Kolkata's Dr. Tinni Dutta Assistant Professor from Murlidhar Girls College Conferred with Honorary DLitt in Social Work

Exclusive Interview with  Dr. Tinni Dutta  Honorary D.Litt. in Social Work

Question: What inspired you to enter into Psychology?

Answer: Since childhood, I would love to analyse and perceive people’s mind. Most of the time my perception becomes accurate, it gives me impetus for entering into psychology.


Question: Since how long, you have been into this Psychology and in which cities you have been associated for administration, entrepreneurship, teaching, research, commercial and training programs?

Answer: I had been into this psychology profession since 1991. 1991-2002- Clinical Psychologist and Co-ordinator at Human Development & Research Institute, Kolkata. Having professional & administrative experiences with extensive research. 2002-2006- Teaching experiences & consultancy, administrative experiences at West Bengal State AIDS   Prevention & Control Society as a NGO advisor. From 2006-2020, in the Department of Psychology as a faculty in Asutosh College and 2020 to till date assistant professor, in the Department of Psychology at Muralidhar Girls’ College, Kolkata.


Question: What are your future plans for administration, entrepreneurship, teaching, research and training programs in Psychology?

Answer: Special emphasis should be given on Positive Psychology & Community Psychology, both in teaching & research.


Question: Please introduce yourself and How do you want to be remembered / known in world?

Answer: I am Dr. Tinni Dutta engaging myself as an Assistant Professor in Muralidhar Girls’ College. Apart from my teaching I am associated with immense counselling services for the betterment of students and continually do research activities. I wish to be remembered as an academician-Teacher & Researcher and counselling services providers.



Question: What kind of businesses can be started in Psychology? What minimum infrastructure would it need?

Answer: Academic Exchange Program both at National & International level& working office & research fund.


Question: What are your recommendations to improve the standards of journals publishing research articles on Psychology? 

Answer:  Emphasis should be given on originality & innovations, publication fees should be nominal.


Question: What are your recommendations to improve syllabus of Psychology for more creativity, applications and opportunities?

Answer: Applicative values should be introduced. For eg in teaching “Reaction Time” the concept of “Traffic Signal” should be taught.


Question: What is Psychology? What are the major branches in Psychology?

Answer: Psychology is the science of behaviour. Branches are Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Neuro Psychology, Positive Psychology, and Health Psychology and so on.



Question: What are your recommendations to frame guidelines on funding of research projects on Psychology?

Answer: Originality, Relevance, Clarity, Objectivity & Novelty.


Question: How can universities produce revolutionary PhD and Post Doc thesis and dissertations on Psychology? What are your recommendations to improve the academic standards?

Answer: Novelty, logical viability, implementation of proper research methodology should be the criteria.


Question: As per your international exposure and visits, What differences in Psychology did you observe in people of different countries?

Answer: In Western Countries in my arena teaching & counselling are short time bounded-may be three months. Cognitive Behavior therapy, Rational Emotive Behavior therapy are more popular where as in Eastern countries-Long term Psycho analysis has still its role.


Question: How can students seek job and career opportunities in Psychology?

Answer: From both print & electronic media-leaflet, Brochure, kits of different seminars, conferences, workshops, & training programs & net services.


Question: What job titles are available in Psychology?

Answer: Counsellor, Career Counsellor, Clinical Psychologist, OB analyst, Program manager, Probation Officer, Child Psychologist, Criminologist & so on.


Question: Which are Typical employers in Psychology?

Answer : Hospital Super, GB Members of Schools & Colleges, Chairperson of Multinational Company and so on.


Question: Which are the courses available in Psychology?

Answer: BA/ BSC graduate, MA/MSc Post graduate, M.Phil, Ph.d, Different Diploma & Certificate courses


Question: What are your views on Mindfulness and Meditation?

Answer: Meditation is a technique that train the body and mind in such a way that we could achieve strength &serenity. Meditation enable us to be mindful which  is recognising feeling with out  being caught by them.


Question: What are your recommendations to write a world class research article in Psychology? What essential components and factors must be there? 

Answer: Research problem should bear originality, & relevance. Concepts should be clear and specific. Methodology should be adopted properly. Hypothesis should be judged accordingly. Interpretation and conclusion must be lucid and meaningful.


Question: Why Indian Literature and architecture was demolished by Mughals? Did Literature played role in divide of India into Bangladesh and Pakistan? 

Answer :  Beyond my knowledge


Question: How Psychological Crisis occurred during the Lockdown caused due to Covid – 19 Pandemic? 

