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Artículos en español:

A continuación, se relacionan los artículos relacionados con los tópicos investigados en el proyecto I+D+I, ordenados cronológicamente de mayor a menor actualidad escritos en español.


Álamo, M., & Falla, D. (2023). El liderazgo transformacional y su relación con las competencias socioemocionales y morales en futuros docentes. Psychology, Society & Education, 15(1), 48-56.

Del Barrio-Saucedo, J. L., & Tirado-Morueta, R. (2023). Prácticas de liderazgo escolar en Andalucía moderadas por dimensión organizativa. Campus Virtuales, 12(1), 21-34.

González, A. J. G., Froment, F., & Gómez-Millán, M. R. B. (2023). ¿Cómo ven los docentes de educación primaria el liderazgo inclusivo en los centros educativos?. In Educar para transformar: Innovación pedagógica, calidad y TIC en contextos formativos (pp. 233-239). Dykinson.

Sáez, A. C., & Martínez, P. G. (2023). Orientación y formación de líderes escolares en liderazgo inclusivo y para la justicia social en Chile. Liderazgo educativo en Iberoamérica: un mapeo de la investigación hispanohablante, 135.

Valdés, R., Campos, F., & Fardella, C. (2023). Educación inclusiva y nueva gestión pública en las políticas de liderazgo escolar en Chile. Perfiles Educativos, 45(179), 113-129.


Barre-Bustamante, J. (2022). Estrategias de liderazgo inclusivo para fortalecer la práctica inclusiva del docente de la ciudad de Guayaquil–Ecuador. Cátedra, 5(2), 98-112.

Celis, M. C. E. (2022). Liderazgo directivo para favorecer el rol del docente en las prácticas inclusivas. Revista de Educación Inclusiva, 15(1), 131-151.

de María Miramontes-Amador, F., & Camacho-Rodríguez, Á. J. (2022). El liderazgo directivo para favorecer el rol del docente en las prácticas inclusivas. Formación Estratégica, 4(01), 170-185.

Hurtado, I. G. (2022). Liderazgo inclusivo:¿ utopía o realidad?. Cuadernos de pedagogía, 530, 4.

VALDÉS MORALES, R. E. N. E. (2022). Liderazgo escolar inclusivo: una revisión de estudios empíricos. Zona Próxima, (36), 4-27.


Romero, C. (2021). Liderazgo directivo en escuelas que superan las barreras del contexto. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 19(1), 73-90. https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2021.19.1.005


Camarero Figuerola, M., Tierno García, J. M., Barrios Arós, R., & Iranzo García, P. (2020). Liderazgo y éxito escolar en contextos desfavorecidos: La perspectiva de los directores. Revista de educación.

Crisol Moya, E., & Romero López, M. A. (2020). El liderazgo inclusivo como estrategia para evitar el abandono escolar: opinión de las familias.

Sotomayor Soloaga, P., Hormazábal, J. M., Martínez Maldonado, P., & Araya Cortés, A. (2020). Liderazgo, cultura y prácticas inclusivas desde la mirada de equipos directivos de establecimientos educativos. Comuni@ cción, 11(1), 5-15.

Vera, D. C., Urréa, H. R., Alcívar, G. I., Romero, F. A., & Santillan, B. T. (2020). Liderazgo docente y la inclusión educativa en la educación superior. Salud y Bienestar Colectivo, 69-83.


Valdés Morales, R., & Gómez-Hurtado, I. (2019). Competencias y prácticas de liderazgo escolar para la inclusión y la justicia social. Perspectiva Educacional, 58(2), 47-68.


Quiroga, M., & Aravena, F. (2018). La respuesta de directores escolares ante las políticas de inclusión escolar en Chile. Calidad en la Educación, (49), 82-111.

Valdés Morales, R. A. (2018). Liderazgo inclusivo: la importancia de los equipos directivos en el desarrollo de una cultura de la inclusión. IE Revista de investigación educativa de la REDIECH, 9(16), 51-66. 

Artículos en otros idiomas

A continuación, se relacionan los artículos relacionados con los tópicos investigados en el proyecto I+D+I, ordenados cronológicamente de mayor a menor actualidad y si están en escritos en inglés.


Bidlack, A. (2023). Access, Participation, and Empowerment: Exploring Leadership Practices that Promote Social Inclusion.

George, P. M., Rajan, P. S., Mahanta, B., & El-Abiad, Z. (2023). A Behavioural Approach to Leadership in Education. In Coded Leadership (pp. 61-70). CRC Press.

Mbua, E. M. (2023). Principal Leadership: Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education. American Journal of Education and Practice, 7(1), 1-25.

Puntaier, E., & Zhu, T. (2023). Diversity and Inclusive Leadership: An Entrepreneurial Opportunity?. In Handbook of Research on Promoting an Inclusive Organizational Culture for Entrepreneurial Sustainability (pp. 44-66). IGI Global.

