Erasmus+ Programme
n° 2017-1-LT01-KA203-035275
Experiential Live Project Enhancement (ELPE)
Final conference "Learning Innovation: Live Projects, Creativity and New Approaches for a Changing Labour Market"
7 June 2019, Barcelona, Spain
Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)’s School of Tourism and Hotel Management has the pleasure to invite you to attend the international conference that will take place at the UAB campus in Bellaterra (Barcelona). It will be a full-day event covering the plenary session with the participation of keynote speakers from different countries, and oral presentations from business representatives, academic staff and students. The language of the conference will be English.
Topics of interest: Live projects, experiential learning, university-industry cooperation, creativity and innovation in teaching and learning.
Guide for authors: There will be no full article submission before the conference. If you want to present a communication, you can submit your abstract (1 page max.) until 30th of April 2019, using the following e-mail:
Registration to the conference will be open 18th February 2019 through the following link:
Registration is FREE and it includes a certification of attendance, the lunch and the coffee breaks.
Venue: Hotel Exe Campus. UAB campus, Bellaterra (Barcelona, Spain).