

LIS 9375L-650: Special Topic: Public Library Services for Newcomers and Immigrants, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University, Canada 

Course Description An overview of library services including settlement services for immigrants. Students examine and design culturally and linguistically appropriate collection and services for immigrants with diverse sociocultural backgrounds. Public library services in developed and developing countries are critically examined. The information practices and public library usage of newcomers and long-term immigrants are explored.

Contact: Nafiz Shuva (Nafiz.Shuva@qc.cuny.edu) for more information

Taught in: Jan.-Apr. 2018 (face-to-face); May 2019-Dec. 2019 (face-to-face); May 2020-Dec. 2020 (online); Sept. 2021-Dec. 2021.


Title: LAM Social Sustainability, Community and Participation

This lecture presents a theoretical examination of the diverse roles of libraries, archives, and museums in promoting social sustainability, community engagement, and participation within multicultural societies. It offers critical insights into the LAM's potential for shaping our collective cultural heritage and societal fabric.

Contact: Jamie Johnston (jamijo@oslomet.no) for more information.

Delivery: This lecture is available online, in-person, and via video (available in multiple languages).

Title: Public Library Services for Ukrainian Refugees in Hungary and Poland

This lecture delves into public libraries' responses to Ukrainian refugees in Hungary and Poland post-2022 Russia-Ukraine war. It investigates library strategies, programs, and partnerships, analyzing implications for staff and management. Employing a mixed-method approach, it examines 2018 questionnaire data and staff interviews, revealing a three-phase approach by libraries: immediate assistance, settlement support, and integration services. Varied library services and refugee demographics between Hungary and Poland are highlighted, offering insights into distinct challenges. Despite sample size limitations, the study emphasizes public libraries' central role in community response, driven by inclusivity and engagement principles.

Contact: Jamie Johnston (jamijo@oslomet.no) for more information.

Delivery: This lecture is available online, in-person, and via video (available in multiple languages).