Stop Smoking!

Stop Smoking


Stop Smoking

#Stop Smoking

#How To Stop Smoking

#Ways To Stop Smoking

#Methods To Stop Smoking

#How To Effectively Stop Smoking

Quitting and Stopping smoking:

Tested and confirmed approved ways to resist any tobacco cravings and eventually stop smoking:

Tobacco cravings can get to you at times and even wear you down when you are trying to stop and quit. Use these following tips to help reduce and resist any tobacco cravings.

For most of the tobacco users, the tobacco cravings or strong smoking urges to smoke can be overwhelming and very powerful to resist. But just take heart and know that you are not alone at the mercy of these seemingly overpowering cravings.

When a sudden urge to use some tobacco strikes, just remember that although it may be somehow very intense, it will probably subside and pass off within about five to about 10 minutes be it whether or not you get to smoke a cigarette or you opt to take a dip of some chewing tobacco.

Each time that you resist any impending tobacco craving, you happen to be one step much closer to eventually stopping any tobacco use for good.

Here are some verified and Noted ways and methods to help you to resist the daunting urge to smoke or to use some tobacco when a tobacco craving suddenly strikes.

#Stop Smoking

#How To Stop Smoking

#Ways To Stop Smoking

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#Methods To Stop Smoking

#How To Effectively Stop Smoking

You can opt to try the highly recommended nicotine replacement therapy

Approach and ask your family doctor about the pros and cons of the nicotine replacement therapy. The available options include:

A Nicotine Prescription which is in a nasal spray or even an inhaler.

There are some Over the counter nicotine-patches. Also available is some stop smoking gum and some stop smoking lozenges

Your Doctor might also point you to some Prescription non nicotine stop smoking medications that are widely in use, such as bupropion or Zyban and varenicline or Chantix.

There are also some Short-acting-nicotine replacement therapies such as the likes of the nicotine-gum, also some lozenges, some nasal sprays or even inhalers which can greatly help you to overcome the most intense smoking cravings.

All these short acting therapies are generally safe to simply use in conjunction with or in combination with some long acting nicotine patches or even one of the non nicotine prescription medications.

Since the advent of the Electronic-cigarettes or the E-cigarettes they have had quite a lot of attention recently as an upcoming alternative to smoking the traditional cigarettes.

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However, more recently conducted and ensuing studies focusing on the E-cigarettes are still needed in order to determine the overall effectiveness of the electronic cigarettes for stop smoking and tobacco cessation and also the long term safety of these newly famed devices.

Always Avoid Tobacco triggers:

All known urges for tobacco are most likely to be much strongest in the situations or scenarios where you usually smoked or even chewed some tobacco most often, such as at attending parties or being in bars, or while feeling much stressed or even sipping coffee.

You need to go out of your way to identify all your trigger situations or scenarios and have a solid plan in place with which to get to avoid them entirely or even get through them without using any tobacco.

Do not set yourself up for any smoking relapse. It is hard to restart to stop smoking again second time around.

If you usually were in the habit of smoking while you talked or chatted on the phone, for instance, adopt a new habit of keeping a pen and some paper nearby just to occupy yourself with scribbling or jotting some points rather than smoking.

#Stop Smoking

#How To Stop Smoking

#Ways To Stop Smoking

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#Methods To Stop Smoking

#Effective Ways To Stop Smoking

Learn To Delay Lighting Up:

If you urgently feel like you are now going to give in to your compelling and urgent tobacco craving, just be strong enough to tell yourself that you must first of all wait for about 10 or even more more minutes and then promptly proceed to do something else just to help to distract yourself for that particular period of time.

Try even going to a public and smoke free zone and designated smoke free place.

These simple stop smoking tricks may be good enough to help derail your tobacco craving.

Adopt Chewing on something:

Teach and give your mouth something else to do in order to fight any tobacco cravings.

You can chew on some sugarless gum or any hard candy, or just munch away on some raw carrots, some celery, or some nuts or even some sunflower seeds which is something much more crunchy and even much more satisfying.

