
Our Research Focus

Our research aims to advance public library services for refugees and immigrants by comprehensively understanding libraries' roles, assessing the impact of integration activities on staff, and gathering immigrants' perspectives to enhance library relevance and improve services. Below you will find information about our various projects and dissimination activities: 


Faletar, I.; S. Faletar Tanacković; D. Lacović. Multikulturalne usluge hrvatskih narodnih knjižnica. // Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske. 55, 3/4 (2012), str. 153-188.

Faletar Tanackovic, S.; D. Lacovic; S. Stanarevic. Public libraries and linguistic diversity: small scale study on Slovak ethnic minority in eastern Croatia. // Libri. 62, 1 (2012), str. 52-66.

Faletar Tanacković, S.; D. Lacović; S. Stanarević. Multikulturalne knjižnične usluge: istraživanje informacijskih potreba i ponašanja pripadnika jezičnih manjina u Osječko-baranjskoj županiji. // Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske. 54, 4 (2011), str. 49-94.

Faletar Tanacković, S.; D. Lacović ; S. Stanarević. Hrvatske narodne knjižnice u multikulturalnom okruženju: informacijske potrebe i ponašanje pripadnika srpske jezične manjine u Osječko-baranjskoj županiji. // Bibliotekar. 53, 1-2 (2011), str. 9-34.

Faletar Tanackovic, S.; D. Lacovic; S. Stanarevic. Small scale study on linguistic diversity and public libraries in Croatia. // New Library World. 112, 11/12 (2011), str. 513-531.

Igarashi, Tomoya, Koizumi, Masanori and Johnston, Jamie. "Public Library Programming and Events for Overcoming Social Divisions" Libri, vol. 73, no. 4, 2023, pp. 345-354.

Igarashi, T., Koizumi, M. and Widdersheim, M.M. (2023), "Overcoming social divisions with the public library", Journal of Documentation, Vol. 79 No. 1, pp. 52-65.

Ihejirika, Kingsley T. & Maja Krtalic. 2022. "Moving with the media: An exploration of how migrant communities in New Zealand use social media". Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Vol 53, No 1,

Jochumsen, H., Johnston, J. and Vårheim, A. (2023) “LAM Challenges in the 21st Century: Pursuing Sustainable Futures”, in Libraries, Archives and Museums in Transition: Changes, Challenges and Convergence in a Scandinavian Perspective, edited by Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen, Kerstin Rydbeck and Håkon Larsen. London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Johnston, J. (2019). Friendship potential: Conversation-based programming and immigrant integration. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 51(3), 670–688.

Johnston, J. (2018). The use of conversation-based programming in public libraries to support integration in increasingly multiethnic societies. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 50(2), 130–140.

Johnston, J. (2017) Beszélgetésre épülô programok svéd és norvég közkönyvtárakban Esettanulmányok a közkönyvtárak integrációban betöltött szerepérôl. [Conversation-Based Programming and Immigrant Integration in Public Libraries: Swedish and Norwegian Case Studies]. (Németh Márton, Trans.) Könyvtár Figyelő [Hungarian Journal of Library and Information Science], vol. 63, pp. 65-71.

Johnston, J. (2016). Conversation-based programming and newcomer integration: A case study of the Språkhörnan program at Malmö City Library. Library & Information Science Research, 38(1), 10–17.

Johnston, J. (2015). Kirjavaa: Moninaisia keskusteluja ja kohtaamisia kirjastossa [Of many colors: Discussions and encounters in the library] L. Hokkanen (Ed.), Sosiaalinen kirjasto: Lukemattomien mahdollisuuksien maailma, pp. 120–153 Helsinki, Finland: Avain

Johnston, J., & Audunson, R. (2019). Supporting immigrants’ political integration through discussion and debate in public libraries. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 51(1), 228–242.