Answer :  Bereavement in family, loss of loved ones, anxiety of being getting infected, social alienation , financial disturbances all result in psychological crises.


Question: What are your recommendations to establish a world class research institute for Psychology?

Answer: Research Institute should be comprised of renowned doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists , social workers who all together  do work to make their mission successful.  Teaching, Research, & Implementation all three should be connected with each other. The team should work devotedly.


Question: What are your recommendations to improve employment and scope in Psychology?

Answer: Infrastructure of psycho lab are growing day by day in schools,  colleges, universities. Scope should be expanded in Neuropsychology, health psychology and positive psychology.



Question: What are your recommendations to authors, who are writing Books on Psychology for more creativity and understanding of the subject?

Answer: Authors should write in a simple and coherent manner. Content should be logically viable & manner of presentation should be attractive.


Question: What according to you are the Top 5 major challenges (research problems) which need to be resolved urgently by world’s Psychologists in the area of Psychology?

Answer: Re-establishing psycho-social equilibrium in the post pandemic period. Perceiving the psycho-social illness from neuropsychological perspective.  Bringing peace at individual & societal level.  Enhancing & including different sorts of psychotherapy.  Developing innovative technique to reach the mass.  



Question: What are your recommendations to improve standards of Conferences in Psychology? How can they be brainstorming and more creative?

Answer:  The conference should be multidisciplinary in nature. Agenda should be more focused.  Time management should be followed properly.


Question: Which major challenges do you see to establish India as world leader in Psychology?

Answer: At this juncture India should lead all nations psycho -spiritually.  We can conclude by uttering ‘lead us from dishonesty to honesty’, ‘lead us from darkness to light’, and lead us from ‘mortality to immortality’.


Question: Any other thing, you would like to share with World?

Answer: Thank you all for providing me such marvellous opportunity.


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This is international selection based upon merit. Every year  Honorary D.Litt. Award Doctrin de Litterature Honoris Causa    is honored to World's 100 Most Influential International Celebrities who have made significant contributions in the transformation of society. Mission of   Honorary D.Litt. Award Doctrin de Litterature Honoris Causa    is to recommend Resource Person as Advisor / Consultant  for organizations, industry, start up, Government Departments, R&D, Consultancy, Funding Agencies, Grants, Research Projects, Community Development, Education and Management.

This Global program recommends international organizations in identification, selection, recruitment, promotion and retention of World’s Most Influential People.

Honorary D.Litt. Award Doctrin de Litterature Honoris Causa is awarded by International Agency for Standards and Ratings. International Agency for Standards and Ratings is not a university but legally recognized educational organization, it is globally accepted valid international recognition, recognizing Vice Chancellor, Minister, Judge, Legislative Members, Policy Makers, Professors, Director, Dean, Registrar, Chairman, Principal, Head of Institutes, Company Owners, Advocates, Engineers, Doctors, Patent owners, Editors, Scientists, Civil Servants and many more across all continents of world including America, Europe, Africa, Asia & Australia, which is World's Largest Talent Pool with Rank 1.  


* This Global program recommends international organizations in identification, selection, recruitment, promotion and retention of World’s Most Influential People.

Honorary Doctrin of Letters Award (D.Litt. Award Honoris Causa, Litt.D. Award Honoris Causa, D. Lit. Award Honoris Causa, or Lit. D. Award Honoris Causa; Latin Litterarum Doctrin Award Honoris Causa; Doctrin de Literature Award Honoris Causa or Doctrin de Litterature Award Honoris Causa) is highest recognition for meritorious research scholars. 

Dr. Tinni Dutta

Present Position                 : Assistant Professor Murlidhar Girls’

                                                                   College, Kolkata , India



                                                                     Governing body member  Human Development & Research

                                                                     Institute, Kolkata


                                                                     Treasurer , Family Planning Association of India.


                                                                     Executive Director of S.R.S.D. Memorial Shodh Sansthan.


                                                           Member of APA , USA.


                                                           Associate Editor EAS Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences.

                                                                     Rendering Counseling Services to psychiatric patients

                                                                     and Drug Addicts


                                                         Phd supervisor , Lincoln University, Malaysia.


                                                                      Editorial Board Member and Reviewer Institute of Mathematics

                                                                      Management Sri Lanka .


                                                                       Editorial Board Member and Reviewer International Journal 

                                                           of Culture  and History"



                                                         Editorial Board Member International Journal of Scientific Advances .


                                                                      Dignitary Fellow International Organizations for Academic and Scientific Development (IOASD).


