SARIMA is a membership organisation of research and innovation (R&I) managers. Its purpose is to strengthen the R&I system to ensure the social and economic development of the Southern African region. SARIMA provides a platform for engagement between R&I managers in any organisation active in R&I in the region. It also offers networks and linkages for broader engagement within Africa and the rest of the world. It operates at an institutional, national and international level, as well as across the value chain, from research through to successful innovation. SARIMAs key focus areas include research management, innovation and technology transfer and Africa engagement.

SARIMA is engaged on an annual basis with a large number of R&I management capacity development interventions, including training workshop, exchanges and networking events, in collaboration with local, regional and international partners. One of the overarching objectives of SARIMA is to develop the discipline of R&I management, including professionalization of R&I management. SARIMA co-ordinates and participates in a growing portfolio of multilateral programmes of which most have a component related to professional development. It also manages a cohort of SADC focal points to promote R&I management in collaboration with SADC Member States.

SARIMA is linked to other local and international organisations and associations operating in the area of R&I management including ARMA UK, ACU, International Network of Research Management Societies (INORMS). In Africa SARIMA played an important role in the establishment of the West African Research and Innovation Management Association (WARIMA) and participated in initiatives to formalise the establishment of the East African Research and Innovation Management Association (EARIMA), the Caribbean Research and Innovation Management Association (CABRIMA) and the Central African Research and Innovation Management Association (CARIMA).

Role in project

SARIMA as an organisation will also play a pivotal role in the project management, and particularly their communication links to SARIMA members in the SADC region. They will play a key role in disseminating and implementing the outcomes of the project for the benefit of RMA offices across the SADC region. Apart from their annual conferences, which will serve as the natural platform for communication and consultation in this project, they offer capacity development workshops throughout the year across the SADC region where inputs into the project can be obtained. SARIMA will furthermore be key in managing the implementation of the certificate course and accreditation mechanism for RMA professionals, as well as the eventual selection and roll-out of the Masters in RMA. The degree will be hosted by a SADC-based HEI (to be identified later in the project cycle).

Jose Jackson Malete -

Karin Dyason -