Johnston J., Mierzecka, A., Tóth, M., Paul, M., Kisilowska, M., Khosrowjerdi, M., Vårheim, A., Rydbeck K., Jochumsen, H., Hvenegaard Rasmussen, C., Pálsdóttir, Á., Olson, A., Skare, R., Mathiasson, M. H. (2024) Public Libraries' Role in Supporting Ukrainian Refugees: A Focus on Hungary and Poland. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, In press.

Johnston, J., Pálsdóttir, Á., Mierzecka, A., Audunson, R. A., Hobohm, H.-C., Rydbeck, K., Tóth, M., Hvenegaard Rasmussen, C., Jochumsen, H., Khosrowjerdi, M., & Evjen, S. (2021). Public librarians’ perception of their professional role and the library’s role in supporting the public sphere: A multi-country comparison. Journal of Documentation, 78(5), 1109–1130.

Krtalić, M. 2021. "Cultural information needs of long-settled immigrants, their descendants and family members: use of collective and personal information sources about the home country". Journal of Documentation, 77(3), pp. 663-679. 

Krtalić, M. and Hebrang Grgić, I. 2019. "Cultural societies and information needs: Croats in New Zealand". Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, 68, 8/9, pp. 652-673. 

Krtalic, M. and Ihejirika, K.T. (2023), "The things we carry: migrants' personal collection management and use", Journal of Documentation, Vol. 79 No. 1, pp. 86-111.

Marčetić, Hana and Maja Krtalić. 2019. “Transformative power of information: Managing personal history and culture”. Information Research 24, 4,

Olson, A. (2023). Välkommen! De svenska folkbibliotekens arbete med och verksamhet för ukrainska flyktingar (Dissertation). Retrieved from

Ruokolainen, H. (2023). Misinformation in Encounters: A Qualitative Study of Misinformation as a Social Phenomenon. Information Studies Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, and Law, Åbo Akademi University.

Ruokolainen, H., Widén, G., & Eskola, E.-L. (2023). How and why does official information become misinformation? A typology of official misinformation. Library & Information Science Research, 45(2), 101237.

Ruokolainen, H. (2022a). A methodological approach to misinformation: An analysis of the data creation process in two interview studies. Proceedings of CoLIS, the Tenth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science, Oslo, Norway, May29 - June 1, 2022. Information Research, 27(4).

Ruokolainen, H. (2022b). Volunteers’ strategies for supporting asylum seekers with information challenges. Journal of Documentation, 78(7), 305–326.

Ruokolainen, H., & Widén, G. (2020). Conceptualising misinformation in the context of asylum seekers. Information Processing & Management, 57(3), 102127.

Shuva, N.Z. (2023). “Everybody thinks public libraries have only books”: Public library usage and settlement of Bangladeshi immigrants in Canada. Public Library Quarterly, 42(3), 242 267.

Tveit, Å. K., & Johnston, J. (2023). Talking about picturebooks in libraries’ language cafes. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 0(0).

Vårheim, A. (2011). Gracious space: Library programming strategies towards immigrants as tools in the creation of social capital. Library & Information Science Research, 33(1), 12–18.

Vårheim, A. (2014a). Trust in libraries and trust in most people: Social capital creation in the public library. The Library Quarterly, 84(3), 258–277.

Vårheim, A. (2014b). Trust and the role of the public library in the integration of refugees: The case of a Northern Norwegian city. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 46(1), 62–69.

Wimmer, U. (2023). Nachhaltigkeit und soziales Engagement unter Corona-Bedingungen: Die Ergebnisse des DBS-Blitzlichts 2022. Bibliotheksdienst, 57(10-11), 600-612.


Johnston, Jamie ; Tveit, Åse Kristine (2023). Å snakke om bildebøker på bibliotekets språkkaféer. Slabberas . Viken fylkesbibliotek. Moss, Norway.

Johnston, Jamie (2023). Public Library Services for Ukrainian Refugees in Hungary and Poland. Visiting Scholar Seminar. School of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Roswitha Skare (2023): PubLIB for Immigrants & Refugees: A presentation of the research project.  Environmental Collaborations. Climate, Migrations and Heritage. The National Museum in Gdansk, 25.10.23

Johnston, Jamie ; Pálsdóttir, Ágústa (2023). Public Library Services for Ukrainian Refugees in Hungary and Poland. RÁÐSTEFNA ÞJÓÐARSPEGILSINS 2023 [The National Reflection Conference 2023]. University of Iceland.

