The project Public Library Services for Immigrants and Refugees (PASSAGE) investigates the evolving role of public libraries in serving immigrant and refugee communities. Recent studies indicate an uptick in library services and programs tailored to these groups. Public libraries serve as inclusive meeting spaces, offering social events and language programs for networking and practice, as well as more traditional services such as book lending and Internet access. Additionally, they support various literacies and collaborate with local institutions and NGOs, providing unconventional services such as transportation, aid distribution, and temporary shelter. However, evidence on these roles remains fragmented, highlighting the need for a comprehensive understanding of libraries' community responses globally. The project aims to map library services and programs across different contexts to gain deeper insights into library practices in this area.

Project Duration: January 2024 - January 2026

Project Members

Project Leaders:

Mia Høj Mathiasson

Mahmood Khosrowjerdi

Project Members:

Eeva-Liisa Eskola

Sunniva Evjen

Sanjica Faletar

Ida Grönroos

Jamie Johnston

Ágústa Pálsdóttir

Hilda Ruokolainen 

Kerstin Rydbeck

Roswitha Skare

Máté Tóth

Andreas Vårheim

Ulla Wimmer

Project Outputs

Watch this space!