Do not be tempted into having just-one for-the-road:

You might even be tempted to have just one more cigarette just to satisfy your tobacco craving.

But do not fool yourself into believing that you can easily stop there. More often than not, having just one more quick puff always leads to another and if the cycle continues unabated you may end up using tobacco again full time.

Learn To Get physically Active:

Physical activity can easily help to distract you from any ongoing tobacco cravings and thus reduce their intensity.

Even some short burst of any physical activity such as steady sprint-running up and down the stairs a couple of times can guarantee to make any tobacco craving to subside. Make it a habit of getting out for a walk or even a jog whenever the smoking cravings bite.

#Stop Smoking

#How To Stop Smoking

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#Ways To Stop Smoking

#Methods To Stop Smoking

#Effective Ways To Stop Smoking

If you happen to be stuck either at home or even at the office, you can easily do some squats, or even do some push ups and deep knee bends, rope skipping, or even just walking and pacing up and down a set of some stairs.

If it so happens that physical activity does not interest you in any way, you can even go the prayer or meditation route, or some needlework, even woodwork or start some online interactive gaming.

Or you can do some chores just for distraction, such as vacuuming or even filing some paperwork.

Take up and Practice some relaxation techniques:

Smoking may have been your only way with which to directly deal with some stress.

So, without any doubt, resisting any tobacco craving can in itself be very stressful. You can take the edge off the stress by practicing some relaxation techniques, such as doing some deep-breathing-exercises, doing some muscle relaxation, taking up some yoga, learning positive visualization, doing massage or even listening to any calming music.

When push comes to shove call for some reinforcements:

Endeavour to touch base with a family member, a friend or even a support group member for some help in your focused effort to resist any tobacco craving.

Chat away on the phone, go for a brisk walk together, share a few laughs together , or even get together to commiserate about your current niggling cravings.

#Stop Smoking

#How To Stop Smoking

#Ways To Stop Smoking

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#Methods To Stop Smoking

#Effective Ways To Stop Smoking

You Can Go online for some support:

Sign up or join an online stop-smoking-program. Or resolve to read a Stop Smoking blog and then post some encouraging thoughts for someone else who might be struggling with the strong tobacco cravings.

Learn from how others who faced the same journey have effectively handled all their tobacco cravings.

Constantly Remind yourself of the stop smoking long-term benefits:

Write down or even say out loud the main reasons why you want to stop smoking and resist the use of tobacco and eventually overcome the tobacco cravings. These motivational reasons might include among others:

Always Feeling better

The Objective of Getting much healthier

Embarking on Sparing your loved ones from second hand smoke

The Objective of Saving money

Remember that, just by trying something else to beat the compelling urge of tobacco urges is always far better than doing nothing at all .

And each time that you resist any tobacco cravings, you are just one more step much closer to being totally-tobacco-free for a lifetime.

#Stop Smoking

#How To Stop Smoking

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#Ways To Stop Smoking

#Methods To Stop Smoking

Top Recommended tips on how to Stop and quit smoking

You can also set your start date and time when to stop smoking:

If you happen to think that you are just going to stop smoking naturally it is just a misnomer so you might just as carry on with your current smoking habit because quitting and stopping smoking is an undertaking.

Proceed to Set your Date and time when to stop smoking:

After that, proceed to carry on smoking as usual as you now count down to the stop smoking and right up to that start time, and just do no try to cut down beforehand, because that just makes the cigarettes seem even much more precious rather than they really are.

Positively look forward past the start date;

Remember that you are not giving up anything because the cigarettes will always never do absolutely nothing for you, for your finances and for your health at all.

They provide you with absolutely no genuine pleasure or any meaningful satisfaction, they just simply keep you deeply addicted and always a slave to the nicotine.

Get it clearly into your mind that, you are certainly losing nothing and that you are now making some marvellous and very positive efforts and gains not only in your health, but your energy and money but also in some confidence, your self respect, your freedom and most important of all, in the average length and genuine normal quality of your future self.

