Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#How To: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Guide: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Tips: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

How To Successfully Quit Smoking Cold Turkey

Looking At:

#Withdrawal Symptoms

#Cold turkey Quitting

#Other options For Cold Turkey Quitting

#Strategies for quitting Cold Turkey

#Be prepared to quit cold turkey

#Identify your triggers for smoking

#Pros vs. cons of quitting Cold turkey

Note To Consider:

Successfully quitting cigarette smoking can be rather very difficult no matter how you go out of your way to do it, but the whole idea of quitting cold turkey can seem especially very daunting.

It may not be the outright good choice for everyone, but given the massive damage that smoking has on the entire body, finally getting it over and done with does somehow have its alluring appeal.

Smoking significantly increases your risk for contracting and also developing smoking related disease, including several types of cancers.

Each and every year smoking causes about 1 out of every 5 deaths in the entire United States, this is an estimate by the American Cancer Society.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#How To: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Tips: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

There are quite many nicotine products that are available in order to help you eventually wean off the nicotine, but the cold turkey method means abruptly cutting off all nicotine, full stop.

Let us take a careful look at the entire process of quitting smoking and the tips to help you do it, as well as its related pros and the cons.

What actually happens when you get to quit smoking cold turkey?

Your body will immediately begin to reap the beneficial health benefits of quitting smoking just within 20 minutes of your very last cigarette.

The withdrawal symptoms can rather make it feel otherwise, though. Many people tend to feel like they have the flu when in the process of quitting smoking.

It must be noted that Nicotine is very highly addictive. Research suggests that it may be as addictive as cocaine, or heroin, and also alcohol.

The very good news is that the withdrawal symptoms are just temporary. The worst of the symptoms usually get to improve in just a few days and to a couple of weeks.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#How To: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Tips: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

Here are some very common noted nicotine withdrawal symptoms:

#intense cravings for #cigarettes


#feeling down


#difficulty sleeping

#trouble concentrating

#increased appetite

#cough or sore throat

#changes in bowel habits


The Withdrawal symptoms and their severity often can differ from person to person and they change from day to day. As uncomfortable as they can all be, nicotine withdrawal symptoms typically are not dangerous for your overall health.

Remember that all these symptoms are only temporary. The longer that you go without any nicotine, the much easier it will get eventually.

Quitting smoking Cold Turkey is very tough:

Quitting cold turkey actually means abruptly stopping without the aid of ant nicotine replacement therapy or NRT.

NRT includes some products like the gums, the sprays, and some patches that are meant to gradually reduce the urge to revert to smoking.

Without the NRT, experts always argue that the results from trying to white-knuckle the whole thing generally is not great.

Some older conducted studies went on to find that only up to about 5 percent of those who are brave to quit smoking cold turkey always stay quit for at least 6 to about 12 months.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

Other ways to quit smoking:

There is no single method to quit smoking that is right for everyone. Some other people prefer to deal with the acute withdrawal symptoms for a much shorter period by stopping cold turkey. Others may prefer to quit systematically and gradually.

For those who choose NRT they still have to decide whether to pair it with an abrupt quit date or just take a very gradual approach.

This may mean actually dealing with much milder symptoms for a much longer period.

The American Thoracic Society or ATS strongly recommends that all the people who are quitting smoking and are also dependent on tobacco should start with the medication varenicline or Chantix. Treatment should last for at least about 12 weeks.

The ATS also recommends varenicline over the nicotine patches and the prescription medication bupropion or Wellbutrin.

While it is still not very easy, just quitting smoking abruptly with the help of NRT significantly increases and quantifies your chances of abstaining from smoking in the long run as is opposed to just quitting gradually, suggests a year 2016 study involving up to 697 smokers.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

Quitting abruptly some with help from NRT also proved to be much more successful than the gradual approach in a year 2019 meta-analysis study.

You can also look into some other ways to quit, such as:

#counselling or therapy

#quit smoking apps

However, keep in mind that nicotine replacement products may get to prolong nicotine addiction in some other people. Be sure to dutifully follow the product’s directions very closely for the best expected outcome.

Strategies and tips to quit cold smoking cold turkey:

If you are determined to abruptly quit smoking cold turkey, be also ready to deal with the cravings and the withdrawal symptoms.

