Cover Letter Examples

As you direct your search, a cover letter is still a common application option or requirement. I encourage you to submit a cover letter tailored to the job or type of job to positions of interest.

Your cover letter should include:

  1. Title of the position and company you are applying for...

  2. Your RAC - (1) REASON for applying (2) ANECDOTE of why you are a good fit could be a story, information learned, skill and/or attribute), and (3) CONNECTION - shows how your reasons and anecdote connect to the position and employers' needs.

  3. "What you can do for the company"

    • Transferrable skills (examples) and professional values

    • Accomplishments highlighted by action verbs and powerful statements

    • Earlier work history or coursework/projects that apply to the role

    • Drive, experience, and interest for the field/industry/work

4. Include Benefit statements such as - · Formula for these benefit statements “I am_________ because I________. What this means for you is__________” Or throughout my (because I)_____ I achieved/succeeded at (I am)_______. As a result, you/the results is that you (so you)_______________.


Consider writing a "Disruptive Cover Letter" (resources from Glassdoor) for those companies you want to express your unique connection and drive to work there.

PD Multi Team Cover Letter Template
PD Multi Team Cover Letter - Traditional
PD Multi Team Cover Letter - Creative
PD Multi Team Cover Letter - Skills Focused
PD Cover Letter Job Closer