WORK EXPERIENCE               : Lecturer Sact Teacher ,Department of Psychology, Asutosh              

                                                                    College, Kolkata,India.(2006 – 2020)



                                                              :Consultant  (STD/HIV/AIDS Prevention

                                                                 Programmes and   Prevention of Chemical          

                                                                     Dependence )


                                                                     NGO Advisor, West Bengal State AIDS

                                                                     Prevention &Control Society. (July,2002-

                                                                     August,2003 ).


                                                                     Counsellor, Prevention of Substance Abuse

                                                                     Program, Human Development & Research

                                                                     Institute, Kolkata (May, 1991-May, 1999).


                                                         Project Coordinator, IDUS Project Human

                                                                      Development and Research Institute Kolkata

                                                                       May, 1999-July, 2002)


                                                              IN JOURNALS :


                                                         ‘  A Comparative Study Of Life-Event Stress And

         July 1993                                           Personality Pattern in The Formation Of Peptic

                                                                      Ulcer And Skin Diseases.’ July 1993, In Indian

                                            Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.30, No.2, Published        

                                                                         by The Madras Psychological Society.


                                                         ‘ A Comparative Study Between Major Depression &

       June 1994                           Dysthymia Cases By Color Pyramid Test’ June 1994.  

                                                                    In India JOURNAL OF psychological Issues

                                                                         (Vol.2, NO.1).





        October 2000                                 Psycho-Spirituality : A Vision of Hope ,Health &Hygiene,

                                                                   Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute

                                                                         of Culture, Vol .:10,October,2000



         2002                                                   In bulletin of the Ramkrishna Mission Institute of 

                                                                          Culture Calcutta, vol,9 –‘ Imagery in Romantic Poetry’.



          2004                                                       In Bulletin of the Ram Krishna Mission  Institute of

                                                                         Calture  Kolkata Vol 5 an article ‘Tagore’s songs’

                                                                    Blessings  from the Divinity 2004.


                                                                         Psychodynamic Resemblance binds the poets of

        2005-                                                 Different culture in a single order of mind,

                                                                        SAMIKSA, Journal of the Indian Psychoanalytical

                                                                        Society, Vol 57, 2005 .


                                                                          In Bulletin of the Ram Krishna Mission Institute of    

                                                                         Culture Kolkata Vol 2005 an article ‘Symbol of Light in

                                                                         Tagore’s Songs’ 2005.


                                                                           In Bulletin of the Ram Krishna Mission Institute of    

      2007                                                   Culture Kolkata Vol 8 an article ‘Tagore’s Jivon Devata 

                                                                        In Gitanjali.2007.



         2010                                                 In Bulletin of the Ram Krishna Mission Institute of    

                                                                        Culture Kolkata  an article ‘Emotional Intelligence &  Emotional Development. 2010.



                                                             Stress Management Asian Science June & December 2011

        2011-                                                  vol.6 Issue 1 & 2: 125-126


                                                                            In bulletin of the Ram Krishna Mission Institute of    

                                                                          Culture Kolkata  an article “Music Therapy”2011


                                                                         Spiritual based Intervention – Adolescent Drug Users : An 

                                                                         Innovative Challenge – Proceedings of fast International

         2012                                                    Conference on behavioral and Social Science Research


                                                                          University – Tunku Abdul Rahman(UTAR) Perak, Malaysia.



                                                             A Comparative Study Tagore’s Postmaster and O. Henry’s

                                                                          Last Leaf. Pujp.Vol:1 (1), pp.19-27.



                                                                      In Jorashako Thakurbari – Sahitya Patra 1-  Browni Tagore        

         2013                                                    (Psychoanaltical Perspective) August 2013.



                                                                        Perception of Night :- A Psychoanalytically Oriented  Study on

                                                                           Dutta and Tagore Academic Journal Vol. 4(7), pp. 123-124,

                                                                        September, 2013.



                                                                           TAGORE’S SONGS AND POETRY-VAST SEA OF HUMANISM

                                                                       AND POSITIVISM International Journal of Development Research

                                                                           Vol. 3, Issue, 10, pp.095-096, October,



                                                                            Psychoanalysis: Beyond  Neuro Chemical Process –

                                                                            Journal of Current Science – 1 (1) , 2013, 11-12.


                                                                 A case  Study Psycholinguistic: A Study on Tagore’s  Gitanjali

                                                                 Asian Science .Volume 8 Issue 1&2 June & December , 2013 48-49.



                                                                             Diversification of youth from Morality and Spirituality Towards               

                                                                             Materialistic approach- Sreeja Mukherjee, Dr. Tinni Dutta.       