You may also try to avoid some other things that tend to make you automatically want to smoke, or have another plan in place for when you eventually encounter them.

Here are some tips to help you quit cold turkey:

Prepare for the withdrawal:

You are going to have some cravings. You are probably going to feel very lousy at least for a few more days, too.

This is totally and completely normal. You can help make the withdrawal phase much easier by being very prepared.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

Here are some noted tips to help this particular phase pass as smoothly as is possible:

#Schedule some workout classes or some other activities to help keep your mind off your nicotine cravings.

#Have some healthy snacks on hand.

#Consider some foods that keep your mouth very busy, like some carrots, some pretzels, and even apples.

#Buy a brand new book or even choose a new show just to binge-watch — anything or to keep you engaged during the downtime.

#Have some cough lozenges and over-the-counter-medication on hand for any nausea, or cough, and some other flu-like-symptoms that you may experience.

#Make some plans with your friends and your family. The more of the support the much better.

#Replace your smoking habit with another healthy habit or a very simple activity.

Know all your smoking habits and the triggers:

Identifying your Smoking triggers is yet another very important step that can help prepare you for a successful smoking cessation.

Triggers are actually the particular things that make you want to smoke.

They generally tend to fall and align into one of the four below listed categories:





Smoking Pattern triggers:

A pattern trigger is an activity that you always get to associate with smoking. Some very common ones include:

#drinking alcohol or coffee

#watching TV

#talking on the phone

#after sex

#work breaks

#finishing a meal


If you are used to having a cigarette during any of these listed activities, you definitely need to immediately break the association between the two.

Instead of just smoking, you can:

#Replace the cigarette with some chewing gum or hard candy.

#Keep your hand very busy by squeezing a stress ball or even writing in a journal.

#Change your entire routine.

#Have some coffee at a different time, or even brush your teeth right after you eat.

Smoking Emotional triggers:

Some very Intense emotions commonly trigger the unconscious desire to smoke.

You may be accustomed to automatically smoking when you are feeling stressed as an escape route for your negative feelings.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

For some other people, smoking is actually an enhancement of a very good mood when they are feeling excited or even happy. Feelings that may trigger a sudden craving include:









The key to successfully overcoming any emotional triggers is finding much healthier ways with which to cope with your feelings.

Instead of promptly smoking, instead you can:

#Talk to someone about what is actually bothering you,


#share your excitement with a close friend or a loved one.

#Talk to a professional, such as certified bonafide therapist.

#Get some support and connect with some experts and others who are also quitting smoking from sites online.

#Get some exercise to help relieve stress and some anxiety, and get to improve your mood.

#Try some relaxation techniques, such as some deep breathing, or yoga, or even listening to some calming music.

Smoking Social triggers:

Social triggers are usually social occasions that usually include other smokers, such as these:

#parties and social gatherings

#bars and nightclubs


#being around other people who actually smoke

The very best way with which to deal directly with social triggers is to completely avoid them for a while. Avoid being around those other people who smoke, too.

This can be very daunting and very difficult if you have some very close friends and even family members who smoke.

Let them know in advance that you have to quit.

Ask them not to light up and smoke around you while you are trying to quit.

Eventually, being around the people who are smoking will get much easier.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

Smoking Withdrawal triggers:

The longer that you have smoked, the more used to getting the nicotine on a regular basis your body definitely will be. This will eventually affect the frequency and the severity of your withdrawal symptoms.

Common nicotine withdrawal triggers include:

#smelling cigarette smoke

#craving the taste or feeling of cigarettes

#handling cigarettes, #lighters, and #matches

#feeling like you need something to do with your hands

#other withdrawal symptoms

The very best way to deal with the withdrawal triggers is to actively distract yourself from the cravings.

Begin by throwing away all your cigarettes and anything that is related to smoking, like the ashtrays.

As soon as you feel the urge to suddenly smoke, just find something else to do or someone else to talk to.

If your nicotine withdrawal is always triggering some cravings that are overwhelming and you feel that you need extra help, speak to your personal doctor about your available options.

