University of Copenhagen

The University of Copenhagen is establish in 1472, and is carrying out research and education at the highest level. With over 40,000 students and more than 9,000 employees, the University of Copenhagen is the largest institution of research and education in Denmark. The University is comprised of 6 Faculties covering, Science, Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Theology, Law and the Humanities.

This project will be carried out with the academic support of departments in social science, and science, and rooted in the faculty of Science office for Research and Innovation, in conjunction with the Research Support Office at the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Faculty of Humanities and the University of Copenhagen Research and Innovation.

University of Copenhagen is member of the International Alliance of Research Universities and this project will be supervised by the chair of the IARU Research Administrators Network. University of Copenhagen is also chair of the COST Targeted Network, BESTPRAC, developing research support functions for more than 350 research administrators in Europe and beyond. Furthermore the University of Copenhagen is an Institutional member of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) where UCPH is represented in the Board working with professional development of research administrators.

Research managers and administrators at the University of Copenhagen cover full project lifecycle of the projects and contribute to keeping the University in top of global rankings:

QS World University Rankings (2015) World 69 Europe 22

THE World University Rankings (2015) World 82 Europe 33

Academic Ranking of World Universities - Shanghai (2015) World 35 Europe 6

Leiden Ranking (2015) World 42 Europe 7

Role in project

UCPH will provide inputs into the development of the project outcomes, using their regional experience of Scandinavian RMA into the exchanges of good practice and building of individual and institutional RMA capacity. UCPH will help in the development of 1) the content of a postgraduate diploma course for RMAs; 2) An accreditation route for RMA professionals; 3) the development of a Masters in RMA curriculum for the SADC region. Staff and travel costs for your participation in these activities have been included in the budget. 4) Focus on RMA staff and information exchanges across the SADC and EU regions involved, for the exchange of good practice, developing mutual understanding. UCPH staff will participate in a survey and benchmarking exercise, in order to develop a good shared framework for institutional RMA structures, and to identify gaps that may exist in current institutional or individual RMA capacities. Staff exchanges (internships and mentorships) will form part of this activity.