Positively affirm that you are going to enjoy being a permanent non smoker right from the very moment that you put out your very last cigarette.

You Can Have a final cigarette puff:

If you are going to give up smoking very easily you will have to make a strong resolve on how you will-walk-the-talk of how you will never retract.

When you look at it from another perspective, in reality, there is absolutely nothing to give up; you are actually getting rid of a habit which is an intangible thing.

Light your final cigarette and then make a solemn vow that regardless of what ever highs or lows that may befall you in the not too distant future, you will steadfastly never puff on another cigarette or take any nicotine in any form whatsoever again.

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This is one of the most important personal decisions that you will ever make for yourself and well because the length and quality of your coming future life critically depends and hangs on it.

I'm addition, you know it is the very correct and appropriate decision even as you have just made it.

Having made what you sincerely know to be the best and correct decision then never even begin to question or to begin to doubt that particular decision.

#Stop Smoking

#How To Stop Smoking

#Ways To Stop Smoking


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#Methods To Stop Smoking

#Effective Ways To Stop Smoking

Be resolutely calm and cool about the entire withdrawal:

Just be yourself without any complications.

Never complicate the entire undertaking. Take to it like you take to natural breathing.

The physical nicotine withdrawal is very slight and mild and it passes very quickly.

Your entire body and mind will continue to systematically withdraw from the nicotine for a few more days but that does not mean that you have to be very miserable or even crave cigarettes.

The actual physical withdrawal is very slight and there is absolutely no pain and it just passes quickly.

Additionally, it is what the smokers actually suffer all their smoking lives. All non smokers do not suffer it all.

So, right now after you have stopped smoking, you have become a non-smoke, so suffice it to say then that you are a non-smoker and so you will soon be free suffering-from-smoking.

If it so happens that you always associate any cigarette with a cup of coffee, or tea, or an alcoholic drink or any break, just go ahead and have your cup of coffee, or tea, or your alcoholic drink or your break and at that very moment, instead of consciously thinking that you must not have any cigarette , simply enjoy your cup of coffee or tea for much longer.

Just affirm that You, a non-smoker can enjoy this very moment without having to even choke choke yourself to death with any smoke inhaled into the lungs.

Never Give up Socialising as normal:

As an affirmed brand new non-smoker you will not meet to be craving any cigarette so there is no need to avoid any smokers

Do not even try to avoid any smoking situations or even opt out of life. Just go out and enjoy the social occasions right from the start and do not in any wag envy any smokers, nor pity them.

Just realise that they will instead be envying you because every single one of them will also be wishing that they could be like you, very free from the whole filthy nightmare of smoking.


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No single smoker wants to see their own children start smoking which then means that they wish they had not started smoking themselves. Remember it is not you who is being deprived but those poor smokers who actually are.

They are being deprived of their good health, their energy, their money, their peace of mind, their confidence, their courage, their self respect and ultimately their freedom from the imprisoning smoking habit.

If you are offered a cigarette, just politely decline.

#Stop Smoking

#How To Stop Smoking

#Ways To Stop Smoking

#Methods To Stop Smoking

#Effective Ways To Stop Smoking

It is on to think about smoking:

Don’t try to kick yourself for even thinking about smoking. Allow those those and consciously delete them from your mind. Another battle front.

How do you Actually not think about something?

As long as a thought crosses your mind it does not mean you have automatically become a prisoner to it.

Are you a frog?

But do you "see" a brick wall? Are you now addicted to the brick wall?

Thoughts are just that.

Teach yourself that there is never such a thing as just-one-more-cigarette after you quit smoking.

Resolve never to be fooled into thinking that you can go on to have the odd last-cigarette-puff just to be acceptable as sociable or just to get over any difficult moments and situations.

If you happen to do, you will find yourself revolving back in the smoking trap in just no time at all.

Never ever think in terms of just one more cigarette, always think of the hidden and underlying whole lifetime’s negative chain reaction.

Remember that there never such a thing as just one more last cigarette. It is all in your thoughts.