The common notes Pros and the common noted cons of quitting smoking cold turkey:

The benefits of quitting finally smoking, regardless of how ever you get to do it, are endless.

Here are some of the pros and the cons always to keep in mind when considering quitting smoking cold turkey.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

The Pros of quitting smoking cold turkey:

The intense and gripping nicotine withdrawal symptoms usually tend to rise and peak in intensity within the first 7 days of smoking cessation or abruptly quitting smoking cold turkey.

Quitting smoking cold turkey gets you over the quitting hump much faster as compared to cutting back on the nicotine gradually.

Your body will instantly begin to benefit from being nicotine-free-sooner rather than much later.

The Cons of quitting smoking cold turkey:

Your nicotine withdrawal symptoms may be much more intense than with the gradual cessation, though this is very temporary.

It is not that easy and it requires a lot of willpower, especially if you have actually smoked for a very long time.

For some other people, pairing an abrupt quit date with the NRT may greatly increase their chances of staying quit for ever.

The takeaway:

Quitting Smoking cold turkey is definitely not designed for everyone.

The strong withdrawal symptoms can be very intense, especially if you have smoked for a very long time.

But with some proper preparation and strong determination, quitting smoking Cold turkey this way means that your health begins to instantly improve much sooner rather than later.

Still, setting and marking an abrupt quit date and using the NRT may be much more beneficial.

Stopping smoking and quitting nicotine is the very best way to help keep your lungs much healthier.

But it is not only just about your lungs.

Nicotine affects every other aspect and system in your entire body.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#How To: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

Once you finally get the nicotine out of your system, you will feel much better overall and also lower your high risk for any heart related and any lung diseases as well as some other certain cancers.

What you should know about abruptly quitting smoking cold turkey:

People may find it rather very challenging to get to quit smoking, and give up on nicotine but the many faceted health benefits far outweigh the daunting discomfort of the withdrawal symptoms.

These particular symptoms include :

#trouble sleeping,



#mouth ulcers.

Quitting smoking cold turkey is just one way of stopping smoking. With this particular technique, people could just cease smoking completely without even using nicotine replacement therapies NRTs such as the patches or the gum.

Smoking can become a very demanding addiction and can cause some serious health problems. More than half of the adult cigarette smokers try to quit each and every year. However, less than 10% of them actually quit successfully in their first year.

This section explores what it really means to quit smoking cold turkey, how successful it is, and what to expect, and where to find and get help and support.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#How To: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

Definition and success rate of quitting smoking cold turkey :

A person may just quit smoking completely or by gradually reducing their use of any tobacco and the nicotine.

Over some time, they can cut down on the cigarettes or some other tobacco products.

In contrast, just quitting smoking cold turkey actually means stopping smoking all at once, abruptly rather than very gradually, and without even enlisting the help of NRTs, such as the nicotine patches.

According to the respectable Centres for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC, the success rate of actually quitting smoking cold turkey in the United States alone is actually less than 10%.

They also state that about 7.5% of the adults who attempted quitting smoking did so successfully in the year 2018.

This figure, however does not distinguish between those who actually quit smoking cold turkey and also those who used NRT.

A year 2016 study found out that quitting smoking cold turkey is much more successful than gradually cutting down on the nicotine intake.

This particular research followed up with up to 4 people at 4 weeks and at 6 months after they quit smoking.

Those who had stopped abruptly were much more successful at remaining non-smokers as compared with those who quit gradually and using NRTs.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#How To: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

The study conducted also found out that those people who preferred to quit smoking gradually were far less likely to be successful, even if they then opted to quit cold turkey. However, the people that were featured in this study were not very heavy smokers.

According to another study from the year 2017, people who smoked about 21 or more cigarettes a day are much more likely to quit easily by using NRT and by stopping gradually.

What really transpires and eventually happens when a person quits cold turkey?

A person quits cold turkey by abruptly stopping smoking immediately.

For example, some other people may decide not to buy any more cigarettes after finishing their current cigarettes pack. Upon making this final decision, they have immediately begun quitting.

When quitting smoking cold turkey, a person willingly does not introduce any more nicotine into their body and system.

Nicotine is very addictive, and once people stop using any products that contain this substance, they may enter a state of nicotine withdrawal.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#How To: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

However, by quitting smoking cold turkey, the body then expels all nicotine within a period of 48 hours.

