Quitting Smoking Timeline

Quitting Smoking Timeline

Quitting Smoking Timeline

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

#About:Quitting Smoking Timeline

#How: Quitting Smoking Timeline


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#Explained: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#Clarified:Quitting Smoking Timeline

#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

Stop smoking timeline explained:

Let us face it. Cigarettes do not have very much going for them at any given time.

Like a very bad toxic relationship, they can get to affect so many aspects of your everyday life and be seriously very difficult to shake off.

But they are bringing you down gradually, and a break-up is, without any doubt, the best way forward for you.

In this particular article, we will take a very good look at why you should abruptly quit smoking and also get to explore a timeline of some things to have to look forward to once you are now certified smoke-free and carbon monoxide free.

Cigarettes wreak havoc on your health well-being:

Smokers are at a very significantly increased risk of developing some heart disease, or lung disease and many other several types of cancers, as compared with those who have never smoked in their life-time.

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

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#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

Smoking is also generally associated with some fertility problems, and can easily lead to a whole host of other potentially harmful and very serious complications if you do happen to become pregnant in the process.

It does not end there either. Cigarette smoke can also get to dull your sense of taste and your sense of smell, and the effects of constantly smoking hot air can have a negative effect on your breathing and lung capacity which can make physical activity a painful strain.

While the sooner it is that you stop smoking the better, actually kicking the habit at any stage of your life will significantly cut your risk of any chronic disease, and get to help you to regain your healthy life years back.

Cigarettes can drain your bank balance:

If you so happen to smoke a pack a day and have to purchase a pack for 365 days of the entire year, then yes you are being drained financially. The entire smoking cost adds up, right?

That is a ton of money that could easily be put to some other many far better uses.

After just a few given months of quitting you could have just enough for a trip abroad or to visit relatives in another state.

A few more months and you definitely would be just one more step closer to that car upgrade that you have had your eye on.

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

#About: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#How: Quitting Smoking Timeline

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#Clarified: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

Cigarettes can affect your personal relationships:

From putting off any potential matches to having a direct effect on your libido and if it so happens that you are a man, your ability to get it up and perform in coitus, your smoking habits can very negatively impact the numerous aspects of your coveted sex life.

Without any promises, but definitely quitting smoking could be the very key to upping and bettering your life game.

But we are not only just talking about relationships of the romantic kind and type.

If you happen to hang around with some friends or any family members who have children, or who would simply rather not expose themselves to the secondary cigarette smoke, things could easily get very awkward.

Feeling very isolated is never any fun, and if the cigarettes are the culprit, your entire social life could definitely benefit from you summoning enough courage and then forever ditching them.

A Quit Smoking Timeline explained:

So the main reasons for actually quitting smoking seem pretty much very sound, but the question to ask is how long do you actually have to wait before the entire health benefits actually take effect?

Let us break down the changes over some time, so you will get to know when you are most likely to start noticing the expected results of quitting smoking or smoking cessation.

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

#About: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#How: Quitting Smoking Timeline

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#Clarified: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

20 minutes Quitting Smoking Timeline : Your pulse rate will begin to return to normal:

8 hours Quitting Smoking Timeline : Your oxygen levels will begin to return to normal level, whilst the nicotine and the carbon monoxide levels in your blood decrease by well over 50%.

48 hours Quitting Smoking Timeline :

You should by now start to notice an encouraging and improved sense of taste and and of smell. As the nicotine levels become depleted, the side accompanying effects of nicotine withdrawal such as having anxiety and some irritability might even start to creep in just do not worry! There are tips to help you with that matter.

72 hours Quitting Smoking Timeline :

Your lungs now begin to get to relax and your breathing should be much easier. Nicotine is now completely eliminated from the entire body and as a result the nicotine withdrawal symptoms will have reached their penultimate peak.

5 to 10 days Quitting Smoking Timeline :

The average smoker will by now begin to notice a vast reduction in the number of the nicotine cravings that are experienced in a day just hold on you are actually getting there.

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

#About: Quitting Smoking Timeline

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#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

2 to 12 weeks Quitting Smoking Timeline :

Your entire circulation starts to positively improve. You may also notice that some physical activity now becomes a lot much easier. You will be free of the complete addiction and any emerging psychological effects of the withdrawal should have ended by now .

3 to 9 months Quitting Smoking Timeline :

Lung function now begins to improve very markedly. Coughing and wheezing now becomes far less frequent and the risk of any respiratory infections begins to diminish and to decrease.

1 year Quitting Smoking Timeline :

Your risk of any heart disease here actually decreases by around 50%.

5 years Quitting Smoking Timeline :

Your risk of any stroke is now significantly reduced, as your blood vessels now begin to widen again, thus making the blood clots much less likely.

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

#About: Quitting Smoking Timeline

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#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

10 years Quitting Smoking Timeline :

Your lung cancer imminent risk due to smoking is now reduced by around 50%, whilst the chance that you will develop any cancers of the mouth, or the oesophagus, even the throat and the pancreas is also far less likely.

15 years Quitting Smoking Timeline :

Your risk of developing any heart disease is now the same as that of a certified non-smoker.