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Try having one more brick wall to get you through the day. Makes no sense right?

Avoid Any Substitutes:

Such things like the Patches, the gums, the nasal sprays and even the e-cigarettes just keep the addiction very alive.

#Stop Smoking

#How To Stop Smoking

#Ways To Stop Smoking


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#Methods To Stop Smoking

#Effective Ways To Stop Smoking

Refrain from using any nicotine substitutes or replacements. They all make it much more difficult to eventually stop because they still perpetuate the illusion that you still are making a protracted sacrifice to stop smoking.

Such substitutes that contain some nicotine such as the e-cigarettes or so called Nicotine-Replacement-Therapy or the patches, the gums, the nasal sprays and the inhalators are particularly very unhelpful as they simply keep the continuing addiction to nicotine very alive.

It is actually like advising a current heroin addict who is actively smoking the drug off some foil, to now start injecting it instead.

Lose all your cigarettes:

Since you are already a certified-non-smoker by proxy of your stop smoking endeavour, the very moment that you put out your final cigarette throw away any other unsmoked cigarettes.

Do not keep any cigarettes on you or anywhere else near your abode just in case of an emergency. If you do, it then means that you are doubting your stop smoking decision.

All non smokers do not even need cigarettes. You are already a certified non smoker the moment you put out your very final cigarette.

In fact one of the many accompanying joys of being free is not having to even worry about having any cigarettes and any light on you, in order to banish that smoking slavery.

#Stop Smoking

#How To Stop Smoking


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#Ways To Stop Smoking

#Methods To Stop Smoking

#Effective Ways Of Stopping Smoking

Consciously Enjoy your new found freedom:

live a totally smoke-free-life and be on your conscious guard not to fall even back into the smoking trap.

Life will soon go back to being normal as a new-non-smoker but be on your guard always not to fall back into the dreaded trap.

If your brain for some reason ever starts playing any tricks on you by thinking that just having one more cigarette in fine, remember that there is no such thing as one-more-cigarette, so the question you need to often ask yourself why you never decided to stop and quit sooner.


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Promptly congratulate yourself that you are now free and that way you can get to enjoy the whole benefits of stopping smoking and remaining a certified non smoker for the rest of your entire life.

What are the best and the most effective ways to quit and stop smoking cigarettes?

Your actual success in quitting and managing to stop smoking depends very much on the adopted method that you decide to use and engage.

You can make any task very difficult by going about it the very wrong way. Do it rather in a much more sensible and very simple manner and way and you cannot fail.

#Stop Smoking

#How To Stop Smoking

#Ways To Stop Smoking


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#Methods To Stop Smoking

#Effective Ways Of How To Stop Smoking

Which ever method you eventually choose and settle on to help you to actually achieve your goal is therefore very much important.

Although there are very numerous other techniques and treatments that are purporting to help you quit smoking, most of them result in far less than one person out of ten given people actually succeeding.

#Stop Smoking

#How To Stop Smoking

#Ways To Stop Smoking


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#Methods To Stop Smoking

#Effective Ways To Stop Smoking

To Quit Smoking is very possible:

Each and every quit attempt is not in vain, but rather, it can be thought of as a practice session for quitting for good. With each and every attempt, you get to learn much more about yourself, including what available techniques would actually work for you in order to help you to stave off any cravings.

Each of these particular practice-tries actually gets you that much closer to quit cigarettes forever.

Using Nicotine Replacement Therapy To Quit Smoking:


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When talking with your personal doctor, they may mention something that is called nicotine replacement therapy, also commonly referred to as NRT. You may even know them much better as the FDA-approved-therapies such as the nicotine skin patches,

the gum, and the lozenges that can help you to get through the initial part of quitting smoking, by relieving the cravings and also lessening the withdrawal symptoms.

When you use the NRTs, you will receive some measured amounts of nicotine without the accompanying toxic chemicals from the cigarette smoke. When used properly, the NRTs or Nicotine Replacement Replacement Therapies are very safe and very effective cessation or quit smoking methods and can double the chances of actually quitting cigarettes very successfully.