The following listed below describes the reaped health benefits over time when giving up smoking.

Time since quitting smoking Noted Health benefits:

After 20 minutes of quitting smoking cold turkey: The Pulse gradually returns to normal.

After 8 hours of Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey: The Nicotine within the body is now reduced by up to 90%, and the carbon monoxide levels have drastically dropped.

After 24 hours of quitting smoking cold turkey:

The lungs begin vigorously clearing the tar and some other smoking debris.

After 48 hours of quitting smoking cold turkey:

The body has by now removed all the traces of nicotine, while the sense of taste and sense of smell have improved dramatically.

After 72 hours of quitting smoking cold turkey:

It becomes much easier to breathe naturally, and energy levels have subsequently increased.

After 2 to 12 weeks of quitting smoking cold turkey:

Circulation in the body improves.

1 month after quitting smoking cold turkey: The skin appears far less grey and appears more refreshed.

After 3 to 9 months after quitting smoking cold turkey:

There is by now much reduced coughing and wheezing.

After 1 year of quitting smoking cold turkey:

The risk of a heart attack at this stage drops by half.

After 10 years of quitting smoking cold turkey:

The risk of any lung cancer is now reduced by around half as compared with a person who actually smokes.

After 15 years of quitting smoking cold turkey: The risk of any heart attack is now the same as for a person who has never smoked in their life.

What to expect soon after stopping smoking cold turkey:

Since the nicotine is very addictive, most people who quit smoking tend to experience some withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms are very temporary, but they can be very uncomfortable and sometimes very severe.

However, the nicotine withdrawal does not cause any severe health issues that other addictive substances are known to trigger.

The table below lists some common nicotine withdrawal symptoms and how long that they can last.

Nicotine Withdrawal Symptom And How Long It Lasts:

#Light-headedness: Lasts less than 48 hours

#Disturbed sleep pattern or sleep apnoea:

Lasts less than 1 week

#Difficulty concentrating or lack of focus:

Lasts less than 2 weeks

#Severe Nicotine cravings

Lasts more than 2 weeks


Lasts less than 4 weeks


Lasts less than 4 weeks

#Irritability or aggression or mood swings

Lasts less than 4 weeks

#Mouth ulcers/Mouth sores

Last up to or can be much longer than 4 weeks


Lasts or can even be much longer than 4 weeks

#Unprecedented increase in appetite Lasts more than 10 weeks

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#How To: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Tips: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

Readily available online therapy can immensely help with long-term-addiction support:

Find a registered therapist nearby in a network of professionals for some assistance with your addiction recovery journey.

How to quit smoking cold turkey:

Quitting smoking cold turkey may be as very simple as instantly deciding not to consume any other cigarette or any nicotine product.

Some other people may need to plan in order to maximize their chances of any success.

The CDC suggest that the following tips should be taken note of in order to ensure the very best chance of quitting smoking:

Think about the reasons for quitting:

Be it whether it is for friends and your family, be it that it is for improved health, or for some other reasons.

Make a final decision to stop and then pick a final quit day.

Also, make a list of all the smoking triggers in order to avoid them for the first few weeks soon after quitting smoking cold turkey, if possible.

You must come up with a list of some activities to do when you start experiencing any cravings.

Share the intention of quitting smoking with some friends and family and get their support.

Coping mechanisms after quitting smoking cold turkey:

One possible way that people cope with quitting smoking cold turkey is by learning to recognize the latent triggers that make them crave and want to smoke.

They can then consciously use the coping mechanisms in order to resist these triggers.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#How To: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

There are several recognised types of triggers, each with its very own coping mechanisms.

Looking at:

#Smoking Trigger type

#How it occurs

#How to cope:

Smoking Trigger Type:

The Emotional triggers:

How The Smoking Trigger Occurs: This reminds people how it usually felt to smoke during a very good or a bad experience.

How To Cope With This Smoking Trigger: Get to talk about emotions

Take some slow, deep breaths

Do some exercises

Listen to some calming music

Smoking Trigger Type:

The Pattern triggers:

How The Smoking Trigger Occurs:

It is usually an activity that people tend to associate with smoking, such as soon after finishing a meal.

