Poster Sessions

Posters can be displayed throughout the conference. There will also be two dedicated times for poster discussions:

14:45 - 16:00 Friday 5th January

12:45 - 14:00 Saturday 6th January

Poster numbers, lead authors and titles are provided below. A full programme book is also available, containing all abstracts.

# Lead author Title

01 Hughes, A.L.C. DATED-2: An updated ice-extent chronology for the Eurasian ice sheet complex, 40-10 ka

02 Cooper, E-L. A punctuated net retreat of northeast Patagonian glaciers (~44°S — 45°S) preceded the onset of the last termination: an interplay between climatic and non-climatic drivers?

03 Thomas, O.G. From summits to cirques: Deciphering the nature and rate of ice loss from the last Welsh Ice Cap

04 Curry, A.M. Schmidt hammer exposure dating (SHD) the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition in Wester Ross, Scotland

05 Spano, T.M.C. Reconstructing sediment transport histories using multiple elevated temperature infrared-stimulated luminescence

06 Stone, A. Dating Hominin Occupation of the Northern Sand Sea, Namibia

07 Herer, N. New perspectives for routine gas ion source accelerator mass spectrometry at the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit

08 Gonzalez Rodriguez, C. Radiocarbon Dating and Landscape Study of Chullpas in Lauca, Bolivian Highlands (18°S)

09 Beckett, A. Establishing the spatio-temporal pattern of deglaciation and abrupt climatic change: revisiting Whitrig Bog, Scotland

10 Carter-Champion A. A Holocene tephrostratigraphy of the continuously varved Arctic lake Nautajärvi, Finland

11 Deng, Y.N. A (tephro-)palaeoecological study investigating the impacts of multiple tephra depositions on a lacustrine ecosystem in Northeast China, using diatoms as environmental indicators

12 Noble, J.M. Novel tephra layers identified in the Scotia Sea marine record: new results from International Ocean Discovery Programme Expedition 382

13 Hunt, M.D. Holocene Oceanographic Change in Northwest Greenland

14 Jenkins, H. Controls on late Holocene and 20th century ice shelf dynamics in northeast Greenland

15 Sharrocks, P.D. Evaluating the impact of the Storegga tsunami on Mesolithic communities in Northumberland

16 Fenn, K. Impact of analytical approaches on elemental composition of aeolian sediments and their effect on weathering and provenance

17 Walton, S. Multi-proxy paleolimnological reconstruction of late-Holocene climate and environmental change in southeast Iceland

18 Howell, L. High resolution annually laminated record from the Irish midlands: Evidence of RCEs?

19 Ryan, P.A. Atmospheric microplastic pollution recorded in ombrotrophic peats: data from upland and lowland sites in north-west England, UK

20 Dill-Russell, J. Multi-Proxy investigation of the impact of a drier climate and human impact on peatland system responses at Sluggan Moss a raised bog in County Antrim, Northern Ireland

21 Roucoux, K.H. Tropical wetlands: landscapes of change

22 Adamson, K. Reconstructing Holocene palaeoenvironmental conditions in the Egyptian Nile Valley using soil rhizoliths

23 Butcher, F.E.G. The importance of Quaternary science in a new era of Mars exploration

24 Fish, P. Applied Quaternary Geoscience – why QRA members need ‘civil engineering’

25 Steyne, H. Submerged Quaternary Landscape Research and Indigenous Ontologies: Challenges and Opportunities in Australia

26 Gauld, J. Palaeoecology and Peatland Restoration: Understanding The Practitioners’ Perspective

27 Jones, S.E. Soft-sediment elongate bedforms: evidence of iceberg keel ploughmarks in Earth's ancient glacial record

28 Linch, L.D. The micromorphology of iceberg-keel scoured diamictons from the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas: An approach to improving reconstructions of West Antarctic Ice Sheet extent

29 Butcher, F.E.G. The flow pattern evolution of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet, reconstructed from high-resolution mapping of subglacial bedforms

30 Boyes, B.M. Deglaciation pattern map of the last Scandinavian Ice Sheet

31 Pattison, L.A. Ice-marginal dynamics of plateau icefields in response to climate change

32 Clark, A.M. New high-resolution geomorphological mapping reveals complexity in the deglaciation of northeast Ireland

33 Delaney, C.A. Ramparted Ground Ice Depressions in Great Britain and Ireland – new evidence from airborne LiDAR DEMs

34 Geldard, J.A.S. Mapping glacial bedforms in Scotland: The importance of resolution

35 Faulkner, T. Sea level rise will be faster than present predictions

36 Phillips, E. Modelling of microfabric development during soft-sediment deformation using ring shear experiments

37 Phillips, E. Soft-sediment deformation and glacitectonite formation during the deglaciation of the Allt Cuaich catchment, Grampian Highlands, Scotland

38 Phillips, E. Mass flow and hydrofracturing during Late Devensian moraine emplacement, NE Scotland

39 Phillips, E. Periglacially altered chalk bedrock and its impacts upon subsequent glacial processes: an example from the North Norfolk coast, UK

40 Davis, J.A. Quaternary 'Drift Filled Hollows' in central London. Changing timescales and links to deeper geological structures

41 Boyes, B.M. Distribution and age of periglacial ramparted depressions in East Anglia, United Kingdom

42 Archer, R.E. A statistically rigorous comparison of observed and modelled flow directions of the last British-Irish ice sheet

43 Braithwaite, R. Is increased melting of mountain glaciers an Anthropocene event?

44 Hann, M.G. Catastrophic debris flows from the last two glacial cycles in the High Atlas of Morocco