The LIBPOLICY project examines the policies and regulations guiding library actions in PubLIB member countries, focusing on the integration of public libraries into strategies concerning migrants and refugees. Additional in-depth investigations identify and map policies pertinent to library literacy and reading initiatives targeted at immigrants, as well as sustainability goals relevant to library services for immigrants and refugees. This mapping of relevant policy, strategy, and legal frameworks aims to inform library leaders and policymakers on how libraries can support national, regional, and local objectives.

Project Duration: June 2024 - June 2026

Project Members

Project Leader:

Andreas Vårheim

Associate Leads:

Henrik Jochumsen

Kerstin Rydbeck

Project Members:

Jamie Johnston

Małgorzata Kisilowska-Szurmińska

Mia Høj Mathiasson

Anna Mierzecka

Ágústa Pálsdóttir

Roswitha Skare

Project Outputs

Watch this space!