How To Cope With This Smoking Trigger:

Find an alternative replacement, such as chewing some gum

Always keep the hands very busy

Do some exercise

Opt to change your routines

Smoking Trigger Type:

The Social triggers:

How The Smoking Trigger Occurs:

By being in situations with some other people where a person might start to smoke, such as at a social event.

How To Cope With This Smoking Trigger:

Always try to avoid any social events or any people that are triggering for the first few weeks

The Smoking Trigger Type:

The Withdrawal triggers:

How The Smoking Trigger Occurs:

When the body craves nicotine.

How To Cope With This Smoking Trigger:


Keep the hands very busy

It is very possible to totally avoid some of these triggers, but some people just cannot prevent them at all.

If a person cannot avoid some certain triggers, the CDC recommend the following solutions:

#getting support from some quit groups,

#seeking experts,


#friends and family

#remembering the particular reasons for quitting

#reflecting on how much of money a person has saved so far

#staying very busy by exercising or using the hands and mouth

#going to any public place where people cannot smoke

#performing a good deed

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

How to treat the inevitable smoking withdrawal symptoms:

Most of the people who get to quit smoking cold turkey or otherwise will get to experience some certain strong withdrawal symptoms, such as having some anxiety or going through a phase of irritability.

The listed guidelines found below list some very simplified and easy to follow steps and ways of coping with and treating these strong nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Smoking Withdrawal Symptoms And How to get to cope and treat them:

The Smoking And The Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms:

The Nicotine cravings:

How To Cope And How To Treat The Symptoms Of Nicotine Cravings:

#Chew on some carrots,

#chew on some apples,


#Chew on some hard candy

Always do your best to avoid any situations where it is Very tempting to smoke

Also learn to take some deep breaths

Always keep in mind and also remember that the cravings will eventually soon pass away

The Smoking And The Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms:

#facing Irritability


Having some inexplicable aggression:

How To Cope And How To Treat The Smoking Withdrawal Symptoms:

Just remember that the feelings are only just temporary

Do some exercises

Reduce your total caffeine intake

Try some other meditation or some other new relaxation techniques

The Smoking And The Nicotine Withdrawal Symptom:

Having Some Anxiety:

How To Cope And How To Deal With The Withdrawal Symptoms:

You will Just have to remember the fact that the anxiety will soon pass away too

Do some exercises

Reduce your total caffeine intake

Try some taking up and doing meditation or some other new relaxation techniques

See a personal doctor for some recommended medication

The Smoking And The Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms:

Having some temporary depression:

How To Effectively Cope With The Symptoms:

Seek out some support from available and helpful friends and family members

Do something that is much more fun

Learn to exercise regularly

It is advisable that you also can get to speak with a smoking related personal doctor if the persistent depression seems to last for a relentless period of more than one month

The Smoking And The Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms:

An Increase in overall appetite:

How To Effectively Cope With The Symptoms:

Always maintain a very healthy, and well balanced diet

Take up some regular exercise

Consult and seek guidance from a professional nutritionist.

The Prominent Noted Pros And The Prominent Noted Cons Of Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey :

There are quite several advantages and some associated disadvantages of quitting smoking cold turkey.

The Pros

It instantly removes all nicotine from the body much sooner

A person benefits much sooner from being nicotine-free

The Cons

It may be much more difficult than using NRTs

Some alternative methods may be much more effective for some, such as the heavy smokers

The withdrawal symptoms may be much more intense

Other methods of quitting smoking:

Quitting smoking cold turkey is not the only way to quit smoking.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

There are NRTs and even some prescription medication that can help people to stop. Alternative methods for quitting smoking include such as:

The use of the nicotine patch: it is available as an-over-the-counter or OTC patch, which a person easily applies on the skin each passing day, only removing it at night or after about 24 hours. It then releases a very steady supply of nicotine during the day, while a person now gradually reduces the nicotine with some different patch strengths.

The Nicotine gum: This is available in varying strengths, and it releases some nicotine when chewed upon . People can always chew a new piece of gum every 1 to about 2 hours.