                                                                    Increasing Aggression & Luxury Demands Among Youth –Who is      

                                                                             Responsible? – Meghoranjani  Das , Dr. Tinni Dutta.


                                                                             Tagore’s Poetry Universal Psychospirituality Journal

              2014                                             of Literature and Art Studies Volume 4, Number 10 October 2014


                                                                             The Symbol of ‘ Eye’ in Tagore’s Songs – International Journal of 

                                                                             English Language, Literature and Translation Studies (IJELR) – 



2015                           Tagore’s Songs on Death : Despair to 

                                            Enlightenment – Bulletin of the Ramkrishna  Mission

                                                               Institute of Culture  January 2015.


                                                                   Ritu Sangit ar Patrapute kabir Premanubhuti 

                                                                                     Sahitya Patra Rabindra bharati Society Janury 2015.


                                                                                      A Study on  Personnel Counselling & Training

                                                                                      Among Employees’ of Research Institute

                                                                                      Published  in HRR International  Journal ,

                                                                                      Vol. 2 Issue 2 , March 2015.


                                                         Echoes of Tagore’s Songs and Poems : A study

                                                                                     on sustainable Human Development –

                                                                                     EPRA International Journal of Economic Growth

                                                                                     and Environmental  issues, volume 3

                                                                                     June-May 2015-2016.


                                                                      Chi-square  - A test of Independence

                                                                   EPRA International Journal of Economic

                                                                      and Business review, volume 3 issue

                                                                      2 November 2015.


            2016                                       Poetry by Rabindranath Tagore and Jibanananda Das –

                                                                       A Comparative   Study –International Journal of Social

                                                                       Science –special Issue Literature and Psychology

                                                                       ISSN: 2326-9863(print) ISSN-2326-988X Online


                                                                  Tagore’s Gitajali : Reunion with God through Songs ,

                                                                      Journal of Literature and art studies, David

                                                                   Publishing Company April 2016 volume 6 No 4 -426-428.


                                                                      Tagore’s Songs Offerings: A study on Beauty and Eternity

                                                                      Everant Social Science and Humanities Journal May 2016.



          2017                                           Tagore’s Songs in Songs Offerings : A Psycho dynamically      

                                                                       Oriented Study  ISSN -2321-7065 – UGC Approved Journal – 

                                                                       IJELLH. July 2017.


                                                         International  Poetry  competition – Poetry selected – 

                                                                        Emancipation – July 2017 IRF Press Fundacja

                                                                  “Interdisciplinary Research Foundation”, Warsaw , Poland.


                                                                        Searching the self International Journal of Academic Research                        

                                                                        and  Development Vol. 2, Issue 6 (2017)


                                                              The Bhagavad Gita in the Eye of a Psychologist, Indian      

                                                                        Journal of Human Relations Vol.51 Issue – 2 July – Dec ,

                                                                        UGC Approved No – 42068


         2017                                      Psycho-spirituality of Addiction , Dr. J K Research 

                                                                        Foundation Volume: 4 Issue: 16


         2018                                                        Tagore – Born Romantic – In the Eyes of the Psychologist

                                                                               Global Journal of Arts , Humanities and social Science (GJAHSS)

                                                                               Volume No -6 pp- 41-47, Issue – June 2018.


                                                            Cognition and Behaviour : An Indian Perspective - African    

                                                                                  -British Journals (In the category of : Education        

                                                                                  ,Learning and Psychology Published in  Volume – 1 Issue –

                                                                              1 (2018) PP -25-28.


                                                           A Comparatives study on story telling by Thematic                     

                                                                          Apperception Test – East African Scholars Journal of Medical 

                                                                          sciences Vol – 1 Issue 2 November 2018  ISSN – 2617-4421


                                                         A Study on social – Economical values among substance                                                                                

         2019                                                        users East African Scholars Journal of Psychology and 

                                                                           behavioural science – Vol – 1 issue 1 ISS No – 2663-1865.  


                                                              Case Study on an Alcoholic

                                                                            American Research Journal of Humanities and Social 

                                                                         Sciences  ISSN (Online) :2378-7031 May 2019 Volume 

                                                                        5,2019,6 pages.



                                                                       Case study of an Adolescent girl Advance a     

                                                                                    SAGE preprint  Community  July 2019.          


                                                             Rabindra Sangeet : A Psychological Perspective – British          

                                                                        Journal Of Education , Learning and Development 

                                                                         Psychology , Volume – 2, Issue – 3 , 2019(PP 125)  

                                                                          September – 2019


2020                                                 A Study  on  Factor  Analytic Approach of 16 PF among Students. Parishodh Journal  ISSN NO  2347- 6648-  UGC  CARE  listed .


