Artículos publicados 

Barrero-Fernández, B., León-Guerrero, M.J., Fernández-Martín, F., & Arco-Tirado, J.L. y Moreno-Arrebola, R. (2022). 

What do school management teams do to make their schools inclusive? School leadership & Management.

Crisol-Moya, E., Romero-López, M.A., Burgos-García, A., & Sánchez Hernández, Y. (2022).

Inclusive leadership from the family perspective in compulsory education. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research (NAER), 11(2), 226-245.

González-Falcón, I., & Álvarez-Díaz, K. (2022).

Spanish education policy in pandemic times. Decisions and consequences for families and students from an inclusive perspective. Encyclopaideia. Journal of fenomenology and education, 26(63), 31- 43

González-Falcón, I., Coronel-Llamas, J.M., Dusi, P., & Toscano-Cruz, M.O. (2022):

Cultural diversity in secondary school: the response to immigrant students in Spain from a counselling perspective. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.

López-López, M.C., Romero-López, M.A., & Hinojosa-Pareja, E.F. (2022).

School Management Teams in the Face of Inclusion. Teachers’ Perspectives. Journal of Research on Leadership Education 1-25

López-López, M.C., León-Guerrero, M.J., & Hinojosa-Pareja, E.F. (2022).

Construction and Validation of Leading Inclusive Education in Compulsory Education Questionnaire (LIE-QTeaching Team). International Journal of Inclusive Education. 

Gómez-Hurtado, I., Valdés, R., González-Falcón, I., & Vargas, F. J. (2021).

Inclusive Leadership: Good Managerial Practices to Address Cultural Diversity in Schools.. Social Inclusion, 9(4), 69-80.

López-López, M.d.C., León Guerrero, M.J. & Criso-Moya, E. (2021). 

Inclusive Leadership of School Management from the View of Families: Construction and Validation of LEI-Q. Education Sciences. Educ. Sci.) 11(9), 511. ISSN: 2227-7102

Gómez-Hurtado, I., González-Falcón, I., Coronel Llamas, J.M., & García-Rodríguez, M.P., (2020).

Distributing Leadership or Distributing Tasks? The Practice of Distributed Leadership by Management and Its Limitations in Two Spanish Secondary Schools. Education Sciences.

González-Faraco, J.C.. González-Falcón, I., y Rodríguez-Izquierdo, R.M. (2020).

Políticas inter-culturales en la escuela: significados, disonancias y paradojas. [Inter-cultural policies at school: meanings, dissonances and paradoxes]. Revista de Educación, 387, 67-88.

Rodríguez-Izquierdo, R.M, González-Falcón, I., & Goenechea Permisán, C. (2020).

Teacher beliefs and approaches to linguistic diversity. Spanish as a second language in the inclusion of immigrant students. Teaching and Teacher Education, 90.