The Nicotine lozenge:

This is also available OTC in two varying strengths and it works the very same way as the nicotine gum.

The Nicotine nasal spray:

This is a prescription-only NRT for people to always inhale when they have an urge to suddenly smoke.

The Nicotine inhaler:

This also a prescription-only device which allows another way to consume the nicotine, which then enters via the the throat’s mucous membranes.

Using Bupropion:

This is a well known prescription antidepressant drug that may get to reduce any nicotine related cravings by also blocking the prominent pleasure signals that smokers derive and get to feel when they are using the tobacco.

People can even use bupropion alongside the NRTs.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

Use of Varenicline:

This particular prescription medication may immensely reduce the nicotine cravings. It prevents the nicotine from attaching to the brain receptors, thus helping make the tobacco far less satisfying.

Engaging Behavioural support: Various social groups or even friends and family members may encourage quitting smoking.

Some Alternative Methods: People may also want to try some alternative therapies, such as #hypnosis, #acupuncture, #acupressure,

#laser therapy,

and #electrostimulation, just to help reduce the nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

How to get help with quitting smoking:

There are various ways for people with which to find some support for quitting smoking.

Such Resources include:


#texting programs

#professional services

People may also wish to :

#join a research study on quitting smoking.

You can also ask a healthcare provider for much more information.

A person who wishes to quit smoking can also speak with a healthcare provider for some support and advice.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#How To: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

Summary On Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey:

Quitting smoking cold turkey can be very difficult, but the accompanying health benefits are very much worth going through the entire gamut of the withdrawal symptoms.

If a person finds that quitting cold turkey does not actually work for them, there are many other alternatives that may be very effective.

What happens after you quit smoking cold turkey?

Cigarette smoking is one of the known leading causes of preventable death in the entire United States, but quitting can be very daunting.

Many fear it will take too long a time to see some improvements in their health and well-being, but the timeline for seeing the real benefits is much faster than most people realize.

The Health benefits begin in as little as an hour after the very last cigarette and they continue to gradually improve.

Facts on quitting smoking cold turkey:

The following are some key points about quitting smoking cold turkey and smoking cessation.

Quitting smoking means actually breaking the entire cycle of the nicotine addiction and essentially rewiring the entire and complete brain in order to manage to stop craving the nicotine.

To be very successful, the smokers that want to quit need to have a good plan in place so as to beat the cravings and the triggers.

The benefits of quitting smoking begin in as little as about an hour after the very last cigarette.

The sooner a smoker gets to quit, the much faster that they will reduce their risk of developing cancer, or heart and lung disease, and any other conditions that are related to smoking.

Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey Timeline:

The benefits are almost very instant. As soon as a person stops and quits smoking their body begins to instantly recover in the following ways:

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#How To: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

After about 1 hour

In as little as 20 minutes after the very last cigarette is smoked, the heart rate begins to drop and subsequently returns to normal. Blood pressure begins to drop as well, and circulation may start to gradually improve.

After about 12 hours

Cigarettes contain quite a lot of known toxins including carbon monoxide, which is a gas that is present in cigarette smoke.

This gas can be very harmful or very fatal in some high doses and it actually prevents oxygen from entering the lungs and the blood.

When it is inhaled in very large doses in a short time, suffocation can occur from the lack of oxygen.

After just about 12 hours going without smoking a cigarette, the body then automatically cleanses itself of any excess carbon monoxide present coming from the cigarettes. The carbon monoxide level also returns to a normal level, thus increasing the body’s oxygen levels.

After just 1 day

As soon as Just 1 day after abruptly quitting smoking cold turkey, the risk of any impending smoking related heart attack begins to decrease gradually.

Smoking raises the inherent risk of developing some coronary heart disease by lowering the good cholesterol, which makes heart-healthy-exercise much harder to do.

Smoking also raises your blood pressure and it increases blood clots, ultimately increasing the risk of a stroke.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#How To: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

In as little as within 1 day after quitting smoking cold turkey, a person’s blood pressure begins to drop as well, thus decreasing the risk of any heart disease from smoking-induced-high-blood-pressure. In this very short time, a person’s oxygen levels will have also risen, making some physical activity and some exercise much easier to do, promoting heart-healthy-habits.