20 years Quitting Smoking Timeline :

The likelihood that you will now develop pancreatic cancer is now equivalent to that of someone else who has never smoked in their entire life.

In the females, the risk of actually dying from all smoking-related-causes is also now the same as that of a non-smoker for life.

What is the very best way to go about quitting smoking?

There actually are several methods of quitting smoking or smoking cessation, but not all of them are equally as effective.

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

#About: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#How: Quitting Smoking Timeline

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#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

It is very important to remember that smoking is entirely an addiction, and the causes or the reasons for sustaining the habit may be far deep-rooted. That means that any other intervention aimed at directly tackling your nicotine addiction will need to also focus on both the hidden physiological and the apparent psychological aspects of your smoking.

So whilst going the cold-turkey route may seem like the most quickest and the easiest option, research often suggests that for most people, it is most unlikely to be very effective in the long term.

Unlike the cold-turkey strategy, which entirely relies on the willpower and sheer determination alone, some methods that utilise the cognitive behavioural therapy or CBT tend to yield far more promising results.

That is because they directly address the root underlying triggers of the smoking, and they promote some positive behaviour change by also providing some practical and very realistic solutions to the nicotine cravings.

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

#About: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#How: Quitting Smoking Timeline

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#Explained: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#Clarified: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

Do not rule out the nicotine replacement therapy or NRT either. The Quit smoking aids such as nicotine gums and the patches can be extremely useful in vigorously helping you to reach your smoking cessation goals, as by delivering very small amounts of the nicotine they will help to reduce the withdrawal symptoms, thus making it very much less likely that you will relapse.

Plan your quitting journey very carefully and you will see some satisfactory results.

No one is saying or insinuating that it is going to be any easy because as with any addiction, there is going to be a whole lot of some serious adapting to get used to in the long run.

But if you get to combine careful planning with an evidence-based-quitting-method, you will benefit from the ensuing results, in as little as a few hours.

By diligently breaking down all your desired quit-smoking goals into very minute and manageable milestones, you will easily gain some much needed control over your nicotine addiction, and as a result, you will be far much more very likely to remain nicotine-and-smoke-free.

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

#About: Quitting Smoking Timeline

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#Explained: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#Clarified: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

To keep you totally motivated, you can also personally keep track of your ensuing gains in real time with the some app. During each step of the way, you will be able to view the progress that you have made, from some health improvements, to the total money saved and the number of life years gained.

So try not to put off quitting smoking any longer there is absolutely no better time at which to end it and all the support that you need is available.

What Happens When You Quit Smoking?

What Happens When You Quit Smoking and vaping?

For starters still maintaining the Quitting Smoking Timeline We Will Look At:

#Potential Withdrawal Symptoms


#Benefits of Quitting Smoking

There is no denying that quitting smoking can be very much a mentally and physically draining and challenging process but there is also no denying the fact that it is one of the best very possible things that you can do for your personal health and the health of those who are around you.

In this last section, we will give an overview of what you can get to expect after you stub out your very last cigarette, including all the withdrawal symptoms that you may get to experience and the accompanying changes that you can actually expect from your body.

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

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#Explained: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#Clarified: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

It remains very important to be thoroughly prepared for what is to come if you want to successfully quit smoking, so we will also provide an explained timeline of what your entire body will experience in the very minutes, the days, the weeks, the months, and even the years after quitting smoking.

Finally, we will share a list of some of the expected benefits of quitting smoking.

Saying a sombre goodbye to the cigarettes can quite literally add some years to your life, so take just some time to get to learn how you can easily take your health into your very own hands and become the best, smoke-free-version of yourself.

It is never too late, and you too deserve it.

Quitting Smoking Timeline:

Potential Noted Withdrawal Symptoms:

Nicotine is an addictive toxic substance that is found in all tobacco products, and when you smoke very regularly, your entire body becomes physically and also psychologically dependent on it.

In fact, about 80 to 90% of the people who smoke are actually addicted to the nicotine.

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

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#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

If you are one of them, then quitting smoking can be rather an uncomfortable process as the nicotine finally leaves your body and you go through some symptoms of withdrawal.

Though this is far from being fun, it is easily survivable.

In order to help prepare for the impending withdrawal process and increase the given chances that you do not get to relapse when the going gets very much tough, it can immensely help to get to know what you may experience.

The seven more primary symptoms that are associated with nicotine withdrawal include:




# frustration


#Depressed mood

#Difficulty concentrating

#Increased appetite



Some other symptoms can include:

# constipation, #dizziness, #nightmares,

# nausea,


#sore throat.

Can quitting smoking cause some weight gain?

Gaining weight after you quit smoking is very common and always comes to the fore.

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

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#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

This is so, because smoking actually suppresses your entire appetite and may even increase your metabolism, thus leading to the smokers to consume far less and also burn much calories far quicker when they eat.

When you then stop smoking, weight gain may tend to happen because you now begin eating more due to an increased appetite and because now food even tastes much better as all your senses of smell and also taste become much more heightened.

You may even also begin habitually snacking more as a substitute for smoking.