A Study on the Psychological Crisis during the Lockdown caused due to Covid – 19 Pandemic . African Journal of Biology and Medical Research . ISNN : 2689 – 534X. Volume 3, Issue 2, 2020 (PP .41 – 49).


Buprenorphine  Abuse : An Intervention. Alochona  Chakra Journal   UGC – CARE  Group.


A Study on the Gender Differences in Prevalence anmd Degree of Depression, Anxiety and Street among HS and college  Students in Kolkata . Alochona Chakra  Journal . ISSN NO : 2231- 3990.


                                                                A Comparative Study of Tagore’s Dushamayan
                                                                                  (HARD TIMES) and Pabdlo Neru Da ‘s Flight.  Indian                   

                                                                                Journal of Psychology Special Issue for Research Scholars 

                                                                                 ISSN – 0019-5553 In UGS Care List (2020).



A Correlational Analysis  of the Relationship between                Perceived Peer Pressure and Decision Making in Adolescents. IJSCIA Volume : 1 Issure :3 Nov – Dec 2020 ISSN – 2708-7972.


2021                                                                                  Depression & Climate  change: A Study on Sustainable Development,Journal of Maharaja Sayajirao   University of Baroda ISSN  :00250422 UGC CARE Group 1 Journal. Vol-55 No.


                                                                                           Psycho - Philosophical Aspect of Trigunas.Himalaya Journal   of Education and Literature . ISSN : - 27093565.



                                                                                          Role of Spirituality psychotherapy among substance abuser and normal individuals. Zeichen Journal UGC CARE group II  Journal ISSN : 09324747.




                                 International Conference 2021.



                                                                           A Short  Commentary on Psychiatric Illness  though Case Studies Global Journal of Research Publication

                                                                              (An International Publisher of Research &

                                                                               Academic Resources).



Examinning the belief on God and Higher power through mental statusand mental functionning of Recovering Addicts of Kolkata,India. No-03/Plmred/10/Unisa/XI/2021



2022                                                                    A Study on Two Distinguished Culture by poets’ on

                                                                                ‘Nature’ Dr.Tinni Dutta. Global Journal of Research in                    

                                                                                 Humanities & Cultural Studies ISSN: 2583-2670 (Online) 

                                                                                 Volume 02| Issue 03 | May-June | 2022 Journal homepage:  




                                                                                            A Study on Community  Resources & Mobilization -  

                                                                               Proceeding  of Two -Day  National Seminar on “ ICT 

                                                                               Enabled User Driven Library Services : Issues and 

                                                                               Challenges “ ISBN  :978-93-5768-438-5


                                                                              Values  in Jivananda  Das ‘s Poems  in Modern Literature

                                                                               Health Management and Humanities promises and 

                                                                               Challenges Vol – II  2022  ISBN : 978-81-956466-5-4


                                                                              A Study on Community Resources & Mobilization,                    

                                                                               Proceedings of Two Day National Seminar on ICT Enabled   

                                                                               user Driven  Library Services Issues and Challenges. ISBN 

                                                                              : 978-93-5768-438-5


Writing on varied subjects published in Journals/Newspapers :


1.   On 29.12.95                                                  In ‘The Statesman’ – Literary Supplement “Let us

                                                                           dream”(from the Psychologist’s point of view)


2.   On 18.01.97                                                  In Weekly Bartaman (Bengali) –‘Ganer Vitor Diye 

                                                                           (through Rabindra Sangeet ) –Psychologists impression 

                                                                           on some Tagore’s Poems.


3.   On  08.03.97                                     In Daily Bartaman –“Chatusparni” supplement –Nari

                                                                            (Women) –on the occasion of International Women’s  Day.



4.   On  08.11.97                                     In Daily Bartaman – Shishu (Children ) on the occasion

                                                                            of International Childrens Day.


5.   On  25.7.98                                                         In Daily Bartaman- Chatusparni –“Tarasankar

                                                                            Bandopadhyay-er  Dristite  Nari.”


6.   On  25.01.99                                     In Literary Magazine –“Madhukatha”(From Bangladesh)

                                                                            Analysis of Lyrics  of Madhusudan Dutta’


                                                                            Atmabilap’(Self-Lamination)and ‘Bangabhumir Prati”

                                                                             (To my Native land).


