¨ Gymnastics: Teamwork Gymnastics, Centre of Excellence, Macoya
¨ Athletics, Victrix Ludorum and medallist, Santa Rosa Heights Community Council Sports Meet
.. Secondary Schools Sports Meetings, Trinidad and Tobago
¨ Long Distance Running, Medallist Trinidad and Tobago International Marathon (42 K)
¨ Distance Running Events & Associated Management (DREAM) (5K)
¨ University of The Bahamas (5K); National Flour Mills (5K, 8K, 10K); Santa Rosa Heights Community Council Sports Meet (8K); Santa Rosa Heights Ass. (5 Ks- Best Woman Award); Reigate Run, UK - 5K :1 st in age category)
¨ Mountain climbing: (El Cerro Del Aripo, El Tucuche, Tamana:TRINIDAD; Main Ridge: TOBAGO; Blue Mountain: JAMAICA; Victoria Falls, ZAMBIA; Mount Pelée: MARTINIQUE; Haleakala Mountain: Iao Valley, Hawaii, USA, etc.)
¨ Rock Climbing: (Niagara Escarpment, Kolapor Wilderness), University of Toronto Outing Club (UTOC), CANADA; Surrey Sports Park: Guildford, UK, etc.)
¨ Hiking: Barbados Hiking Society (National Trust), BARBADOS; University of Toronto Outing Club (UTOC), CANADA; Island Hikers, Trinbago Backpackers, Hikeseekers: TRINIDAD; Hikathon (32K, Matelot to Blanchisseuse); Valleys of D Northern Range (29K)
¨ Camping: Victory Heights, IS/IVCF: University of the West Indies, University of Toronto Outing Club (UTOC), CANADA
¨ Aerobics
.. Athletics
¨ Netball
¨ Weight Training
¨ Kick Boxing
¨ Basketball
¨ Volleyball
¨ Badminton
¨ Squash
.. Pickleball
.. Raquetball
¨ Table Tennis
¨ Lawn Tennis
¨ Swimming
¨ Canoeing
¨ Chess
¨ Bridge
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