And at the very same time as you are consuming these now added calories, your metabolism gradually decreases, meaning that you now burn calories much slower.

But this should not stop you from quitting smoking.

Just because weight gain is very common does not mean it is unavoidable.

There are quite plenty of other ways with which to get to monitor your eating and your exercise in order to help maintain your weight after quitting smoking.

Meeting with a registered dietician can also turn out to be very much helpful.

Timeline: Quitting Smoking Timeline:

Your body actually reacts almost immediately after you have had your very last cigarette.

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

#About: Quitting Smoking Timeline

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#Clarified: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

From there, the more time that you go without lighting up, the far greater the health benefits to follow.

And all of the health improvements will help lead to a much more fulfilling life since you will be feeling much better overall.

Minutes after your very last cigarette: Quitting Smoking Timeline:

Positive changes begin just a few minutes after you have put out your last cigarette.

Within about 20 minutes, your heart rate and the blood pressure also drop, and the temperature of your extremities like your hands and your feet also increases.

About 24 hours after your last cigarette: Quitting Smoking Timeline:

Once you have successfully hit the one-day-mark, nicotine levels in your blood also drop to zero.

Your chance of any heart attack also decreases, as your blood veins and your arteries now open up much more, thus allowing much more oxygen to the heart.

About 48 hours after your last cigarette: Quitting Smoking Timeline:

After about two days, all your nerve endings begin to get used to the absence of the nicotine and the previously damaged nerve endings now start repairing themselves.

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

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#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

Because of this, you may then start noticing that some of your senses, like the taste and the smell, now become much heightened.

About 72 hours after your last cigarette; Quitting Smoking Timeline:

After a just a few days, the carbon monoxide levels in your blood stream now begin to drop to the levels of someone who actually does not smoke.

Your bronchial tubes that is the airways in the lungs also begin to relax, and opening up much more. This makes breathing feel much easier.

One month after your last cigarette: Quitting Smoking Timeline:

After about a month after quitting smoking, the chances are that you will feel generally much better, as symptoms of smoking like the: #sinus congestion, #some fatigue, #coughing,


#shortness of breath all begin to go away.

Your circulation improves for the better, thus further decreasing the risk of any heart attack, and you may even find that you have much more energy and can now easily tolerate physical activity much better.

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

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#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

You are also becoming far less prone to any lung infection at this point, as the hair-like-structures in your lungs that are called cilia now begin to regain their regular function, so therefore allowing them to move the mucus out of the lungs and to clean them.

Three months after your very last cigarette: Quitting Smoking Timeline:

At the three-month-milestone, a woman’s fertility rate improves.

Researchers have found out that the positive effects of quitting smoking can actually be seen in a woman’s ovaries or eggs.

Six months after your last cigarette: Quitting Smoking Timeline:

Once you have managed to go half a year being totally smoke free, you will now even breathe much easier and will no longer have to cough up as much mucus and cough up any phlegm, as the rejuvenated cilia continue to do their specific job.

One year after your last cigarette: Quitting Smoking Timeline:

On your smoke-free-anniversary, you will be able to celebrate the fact that your risk of any heart disease is about half of that of any smoker’s.

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

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#Clarified: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

Five years after your last cigarette: Quitting Smoking Timeline:

After about five years, your total risk of suffering a stroke decreases very significantly.

Your risks of developing any cancers of the mouth, or the throat, and the larynx which is the voice box are also cut in half.

10 years after your last cigarette: Quitting Smoking Timeline:

A decade without smoking definitely cuts your risk of any lung cancer in half.

15 years after your last cigarette: Quitting Smoking Timeline:

After 15 years smoke-free, your risk of any heart disease officially reaches the very same level as those who have never smoked before.

Benefits of Quitting Smoking :Quitting Smoking Timeline:

As seen above, the moment that you put out your very last cigarette, your entire body immediately begins a series of some positive changes that can continue for many decades.

This is very true no matter your age or no matter how long that you have been smoking for.

Some Specific health benefits of quitting smoking can include, but are just not limited to:

#10 years added to your lifespan

Quitting Smoking Timeline

#Reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD.

#Reduced risk of reproductive issues in women and men, #benefiting foetuses and babies

#Reduced chance of impotence and miscarriage

#Improved lung function and easier breathing

#Reduced risk of ulcers, gum disease, and yellow teeth

#Reduced development of subclinical atherosclerosis which is the build-up of plaque on the artery walls, which can lead to some heart problems.

#Reduced risk of stroke

#Reduced risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm that is when part of the aorta swells.

#Reduced respiratory infections like bronchitis and pneumonia

#Reduced risk of developing 12 different types of cancer

#Money saved

#Protecting bystanders from the health risks of inhaling second-hand smoke

On the overall, quitting smoking is not easy but it is very possible, and, as you can see, it is 100% worth it.

#Quitting Smoking Timeline

#About: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#How: Quitting Smoking Timeline

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#Clarified: Quitting Smoking Timeline

#What is: Quitting Smoking Timeline

What is the best way to get started? Check in with your personal doctor.


All the information presented in this article is purely for informative purposes as such should not be viewed as a substitute for professional opinion. User discretion is advised.