7.   On  06.02.99                                  In Weekly Bartanman –“Jibanandar Dristitite “Death’

8.   On  July 1999                                    In Monthly Magazine- ‘Disha ‘-An article on occasion

                                                                           of International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking



9.   On July  -Sept .99                                  In Quarterly Magazine –“Nari jagat ‘ (female character in

                                                                           short stories of Balai Chand Mukhopadhyay).


10. On 2nd Oct .1999                                    In Weekly Bartanman –An article on the occasion of’10th          

                                                                            International Conference on Drug Related Harm at Geneva”.


11.  On July –Sep2000                           In Quarterly Magazine –“Nari jagat ‘Kabider Dristi te Sarat’.

12.   On 2nd Dec 2000                                   In Daily Bartaman –Chatusparni ‘AIDS –Increasing Risk

                                                                         Factors Among Women’ on the occasion of International

                                                                            AIDS Day’.


13.   On 6th Jan’2001                                In Weekly Bartaman –Few days in Jersey Island.

14.   On 2nd May 2001                          In Daily Bartaman- Chatusparni –Women of India today.

15.   On 30th June 2001                                       In Daily Bartaman- Chatusparni- A Report “On the

                                                                         Occasion of International Day against Drug Abuse and

                                                                            Illicit Trafficking.


16.   On September 2001                        In Narijagat –An article on Puja Festival

17   On December 2001                                      In Daily Bartaman, an article ‘Reflection on

                                                                             our(women’s) thinking’ on the occasion of International

                                                                             AIDS Day. 

18.   On December 2002                        In Weekly” Bartamam article “America –e atithi”

19.   On October 2003                                  In “Sangha-Shathi”,an article ‘Rabindra Chetanay  Ananda’

20. On May 2008                                        In Weekly Bartaman article, ‘Eiffel Tower er Niche’.

21. On March   2009                                       In Bartaman article ‘Mohini Singapore-a’.

22. On October 2009                                       In Dainik Bangla Statesman . Nesha rogar Upashama       

                                                                             Adhyatikatar Pravab


23. On March 2012                                         In Gour Balaya Nabanandadhara – An article on 


24. On October 2012                                      In Sarir o Sastha  - An article on Jungian analysis.

25. On April 2013                                              In Udbodhan  - Jogodharsan o Manasamikhan.

26.On April 2014                                         In Susastho – Manusik chap theyke RIBT .

27.On May 2014                                      In Susastho – Analysis of Dream.

28. On May 2014                                 In Danik Bangla  Statesman – Article on Tagore.

29. On June 2014                                    In Susastho – Nesha Muktir Upai.

30. On June 2014                                    In Utbhadhan – An article on Values.

31. On July 2014.                                     In Susastho – An article on physiology on Emotion.

32. On August 2014.                         In Danik Bangla  Statesman – Article on Rishi Aurobindo.

33. On October 2014.                        In  Danik Bangla  Statesman- Devi Kalika Vishwar Dipalika.

34. On April 2015.                                       The Autobiography of a flowery girl-Voices of Hope NIMHANS.

35. On August 2015.                                       In Danik Bangla  Statesman Rabindra Sangeete Mritteur Mahima

36. On September 2015.                              In Danik Bangla  Statesman- On T.S. Elliot.

37. On November 2015.                              Aie Samoy – Dream Analysis

38. On December 2015.                              In Susastho - Mental Strength and AIDS

39. On January 2016.                                  In Susastho- Colour Therapy.

40. On April 2016                                       In Susastho Somatization Disorder

41. On April 2016                                       In Susastho Psychological Treatment of Ulcer

42 On April 2016                                        In Bartaman –  Ajker Nari

43 On March 2017                                      In Bartaman – Narir Marjada

44 On May 2017                                         In Bartaman – Narir Drishtite Rabindranath

45 On August 2017                                     In Bartaman – Rabindra gane bina.

46. On October, 2017                                 In Bartaman Sister Nivedita.

47. On November 2017.                             In Bartaman Child’s Emotion

48. On December 2017                                In Bartaman World AIDS day.

49. On January 2018                                   In Bartaman Self esteem.

50. On February 2018                                 In Bartaman The child’s Moral Development.

51. On March  2018                                    In Bartaman Spring in the eyes of Women.

52. On March 2018.                                    In News Mania Spirituality and health .

53.On June 2018 .                                       In Inno Health – Yoga and Health

54.On June 2018.                                        In Bartaman – Nari Abeagoto Budhi .

55.On August 2018                                     In Dainik States man- Narir Birah.

