How to learn free reiki online

Receive free reiki attunement to 3 new healing modalities in reiki system. The transmissions are in video format.

Guardian Dragon Reiki for protection

Guardian Dragon Reiki for protection was channeled for the sole purpose to assist the large masses taking their ascension at this time. At current times the ascension speed is much quicker than it was few decades back. Before, one realizes to be the Creator force, there is a lots of decluttering and unlearning that goes for years. A huge amount of negative emotions, experinces, karma and stored conciousness is cleansed during the process.

Its normal to experience lots of attacks, criticism, negativity from others on all levels. This happens for the only reason as your own deep programs surface and leaves a last experience of it. Awakening in itself is by far a painful process only due to the amount of negativity we hold inside. It takes years after years for the complete clearing.

Most spirituals know that as energies shift deeper density will surface. But at times the outer attacks, problems in life and relationships and negative spiritual experince may be overwhelming for the person to realize this was always at his power to uncreate and reprogram. This is the stage most people get stuck in. Excessive ascension symptoms, fight with family and partner, social criticism and attack, negative energy experiences and loss of control of life. All this stuff may seem out of control but is only due to speed up in stored informations.

The mind at this level is powerful enough to hold on to a certain experience or reality and further deepen that experience emotionally, mentally and ultimately manifest in life. This is where Your Guardian Dragon holds you protected and grounded. Allowing only healthy programs to manifest and release anything misaligned.

The protection system covers all planes and dimensions to keep you at a stance of bliss, awareness and self power. This Universal force is powerfully protective and wise to keep you aligned in each moment to your path of awakening and realizations. As the internal programs get balanced, the life experiences shift into more ease and harmony.

The protection system watches over all the time and gets activated any moment there is some upcoming misalignment. The Universal force of this system will continue to be with you as long as you reach awakening and realize that You are Your own Guardian Dragon.

How to receive this Free reiki attunement through this short video?

These short videos are energy healing sessions created with Sacred geometries and Quantum codes which activates for anyone watching this video. Quantum codes are designs, geometries, numbers or words that could hold huge amount of Quantum information for the sessions. People also call them Light codes, channeled words or Light Language.

free reiki attunement

Golden Age Reiki for Enlightenment

Golden Age Reiki Attunement was introduced to activate self healing at a deeper level with the energy of Oneness. This energy activates as you visualize Golden light shining on your body and flowing with your palms. The energy clears and dissolves the blocked states of self realizations. With practice the layers of awareness will begin to unravel as the you become more attuned with self.

Free Reiki Attunement

Free Reiki Attunement to New Healing Modalities

For example, you are facing problems in relationship, job or health but you are not aware that it's your own choices that creates this reality. Call Golden Age reiki, imagine it flowing to the issue. and in minutes, you become deeply aware of your choice, experience and memory that is holding you at the current position. Once you become aware during healing, it shifts spontaneously. For deeper issues, there may be multiple layers of negative programs, so it may bring up multiple things one by one or all of them together during meditation or sleep.

Rainbow Colors Reiki Master Attunement for Color Therapy Healing

Free reiki attunement to Rainbow Colors Reiki master attunement where you will be attuned to the 7 colors or rainbow also named the Planetary rays.

After attunement start the 21 days reiki healing meditation on the seven colors of rainbow. 1-2 minutes for each color and then 5 mins for all 7 colors. Healing qualities of colors:

  1. Rainbow- Joy and Celebration emotions

  2. Red- Groundedness, focus, abundance

  3. Orange- sexuality, passion, creativity

  4. Yellow- confidence, digestion

  5. Green- Most important Healing color, Harmony

  6. Blue- Purity, communication

  7. Indigo- thought, intuition, imaginations

  8. Violet- Aawakening, Transformation

Violet Flame reiki attunement

Free reiki attunement to Violet Flame reiki attunement is a powerful energy healing system channeled by Ascended Master Saint Germain for the upliftment and healing of entire conciousness. In this Vioolet flame Reiki attunement you will be attuned to this energy system at reiki master level to heal self and also attune others.

Violet flames reiki is very effective in clearing negative energy and its effects. If you are stuck in negative feelings and circumstances then practicing violet flame healing meditation will help you to clear and become free. This system is also effective in healing and clearing aura, seven chakras and body. You can use it in touch healing or just by visualizing violet color flames burning and covering your body.

This energy is also very effective in healing karma and karma from family. Very effective in energy protection and raising the vibrations.

free reiki attunement

Violet Flame Reiki Attuenement

When and how to use?

Violet flame invocation is as easy as saying "please activate violet flames" or Visualize violet fire. Violet flame meditation will also speed up the purification process for ascension. May be you went somewhere, visited somebody or just watching a movie and you get spooked, feeling down, feeling yucky or any kind of unhealthy state that was not there in first place. Then imaging and call "activate violet flames".and cover yourself and everything around visualizing in violet fire.

Violet flame purification is good for working with past trauma, bad memories, negative emotions, fear and anxiety: lie down. think of the situation that triggers this emotions. and then activate violet flames. for a minute or two as long the state gets relieved.

Violet flames for Negative Relationships: visualize the person and your space between both in violet fire.

Healing with violet flames for Karma, family karma or past life karma: Purify the chakra under your feet for karma. visualize your ancestors and send violet flames healing to them. With intention send violet flames to past lives and purify the body and chakras.

Violet flame invocation Negative energy clearing: If you are in a house or place where you feel lots of negative energy, feelings, dreams or memories cleanse your space by calling, "violet flame space purification". Violet flames can clear and release any type or level of negativity.

How to receive Violet flame attunement through this short video?

These short videos are energy healing sessions created with Sacred geometries and Quantum codes which activates for anyone watching this video. Play the video session and stay receptive for 20-30 minutes.

Practice violet flame meditation after this attunement. Be in a calm place, close eyes and activate violet flame decrees with Violet flame visualization.

Violet flame meditation St Germain : The master of this system is Saint Germain, you will also be able to receive purification by directly calling his name in meditation and receiving the session.

If you wish to Attune others to Violet flame reiki system, please share this video link.

If you are a practitioner teacher then attune by visualizing violet flame download into the body of the client and say, " I attune (name) to violet flame healing".

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