farsad © BuzzFeed 2020 / @marjanfarsad

Climate Change

Climate change is critically important. We are running out of time. Explore some ways that climate change is being positively addressed so communities can be more resilient in the future.

Learn more about climate change

Getting Started?

New to these topics or want a refresher? Explore our class companion website, Learn Environmental Health