56. On October 2018                                            In Saradiya Sangha Sathi – Gaytra Mantra abong tar                                                                                                



57.  On May 2019                                         In barta man – the  role of mother in child ‘s Development.                              


58. On November 2019                                In bartaman – The role of women on child ‘s social



59. On February 2020                             In bartaman – Distressed Women and Child.

Public Lecture:

                             Psychospritality  : A Vision of  Hope – Shibananda  Hall of the Ram Krishna Mission

                          Institute of Culture, Golpark – 17th February , 2009

                         A lecture on Tagore and Freud in Asiatic Socity – 4TH December, 2009                 


                          A lecture on Tagore’s songs in Music & Wellness Conference at American 

                 Center – 15th March 2011.


                          A lecture on Tagore’s Gitanjali – in Asiatic Socity 11th April 2011

                          A lecture on Tagore’s Gitanjali Calcutta Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology(CMIG)

                          10th May 2011.                  

                          A Lecture on Rabindra Gane Adhyatabad - Shibananda  Hall of the Ram Krishna Mission


                          Institute of Culture, Golpark – 21st  September , 2012.



                          A Lecture on “Smarane Varane Geetanjali” Shibananda  Hall of the Ram Krishna Mission

                          Institute of Culture, Golpark 13th August 2013.


                         A Lecture on Tagore’s Poetry and keats’Poetry –A Psychodynamically Oriented Study –

                          Nehru Centre  London, April, 2015.





                         A book titled as ‘Romantic Poetry : A Psychoanalytically Oriented  Study’ was Published by 

                          Firma KLM Private Ltd ,Kolkata, in January2002                                                                                          


                         A book titled as ‘Psychospirituality : A Vision of Hope’ was published by Puthipatra (Calcutta) 

                          Private Limited January 2010.                                                                                                                                            


                        A book titled as “Smarane Varane Geetanjali” was published by Print  Line January2011

                         A book entitled as “ Antarbritter Alay” was published by Aparna  Prakashani January2012

                         A book entitled as Rabindra Bhavnay Prem was published by Aparna  Prakashani January 2013

                         A book entitled as Rabindra Gana Prakriti was published by Aparna  Prakashani January 2014.

                       Edited Book- Reaching our voices- Psychology of Women Edited by Rashmi Singh-Chapte

                         Written on Women’s Spirituality.



                          A  book entitled as Counselling and Psychotherapy – in Rabindra Sangeet  by Aparna           

                             Prakashani -  Janury 2015.



                          A book entitled as Counselling – A – Upanishad o Gita January 2016.

                          A book entitled- Colour Therapy - published by Aparna Prakasani(2017).



                      Colour therapy and Tagore’s Music in Counselling and Psychotherapy (English Version) is 

                      published in January 2018. ISBN NO – 978-82-933-459- 6-2


                       A book entitled as Shisur Bikash. Publish by Prakasani(2018) ISBN NO – 978- 81- 939- 697-1-7


                         A book entitled as Rabindra Sangeet te Itibachak Monobidhya  - 2020

                          ISBN NO – 978-81-939697-4-8




MEMBERSHIP:-                                        Asiatic Society Kolkata India

                                                                   Human Development and Research Institute Kolkata India

                                                                   East West Academy of Culture – Kolkata and London

                                                                   Family planning Association of India .


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL :-                   Editorial Board –Journal of Current Science.

                                                                 Editorial Board- Academic Journal- International Journal of English 

                                                                              Literature and Culture.



ACHIEVEMENTS:-                                           Asian Fellowship – on Substance Abuse – 2001.


                                                                 International Visitor Program – Nominated by USIS – 2002.


                                                      UGC Minor Research Project –Titled as Tagore’s Song               

                                                                        Offerings : The Prophet’s Worship – No PHW-039/14-15  

                                                                        Ero ID No WC2-006.                                                                                                                                         

                                                                        Copy Right Received from Government of India for the 

                                                                        Book Titled – Romantic Poetry: A Psychoanalytically 

                                                                        Oriented Study. Registration No - L-74888/2018

                                                 Copy Right Received from Government of India for the 

                                                                        Book Titled – Psycho-spirituality:A Vision of Hope.  

                                                                    Registration No - L-74889/2018


                                                     Admited as Fellow in Scholars  Academic & Scientific



                                                     Admitted as fellow in United Writers Associations Chennai .