Ydesen, C., Milner, A. L., Aderet-German, T., Caride, E. G., & Ruan, Y. (2023). Leading Inclusive Schools: From the Effectiveness of the Individual to L’affect of Collectivities. In Educational Assessment and Inclusive Education: Paradoxes, Perspectives and Potentialities (pp. 197-235). Cham: Springer International Publishing.


Agbenyega, J. S., & Klibthong, S. (2022). Giving voice: inclusive early childhood teachers’ perspectives about their school leaders’ leadership practices. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 1-17.

DeMatthews, D. E., & Mueller, C. (2022). Principal Leadership for Inclusion: Supporting Positive Student Identity Development for Students with Disabilities. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 17(4), 315-332.

Lee, A., Inceoglu, I., Hauser, O., & Greene, M. (2022). Determining causal relationships in leadership research using Machine Learning: The powerful synergy of experiments and data science. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(5), 101426.

Lüddeckens, J., Anderson, L., & Östlund, D. (2022). Principals' perspectives of inclusive education involving students with autism spectrum conditions–a Swedish case study. Journal of Educational Administration, 60(2), 207-221.

Melloy, K. J., Cieminski, A., & Sundeen, T. (2022). Accepting educational responsibility: Preparing administrators to lead inclusive schools. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 17(4), 358-382.

Mor Barak, M. E., Luria, G., & Brimhall, K. C. (2022). What leaders say versus what they do: Inclusive leadership, policy-practice decoupling, and the anomaly of climate for inclusion. Group & Organization Management, 47(4), 840-871.

Sonmez, E. D., & Gokmenoglu, T. (2022). The Impact of Principals’ Distributed Leadership Behaviors on Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Multiculturalism: Social Justice Leadership as Mediator. Education and Urban Society, 00131245221076095.

Woodcock, S., & Hardy, I. (2022). ‘You’re probably going to catch me out here’: principals’ understandings of inclusion policy in complex times. International journal of inclusive education, 26(3), 211-226.


Bipath, K., Tebekana, J., & Venketsamy, R. (2021). Leadership in implementing inclusive education policy in early childhood education and care playrooms in South Africa. Education Sciences, 11(12), 815.

Carrasco, A., & Díaz, M. E. (2021). The construction of a leadership identity based on empathy, care, and participation: María eliana's history. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 17411432211038012.

Coviello, J., & DeMatthews, D. E. (2021). Failure is not final: Principals’ perspectives on creating inclusive schools for students with disabilities. Journal of Educational Administration, 59(4), 514-531.

DeMatthews, D. E., Serafini, A., & Watson, T. N. (2021). Leading inclusive schools: Principal perceptions, practices, and challenges to meaningful change. Educational Administration Quarterly, 57(1), 3-48.

Duncan, J., Punch, R., & Croce, N. (2021). Supporting primary and secondary teachers to deliver inclusive education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 46(4), 92-107.

Kawai, N. (2021). Leadership in Kindergartens, Indonesia: The Need for Professional Learning in Inclusive Education. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 17(1), 98-130.

Khaleel, N., Alhosani, M., & Duyar, I. (2021). The role of school principals in promoting inclusive schools: a teachers’ perspective. In frontiers in education (p. 106). Frontiers.

Leithwood, K. (2021). A review of evidence about equitable school leadership. Education Sciences, 11(8), 377.

McCauley, C. D., & Palus, C. J. (2021). Developing the theory and practice of leadership development: A relational view. The Leadership Quarterly, 32(5), 101456.

Muresherwa, E., & Jita, L. C. (2021). School heads' construction and understanding of instructional leadership for inclusive secondary schools: Taking context out of the shadows of school leadership narratives. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 17(2), 1-37.

Roberson, Q., & Perry, J. L. (2022). Inclusive leadership in thought and action: A thematic analysis. Group & Organization Management, 47(4), 755-778.

Scheer, D. (2021). Integrated framework model for the leadership role of principals in inclusive education. European Journal of Education, 56(4), 660-680.

Sider, S., Maich, K., Morvan, J., Villella, M., Ling, P., & Repp, C. (2021). Inclusive school leadership: Examining the experiences of Canadian school principals in supporting students with special education needs. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 21(3), 233-241.

Solberg, S., Edwards, A., & Nyborg, G. (2021). Leading for school inclusion and prevention? How school leadership teams support shy students and their teachers. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 65(7), 1203-1216.

Traver-Marti, J. A., Ballesteros-Velazquez, B., Beldarrain, N. O., & Maiquez, M. D. C. C. (2021). Leading the curriculum towards social change: Distributed leadership and the inclusive school. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 1741143221991849.

