Botswana Open University

Role in project

Botswana Open University will promote the exchange of good practice to build individual and institutional RMA capacity. It will participate in the development of 1) content of a postgraduate diploma course for RMAs, 2) accreditation route for RMA professionals, 3) development of a Masters in RMA curriculum for SADC region, 4) promote strategic research and joint funding proposals between HEIs in the two regions, and 5) to measure the inputs, outputs, outcomes and impact of the project in the programme and partner countries. BOCODOL will be involved in RMA staff and information exchanges across the SADC and EU regions involved, exchanging of good practice and developing mutual understanding of the RMA contexts. Staff will participate in a surveys and benchmarking exercises to develop a shared framework for institutional RMA structures and to identify gaps that may exist in their current institutional/individual RMA capacities. Staff exchanges (internships and mentorships) will form part of this activity