How to heal after Narcissistic Abuse

Yes, it is possible to heal from narcissistic abuse and release the emotional dilemma and suffering. A series of sleep healing meditation to heal and release effects of narcissistic abuse. All you have to do is, play the meditation for narcissistic abuse and relax / sleep.

What is narcissistic abuse

Narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder is a complex behavioral archetype and not easily identifiable with behavioral traits. Much more complex than NPD personality is the trauma caused by narcissistic abuse. It leaves the person totally confused and makes the person lose connection with the entire reality of self. This happens because there is continued manipulation and abuse at mental and emotional level. The narcissistic abuse is generally subtle in the beginning and the victim slowly loses to the damage caused. The emotional damage is sometimes irreparable without receiving professional help and this may cause further attachment and involvement with a narcissist.

There is neither proper definition of narcissism nor a clear list of identifiable traits that may help in identifying narcissists or toxic people. The few narcissistic traits listed or known are basic behaviors that could be found in everyone, but a narcissist is over involved in such behaviors and self centered patterns. The identification of such a person takes time and by then the damage or cycle of abuse has already began. The only clear identification of a toxic person is your gut feeling and emotional response in first few interactions. If it feels confusing, irritating or draining after interaction then it means the person has triggered your emotional signals. This may happen by coincidence or your own mistake, but if it happens more than 2-3 times, then it’s a clear direction that the person does it purposefully. A red flag signal. A red flag doesn’t mean you hate the person, but it means draw fair and healthy boundaries. It’s not yet time to tag someone as narcissist.

Another danger about a typical narcissist is, you will never be able to prove it in public. The person always gets through a close save, and it is always you ending up as the one feeling guilty or confused. A narcissist has only one or maximum two focused victims and to the rest of the world the person presents the best version of self. Also a narcissist will never show the dark treatment towards you in front of other people. You will never get a chance to express that dark lingering feeling this person has created in your life. Also, you will never get chance to complain or fight back. Narcissist has already collected all points of information against you to use when you rebel. These pieces of information could be anything like your emotional attachments, your weaknesses or your memories (good or bad). Its used to manipulate the flow of your emotion and cause dilemma enough to set you back in control.

While it seems other way, a narcissistic personality is totally fragile and weak on the inside and someway dependent on the victim. It’s the drama that feeds the distorted subconscious of a narcissist. It is always better not to get further involved or identify someone is narcissistic personality disordered. Just step back and move on. It is not worth trying to fix a narcissistic relationship or association.

A victim of long term narcissistic abuse shows signs of deep emotional and metal damage. There are enough signs that the person has gone through long term trauma. Some signs could be sleep issues, emotional problems, depressions, confusions, inability to express, fear and phobia, excess stress, panic, OCD, and other mental problems listed in narcissistic abuse syndrome. The only solution is getting the person away from the victimizer. Then a proper therapy could be applied to fully recover and restore healthy life.

Heal from narcissistic abuse - sleep meditation helps through all the experiences and suffering caused with narcissistic abuse. The session has multiple elements to help in the healing and recovery. People who went through few decades of abuse in narcissistic relationships worked with these sessions and found some astounding shifts. It took a few days of emotional release and self realizations before the person totally shifted into emotional freedom. And all it took was one session just before sleep.

There are multiple sessions in this list and a victim after healing through the abuse experience must also work with some core patterns that make a person perfect to be victimized. There are also other sessions that cover all this behavioral problems caused by long term cycle of abuse. Meditate with all of them. One session at a time, before sleep and then keep a gap of 3-5 days before taking another session.

How to Heal from Narcissistic Abuse

If you lived in close association with a narcissist, a psychopath, a sociopath or borderline personality and experienced abuse or manipulation causing emotional problems then this session is for you. It helps in recovery from narcissistic abuse trauma by releasing all emotional and mental pain. A total recovery from narcissistic relationship needs certain steps to be taken by the person. The first step is removing toxic people from your life and some people you should avoid getting involved with. This meditation will do the rest needed to relieve and release all the stuck negative emotions and energy. This is a play and sleep meditation and best used just before sleep.

Sleep Meditation to heal from Narcissistic Abuse:

Narcissistic Abuse Victim Patterns

There are certain reasons a narcissist or toxic person is attracted to you. Certain behaviors and patterns are key points that attracts such people and relationships. Most times a narcissist subconsciously checks with people and decides the right person to target. A victim is a long term game for such a person and decided after many trials and evaluation. This is the trigger and watch period where the behavior and patterns begin to fit in the cycle of narcissistic abuse and manipulation. It is impossible to victimize a person who does not fall in this cycle. A narcissist generally keeps healthy distance from other people who does get affected by the initial test phase. All this happens at a subconscious level and no one is aware of it. Like falling in Love, the victim is getting involved in a game that will continue for years.

Most victims attract abuser and victimizer in other places too. There is a reason for that. The behaviors and patterns that make one the perfect fit as a victim. This healing session will assist in surfacing all such patterns. Also this clears all narcissistic abuse victim syndrome.

Heal from Narcissistic Abuse Victim Patterns:

Healing from Narcissistic Parental Abuse

Children raised by narcissistic parents goes through this complex situation for their entire life. Scars of parental abuse and manipulation affects every aspect of life. Narcissistic parents treat their children on very different emotional level than healthy parents. It may seem to be good or bad treatment but in the long term it is damaging to the emotional and mental development of children. Being tested and manipulated from a young age some children learns to handle it while most end up with self image and behavioral issues. The children over time develops the same patterns as their narcissistic parents and may play the role as a victim or victimizer in the later phase of life.

The best way to heal from childhood narcissistic abuse is clearing all toxic emotions and begin the process of learning from emotional response. It will take time and self evaluation before all the stuff clears off. This healing meditation will help in surfacing and healing all the deep scars and imprints of childhood abuse.

Heal and Release Toxic Emotions

This meditation helps in healing toxic emotions, shame, guilt, emotional rejection and lot other painful states. It cleanses all held and unexpressed emotions and releases the emotional pressure. Quantum codes healing meditations have access to all layers of consciousness and creates powerful healing shifts in one session. Play and sleep meditation best used just before sleep.

Some Major Queries about Narcissism and Narcissist

  1. Can a narcissist change? - Yes but not to the benefit of the victim

  2. How do you deal with a narcissistic mother?- Heal yourself and emotions

  3. What a narcissist does at the end of a relationship? Check for relationship tips.

  4. Can a narcissist love? - Yes. The current definition of love is narcissistically distorted.

  5. Do narcissists know they are narcissists?- if you know you are a victim!

  6. how to talk to a narcissist? - Do not talk, run! Talk only when needed and know healthy boundaries. Make it easy on yourself.

  7. How to stop being a narcissist ? - Emotional work shared in next post. Check Quantum Healing for narcissism video.

  8. do narcissists feel guilt? - Yes but hidden with busy mind.

  9. how to leave a narcissist? - heal your emotions.

  10. what hurts narcissist most? - Not receiving attention.

  11. How to handle narcissistic friends?- Healthy boundaries and check with self emotional response.

  12. how to manipulate a narcissist?- Never try

  13. how to get over a narcissist? - Sense of self and Inner value

  14. How to heal a narcissist heal / change? - Check the section on Personality for NPD.