Transnational Project Meetings

1st Transnational Project Meeting - Venice, Italy (08/11/2017)

The purpose of the meeting: to get to know each other and learn about the partner organisations and their interest and special expertise in the topic of live project based learning and training, to clarify key project management issues by discussing and adopting Plan of Management and Monitoring, Timeline of Partners’ Activities, Communication, Dissemination and Post-Project Sustainability Plan, to plan in details implementation of WP1. A comparative analysis of the current situation related to the integration of Student Consultancy and live projects and the process and creation of Strategic Partnership Approaches. Creation of a Guidebook for operating, implementing and managing Student Consultancy (live) projects “Student Consultancy: An International Perspective” and WP3. Creation of modules for adopting live projects within the role of students' consultancy.

2nd Transnational Project Meeting- Barcelona, Spain (08/06/2018)

The purpose of the meeting: to analyze progress in the development of the intellectual outputs and to discuss organization of the first Multiplier Event, review and discuss documentation related to project implementation.

3rd Transnational Project Meeting- Porvoo, Finland (08-09/11/2018)

The purpose of the meeting: to plan in details development of the intellectual outputs O2 and O3, to plan Intensive programme for higher education teachers and learners and to discuss about project budget real situation and to discuss about budget reallocation, overview dissemination, monitoring and evaluation of the project.

4th Transnational Project Meeting- Utena, Lithuania (30/05/2019).

The purpose of the meeting: to review the Intensive programme, achievements of the students, teachers, and challenges faced, to present and discuss results of the monitoring visit, to discuss in details preparation for the second Multipier Event final conference "Live projects. Experiential Learning and University-Industry Cooperation", to discuss project quality assessment, project sustainability and preparation issues for the submission of the final report.

Online Meetings:

1 st online Transnational Project Meeting (05/02/2018)

2nd online Transnational Project Meeting (27/04/2018)

3rd online Transnational Project Meeting (26/02/2019).