After 2 days of stopping smoking cold turkey:

Smoking damages the entire nerve endings that are responsible for the senses of smell and the sense of taste. In as little as just about 2 days after quitting smoking cold turkey, a person may notice a very heightened sense of smell and a much more vivid sense of taste as these nerves heal naturally.

After about 3 days after quitting smoking cold turkey:

3 days after quitting smoking cold turkey, the nicotine levels that are in a person’s body are by now completely depleted.

While it is much healthier to have no nicotine in the body, this initial level depletion can cause some nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Around 3 days after quitting smoking cold turkey, most people will begin to experience some moodiness and some irritability, also severe headaches, and even some cravings as the body naturally readjusts.

After 1 month after quitting smoking cold turkey:

In as little as just 1 month, a person’s normal lung function begins to improve. As the lungs begin to heal and the lung capacity improves, the former smokers may now notice less coughing and much less shortness of breath.

Athletic endurance also increases and the former smokers may even notice a renewed ability for cardiovascular activities, such as running and also jumping.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#How To: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

After about 1 to 3 months of stopping smoking cold turkey:

For the next several months or so after quitting smoking cold turkey, circulation continues to gradually improve.

After 9 months of quitting smoking cold turkey:

Nine months after quitting smoking cold turkey, the lungs have very significantly healed themselves completely.

The delicate, hair-like-structures that are inside the lungs known as the cilia have now recovered from the toll that the cigarette smoke took and exerted on them.

These particular Celia structures help to push the mucus out of the lungs and they also help in fighting any infections.

Around this time, many of the former smokers begin to notice a decrease in the frequency of the lung infections because the now healed cilia can do their job much more easily.

After 1 year of quitting smoking cold turkey:

One year after quitting smoking cold turkey, a person’s risk for any coronary heart disease decreases by exactly half. This particular risk will continue to drop past the 1 year mark and period.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#How To: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

After about 5 years after quitting smoking cold turkey:

Cigarettes contain many known dangerous toxins that cause the arteries and the blood vessels to narrow. These same deadly toxins also increase the likelihood of developing some blood clots.

After 5 years without smoking, the body has by now healed itself enough for the arteries and the blood vessels to begin to widen enough again. This widening means that the blood is far less likely to clot, thus lowering the risk of any stroke.

The risk of stroke will continue to gradually be reduce over the next following 10 years as the body heals much more and even more.

After 10 years of quitting smoking cold turkey:

After 10 years, a person’s chances of developing any lung cancer and of dying from it are roughly cut in half as compared with someone who continues to actively smoke.

The likelihood of developing any mouth, or throat, or pancreatic cancer has significantly been reduced.

After 15 years of quitting smoking cold turkey:

After 15 years of having quit smoking cold turkey, the likelihood of developing any coronary heart disease is now the equivalent of that of a non-smoker for life.

Similarly, the risk of developing any pancreatic cancer has been also reduced to the same level as a non-smoker for life.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#How To: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Guide: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

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#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking

After 20 years of quitting smoking cold turkey:

After 20 years, the risk of any death from smoking-related-causes, including both the lung disease and the cancer, drops to the level of a person who has never even smoked any cigarettes in their entire life.

Also, the risk of developing any pancreatic cancer has been reduced to that of someone who has never smoked for their entire life.

Benefits of Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey:

Smoking is a very harmful habit that can lead to very severe health complications and even death. When a person quits smoking, the whole body will start to naturally heal and to regain the vitality of a non-smoker over some time.

Some effects, such as having lowered blood pressure, are seen almost immediately.

Other effects, such as the risks of developing any lung cancer, or heart disease, and any lung disease, take some years to drop down to the the levels of a non-smoker.

However, each year of not smoking actually decreases the risks and gets to improve overall health, thus making quitting smoking an excellent choice for anyone who started the habit in the first place.

#Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#How To: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Guide: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

GET THE Quit Smoking ANTI TAR® 3rd Gen Cigarette and Joint Tar Filter Tips on the link below:

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#Tips: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Help: Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

#Going Cold Turkey: Quitting Smoking


All information contain in this article is for educational and informative objectives and is not meant to substitute nor dispute any professional guidance or any professional advice.