Requesting a Reference Letter

During your professional path, you will often need to reach out to professors, mentors, and former supervisors to request a reference or recommendation letter. Many of your mentors, former professors, and influencers will be happy to support and write a letter. As a person requesting the letter, you will want to make this as easy as possible for someone to say yes and also provide them with the support to write the best possible recommendation for you. Here are a few tips to help get the best reference out of your request.

The Request

A few items to address in your email request include the following:

  • Why you reached out to this person. Let them know you value their feedback...for instance, you really have enjoyed and excelled in their class (name of class, semester) and a brief explanation.

  • Your need or purpose for the recommendation (i.e. graduate school, a job requested a recommendation letter)?

  • A deadline for you to receive the letter. Try to give the recommender at least a month's notice, if possible to write the letter. If the turnaround is shorter, still request the letter but let the recommender know that aware that you are asking for a short turnaround, apologize, and give a quick reason for the timing. As far as the deadline, try to leave enough time for you to receive the letter and send it in with applications, if the recommender will not have a direct link to submit.

  • Provide two to three items that you are hoping that the recommender mentions based on their knowledge of and experience working with you? Think of what you are hoping this reference can speak to. For instance, you may say "based on your experience working with me I was hoping you could reference my..."

  • Reference why this program or position is a good fit and why you will excel in this role or in the program?

  • Program or Job Information: Include the job application link or potential program (name of program(s) and school) you are applying to.

  • Application Materials: Share your most recent resume/CV and personal statement or cover letter if applicable.

  • Process: If there is a link that the reference will need to submit their letter to let them know you will follow up with the link or this will be sent by the program's institution if they are willing to write a letter.

  • Meet: Some references will want to set up a meeting to discuss. For instance, especially if you have never met with the faculty member outside of a large class. It may be helpful to offer to meet and provide times that work in your schedule to meet virtually or in-person.


As you will find the more you can prepare and make your next professional moves with intention the better things will end up in the end. Continue to work hard to find your place and land the next step.