Johnston, Jamie; Mierzecka, Anna; Tóth, Máté; Vårheim, Andreas; Hvenegaard Rasmussen, Casper; Rydbeck, Kerstin; Pálsdóttir, Ágústa; Jochumsen, Henrik; Khosrowjerdi, Mahmood; Kisilowska, Małgorzata; Skare, Roswitha; Paul, Magdalena; Olson, Anna (2023). Public Library Services for Ukrainian Refugees in Hungary and Poland. LIBRARIES IN THE DIGITAL AGE (LIDA) 2023. Department of Information Sciences, University of Osijek, Croatia.

Johnston, Jamie (2023). Public Library Services for Ukrainian Refugees in Hungary and Poland: Research in Progress. Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility. Department of ALM, Uppsala University.

Johnston, Jamie; Jochumsen, Henrik; Vårheim, Andreas (2023). Keynote Panel: Libraries, Archives, and Museums in Transition: Pursuing sustainable futures through LAMs. BOBCATSSS2023. OsloMet. Oslo, Norway.

Johnston, Jamie; Mathiasson, Mia Høj; Parsons, Katelin (2022). Libraries and Social Sustainability in the Nordic Region: Toward the future library. Málþing Upplýsingar – Bókasafn framtíðarinnar [Seminar - The library of the future]. Information – the Icelandic Library and Information Science. Reykjavik, Iceland.

Johnston, Jamie (2022). Public librarians' perception of their professional role and the library's role in supporting the public sphere. Libraries and Democratic Societies in the Digital Age. Biblioteca Baltica. Lübeck, Germany.

Johnston, Jamie; Jochumsen, Henrik; Vårheim, Andreas (2022). Pursuing Sustainable Futures: The Need for Information. Metropolitan Libraries Conference 2022. IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Section. Oslo, Norway.

Johnston, Jamie (2022). The Nordic Library Network: The importance of an arena for knowledge exchange and sharing of best practices. Nordic Library Network: Literature as a gateway to community building. Bibliotekarer i Tværkulturelt Arbejde (BITA). Svendborg, Denmark.

Johnston, Jamie (2022). The Importance of Working as a Volunteer. Kompetansetiltak for bibliotek: Våren 2022 - Bibliotekene i Viken viser vei (Påfyll). Viken fylkesbibliotek. Drammen, Norway.

Johnston, Jamie; Lake, Shelli (2021). DIALOGUE: Meeting Through Words and Literature. Migration and (re)Settlement: Furthering the iResearch Agenda (VIS). iSchools. Renmin University of China, Beijing, China.

Johnston, Jamie; Pálsdóttir, Ágústa (2021). Public Librarians’ Perception of Their Professional Role and the Library’s Role in Supporting the Public Sphere: A Multi-Country Comparison. ÞJÓÐARSPEGILLINN XXII. University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Johnston, Jamie (2019). Information sharing for immigrants in Nordic countries & current public spheres from the view of Sustainable Development Goals,” Session title: Creating a Sustainable Democracy and a New Public Sphere in Society 5.0: From Division to Reunion. Tsukuba Conference 2019. University of Tsukuba, Japan.

Johnston, Jamie (2019). Panel Session: Programming / Offering. Nordic Dialogues Conference: Towards a more inclusive cultural sector. Kulturrådet. Oslo, Norway. 

Shuva, N.Z. (2018). Immigrants and public library usage in Canada: A case study of Bangladeshi immigrants. Poster presented at the OLA Super Conference 2018 (held in Toronto from January 31st to February 3rd, 2018).

Policy Documents and Guidelines

American Library Association (2015). Guidelines for Outreach to Immigrant Populations. Guidelines for Outreach to Immigrant Populations Task Force, Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table (EMIERT).