                                                                   Received  honour  from IAFOR for actively participated in              

                                                                       the review committee (2018) – the Asian Conference on the                    

                                                                       Social   Science (ACSS208


                                                                       Received  Honor from – Global Learners Academy of

                                                                       Development – Outstanding Women


                                                                         CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE - Photography (Third)

                                                      Red Ribbon Club: DIT Univers ity, Dehrdu n



                                                             World Health Organization Global Clinical Practice Network
                                              SECOND WAVE - GCPN Study on the Longitudinal                     

                                      Impact of COVID-19 on Clinical PracticeHono


                                                                       I  N  S  O  AWARDS

                                                                                            International Recharge Awards on Science , Technology,  

                                                                       and Management  14 & 15- May 2022 . Chennai , India .



                                                                                      RIFACIMENTO   INTERNATIONAL – Biography of the Year 2022.


                                                                                     Special Honor for publication of books – Guidance & Counselling 

                                                                                     Part – I   & Part – II Published by Lincole University College , Malaysia.



                                                                                           Post Doctoral Research – Honor  Specially on Tagore Studies.


                                                                                     Honor Icons of Asia – Certificate  - Women Leader Award  IN skills  








   :  I have received SahityaJaghatPuraskar 2012 for the book of  “Antarbritter Alay

      I have received Ardhendu Kumar ChaudhurySmritaPuraskar  for Analytical writings on Tagore

      I have received International Gold Star Award Certificate Of Excellence For Meritorious

      Service, Outstanding Performance and Remarkable Role From India International

      Friendship Society (2012)                  

        I have received  AnnadaSankar Roy SmritiSamman for The Book titled as

        RabindraBhavanayPrem – 2013.



     I have received   Rashtriya Gaurav Award for contributions and performances by   India International

     Friendship Society (2014).                  

       I have received   Sahitya Pantha Purashkar for the book Rabindra Gane Prakriti May 2015.      

      I have received Banga Promila Kriti Ratna Samman-2017

      Indian  Photo & Cultural Lovers Welfare Foundation.                      


      I have received  Banga Ratnasree Samman 2017

      Indian  Photo & Cultural Lovers Welfare Foundation.


       I have receive Jewel of Bengal Award – 2017 – Indian Photo and Cultural lovers welfare Foundation


       I have received  Bharat Jyoti Puraskar 2018 by Best Citizen Publishing House .


       I have received Best  Review Paper Award August 2000 from African- British  Journals         

   I have received   Mother Teresa International Award in the field of  Educational in January 2019.                                                                                                                                                                                  

      I have received  SAS Academician Award  2019 in Art  and  Humanities Category A book on Colour  


      Therapy was published by Aparna Prakasani(2017).


     I have received Indian Glory Awards 2021  Innovative  Teacher of the Year

Examination Passed


Name of Institution

Percentage obtained



Sakhawat Memorial Girls’ High School


High School Graduation


North Wood High School,

Montgomery County, Maryland USA.


B.A. (Psy. Hons.)



Gokhale Memorial Girls’ College


M.A. (Applied Psy.)


University of Calcutta



Ph.D. (Applied Psy.)


University of Calcutta



Post Doc 


Post Doc Researches  Visva Bharati


Admission Program

for Honoris Causa Awards

Honorary D.Sc Award (Doctrin De Science)

Honorary D.Litt Award (Doctrin De Literature)

Honorary LL.D Award

Honorary PhD Award (Doctrin De Philosophy)

Honorary D.Eng. Award Doctrin De Engineering

Award of Honorary (J.S.D.) Doctrin De Juridical Science (Honoris Causa)

Award of Honorary Dr. Med. (Doctrin De Medicine)

Honorary Doctrin De Veterinary Medicine Award (DVM)

Honorary Doctrin De Business Administration Award (DBA)

Honorary Doctrin De Education Award (EdD) 

Honorary Doctrin De Theology Award (Th.D)

Honorary Doctrin De Arts Award (D.Arts)

Recipients of Top Honorary Doctrins in World


PROF. Dr. BHASKAR CHANDU MORE from Karm A.M. Patil Arts, Com. & Kai. N.K. Patil Science Sr. College, Pimpalner Dhule Maharashtra Conferred with Honorary D.Litt. in Zoology (Entomology)

Dr. Ian James Martins (BSc, MSc, PhD, DSc, DMed, Honoris Causa) from Centre of Excellence for Alzheimer's Disease Research and Care Neuroscience Research Institute Edith Cowan University, Nedlands, Western Australia, Australia Conferred with Award of Honorary DSc (Doctrin De Science Award Honoris Causa) for Outstanding Contributions in Anti Aging Research



 Department of Botany, University of Jammu's Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Conferred with Award of Honorary D.Sc (Doctrin de Science Award Honoris Causa) in Mycology & Plant Pathology