STR Sparkle - The Backstory

We're picky...Wait, that's an understatement - we're OBNOXIOUSLY picky. When we contract with others to become hospitality techs rarely has anyone trained in restorative cleaning techniques - not even individuals who have cleaning experience. 

Our #1 cleaning priority is to initially clean and stage the home (ie "onboard") to exacting standards. Every cleaning priority thereafter is to RESTORE the home to the initial platform picture perfect condition for each and every guest. 


The state of NC is very clear when hiring contract employees -  we can't dictate to our contract cleaners HOW to clean, but we can make each agree to certain completed standards. Our standards are 5 stars high, but easily attainable if the contractor fully understands our expectations and has the capacity to implement them. And that's where Sparkle Academy comes in. Before being contracted for solo turns, new contractors agree to work with one of our veteran hospitality specialists until they feel confident in meeting our finished standards. Paid team cleaning generally lasts 2 weeks followed by an assessment before being hired. Unfortunately, hospitality restorative cleaning isn't for everyone. We know in a few turns if an individual has an eye for detail, has the emotional and physical capability, and will follow through on directives. But when the right SUPER star comes along we KNOW they're going to SHINE (and we mean this in every cliche' way possible). 

I am shockingly confounded at the amount of hosts and property managers who allow a neighbor, family member, or possibly a Craig's list cleaner to dictate their hospitality cleaning standards. Don't come for me - I know some of you totally lucked up and have the perfect cleaner/hospitality partner - but this message is for those who KNOW their business is drowning in mediocrity. 

Host: "But what am I to do? I live x hours away, and we've not had too many complaints and they're pretty reliable - they've only missed one or two turns." My big ole buttocks just clinched typing that sentence. 

Property Manager: "Look, I've got 60 turns to pull this week, 3 regulars are out - I've got to use whoever I can find."

We have overseen 4k turns and counting - we actually pull 60 turns weekly in high season. We know with certainty not just anyone can clean, not just anyone can sanitize, not just anyone can organize, and not just anyone can stage. And if a host, or any other hospitality professional is serious about running a successful enterprise, then you MUST know the STR Cleaning Fundamentals as well as how to hire the right cleaner/hospitality partner to implement those fundamentals. And that's why STR Sparkle Academy exists. I've met hosts who've spent more time pondering welcome mats than establishing cleaning and staging protocols. You simply can't assume just because someone has been cleaning for the past x amount of years that they know anything about hospitality restorative cleaning.

December 2023, in addition to training potential hires here in Hendersonville, Sparkle Academy will be offering an online course on STR Cleaning Fundamentals for hosts and aspiring hospitality professionals everywhere. Desperate and need help NOW? Call me personally from 9am-4pm mon-fri (phone number is listed below) to discuss your issues (initial consultation is complimentary). Looking forward to hearing from you!