Vassallo, B. (2021). The role of the school leader in the inclusion of migrant families and students. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 17411432211038010.


Ballard, A., Kamarn, L., & Pope, R. (2020). Educational Leadership and Inclusion: Opening Doors for Diversity.

DeMatthews, D. E., Kotok, S., & Serafini, A. (2020). Leadership preparation for special education and inclusive schools: Beliefs and recommendations from successful principals. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 15(4), 303-329.

DeMatthews, D., Billingsley, B., McLeskey, J., & Sharma, U. (2020). Principal leadership for students with disabilities in effective inclusive schools. Journal of Educational Administration, 58(5), 539-554.

Lee, C. (2020). Courageous leaders: promoting and supporting diversity in school leadership development. Management in Education, 34(1), 5-15.

Naraian, S., Chacko, M. A., Feldman, C., & Schwitzman-Gerst, T. (2020). Emergent concepts of inclusion in the context of committed school leadership. Education and Urban Society, 52(8), 1238-1263.

Shen, J., Wu, H., Reeves, P., Zheng, Y., Ryan, L., & Anderson, D. (2020). The association between teacher leadership and student achievement: A meta-analysis. Educational Research Review, 31, 100357.

Shields, C. M., & Hesbol, K. A. (2020). Transformative leadership approaches to inclusion, equity, and social justice. Journal of School Leadership, 30(1), 3-22.

Solanki, S., Fitzpatrick, D., Jones, M. R., & Lee, H. (2020). Social-Psychological Interventions in College: A Meta-Analysis of Effects on Academic Outcomes and Heterogeneity by Study Context and Treated Population. Grantee Submission, 31.

Thompson, H., & Matkin, G. (2020). The Evolution of Inclusive Leadership Studies: A literature review. Journal of Leadership Education, 19(3).


Bolden, R., Adelaine, A., Warren, S., Gulati, A., Conley, H., & Jarvis, C. (2019). Inclusion: The DNA of Leadership and Change–A Review of Theory, Evidence and Practice on Leadership, Equality, Diversion and Inclusion in the National Health Service.

Esposito, M. K., Tang, K., & Kulkarni, S. S. (2019). Ensuring inclusive environments for students with disabilities: School leaders play a linchpin role. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 51(1), 43-52.

Griffith, K. G., Jones, K., Winship, J., & Howard, E. (2019). Developing Student Growth through Effective Inclusion Skill Sets in the Rural Black Belt Region of Alabama and Mississippi. European Journal of Educational Sciences, 6(3), 16-26.

Kennedy, E. K., & Laverick, L. (2019). Leading Inclusion in Complex Systems: experiences of relational supervision for headteachers. Support for Learning, 34(4), 443-459.

Llorent-Bedmar, V., Cobano-Delgado, V., & Navarro-Granados, M. (2019). School leadership in disadvantaged contexts in Spain: Obstacles and improvements. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 47(1), 147-164.

Óskarsdóttir, E., Guðjónsdóttir, H., & Tidwell, D. (2019). Breaking free from the needs paradigm: A collaborative analysis of inclusion. Studying Teacher Education, 15(1), 44-55.

Welborn, J. E. (2019). Increasing Equity, Access, and Inclusion through Organizational Change: A Study of Implementation and Experiences Surrounding a School District's Journey towards Culturally Proficient Educational Practice. Education Leadership Review, 20(1), 167-189.

Woodcock, S., & Woolfson, L. M. (2019). Are leaders leading the way with inclusion? Teachers’ perceptions of systemic support and barriers towards inclusion. International Journal of Educational Research, 93, 232-242.


Cardno, C., Handjani, M., & Howse, J. (2018). Leadership practices and challenges in managing diversity to achieve ethnic inclusion in two New Zealand secondary schools. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 53, 101-117.

Osiname, A. T. (2018). Utilizing the Critical Inclusive Praxis: The voyage of five selected school principals in building inclusive school cultures. Improving Schools, 21(1), 63-83.

Randel, A. E., Galvin, B. M., Shore, L. M., Ehrhart, K. H., Chung, B. G., Dean, M. A., & Kedharnath, U. (2018). Inclusive leadership: Realizing positive outcomes through belongingness and being valued for uniqueness. Human Resource Management Review, 28(2), 190-203.

Szeto, E., & Cheng, A. Y. N. (2018). How do principals practise leadership for social justice in diverse school settings? A Hong Kong case study. Journal of Educational Administration, 56(1), 50-68.

Timothy, S., & Agbenyega, J. S. (2018). Inclusive School Leaders' Perceptions on the Implementation of Individual Education Plans. International Journal of whole schooling, 14(1), 1-30.

Wang, F. (2018). Social justice leadership—Theory and practice: A case of Ontario. Educational Administration Quarterly, 54(3), 470-498.