#Quit Smoking

#Quit Smoking Methods


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#Quit Smoking Tips

#Quit Smoking Suggestions

#Quit Smoking Advice

#Quit Smoking Journey

#Quit Smoking Forever

#Quit Smoking At First Attempt

#Quit Smoking For A Lifetime

#Quit Smoking For Health Reasons

Even if you have attempted to quit smoking with the NRTs before, you may have to consider trying once again because experimenting with the different NRT or Nicotine Replacement Therapies options could also help facilitate in finding what actually works for you.

The Nicotine Replacement Therapies are considered to be very safe enough that multiple other methods, for instance, both the patch and the gum can easily be used at the same time or even switching them.

You may even start using the Nicotine Replacement Therapies prior to even quitting the cigarettes, which could easily help you to avoid some of the usual initial symptoms that sometimes occur when you first quit smoking.

The NRTs or Nicotine Replacements Therapies are also available both by prescription and also over-the-counter for any adults age 18 and over, and they include:

Some Skin patches that deliver nicotine directly through the skin

Some Nicotine gum that actually releases the nicotine as you chew it

The Nicotine lozenges that get to dissolve in your mouth


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The Telephone quit smoking help line counselling is yet another effective strategy, and by combining the counselling with the Nicotine Replacement Therapies can easily be much more successful for your quit smoking plan than the nicotine replacement therapy alone.

#Quit Smoking

#Quit Smoking Methods

#Quit Smoking Tips

#Quit Smoking Suggestions

#Quit Smoking Advice


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#Quit Smoking Journey

#Quit Smoking Forever

#Quit Smoking At First Attempt

#Quit Smoking For A Lifetime

#Quit Smoking For Health Reasons

You Are Now A Step Closer To Permanently Quit Smoking Already:

Hopefully this mentioned information provided you with a point of focus to help start or continue on your selected path to quit smoking or even helping out a loved one to quit smoking.

Know for a fact that there are resources to help you on your quit smoking journey and to living a smoke-free-life.

How To Quit Smoking;

Quitting Smoking Is

Also called Smoking cessation and it follows quite a number of different ways.

Tobacco use happens to be the most common yet preventable cause of death the world over.

Just about half of the people who do not get to quit smoking will possibly die of some tobacco-smoking-related-problems.

To Quit smoking is particularly very important for your health.

Soon after you quit smoking, your circulation begins to gradually improve, and your related blood pressure also starts to return to normal.


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Your sense of smell as mentioned above and your sense of taste also return, and it becomes much easier for you to breathe.

In the long term, giving up on tobacco can help you live much longer.

Your risk of eve getting cancer decreases very much with each year that you stay-smoke-free.

#Quit Smoking

#Quit Smoking Methods

#Quit Smoking Tips

#Quit Smoking Suggestions

#Quit Smoking Advice

#Quit Smoking Journey

#Quit Smoking Forever

#Quit Smoking At First Attempt

#Quit Smoking For A Lifetime

#Quit Smoking For Health Reasons

To Quit Smoking is not that easy. You may have some short-term side effects such as some weight gain, some irritability, and some anxiety.

Some other people also try several times before they succeed. There are quite many diverse ways to quit smoking.

Some other people stop cold-turkey. Others get to focus on and benefit from a step-by-step-manual, or even counselling, or eve taking some medicines or other products that help to reduce the nicotine addiction.


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Some of the people think that switching to the e-cigarettes can greatly help you quit smoking, but that has not been scientifically proven yet.

Your local health care provider can easily help you to find the veey best way for you to follow and adapt.


This particular website is solely for information purposes only and the information contained herein does constitute any substitution for relative professional consultation.

#Quit Smoking

#Quit Smoking Methods

#Quit Smoking Tips

#Quit Smoking Suggestions

#Quit Smoking Advice

#Quit Smoking Journey

#Quit Smoking Forever

#Quit Smoking At First Attempt

#Quit Smoking For A Lifetime

#Quit Smoking For Health Reasons