Remote/Flexible Experiential Learning (EL) Opportunities

Remote/Flexible Experiential Learning (EL) Opportunities

The following page provides advice to college students looking to gain learning opportunities outside of the classroom who are seeking professional experiences outside of traditional internship opportunities.

Upskilling and COVID EEP Option(s).

These options are open to A&S students. Please review the following resources.

  1. ELCE Covid Updates Site

  2. COVID EEP (alternative to internships) Options and other Resources (gig/project based work) Site

  3. Ohio Job Site with current openings - who is actively hiring in Ohio.

  4. Parker Dewey - seek out short-term micro internships and project-based paid work during the term


Listen to the JT Talks Podcast. Two episodes that will help get you started with networking during this time are:

Paid Service Learning Co-Op Opportunities

Another paid opportuntiy, you may not have known about is through University of Cincinnati’s Service-Learning Co-op program (S-L Co-op), where you can earn up to $1,000 by engaging the not-for-profit community in meaningful ways.

There are four important steps that you need to complete in order to expedite your application:

  1. COMPLETE: Complete this Student Application Form as soon as possible: Student Form .

  2. CONFIRM: Email to confirm that you have completed the Student Form (and inquire about current openings).

  3. JOIN and SEARCH: Click on the following link to join Handshake, and begin searching for S-L Co-op positions:

  4. REGISTER: Register for Professor Michael Sharp’s on-line Internship Professional Development and Reflection course (INT 1000 – 001). Please choose the one credit hour option. If you have taken an equivalent course, such as another section of INT 1000, PD1000, or something similar, you are not required to retake this course.


I’ve heard from a few students about their intern/co-op search and in the response to COVID-19 the workforce and climate is changing almost daily. Here are a few ideas and strategies to consider:

  • Seek assistance for your search with the Bearcat Career Studio. Virtual appointments and virtual walk-in hours are available.

  • Pursue several options, for instance, service-learning co-ops, applying to jobs online, and working your network until something comes to fruition. Waiting around for the 1 opportunity could lead to less opportunities in the long run. If you feel like you are wasting your time, set a goal to spend a certain amount of time per day or week to work on your search and then spend your time outside of that time as you wish:).

  • Add “remote” and “virtual” internship options to your search. When using indeed, LinkedIn, careeronestep,, UC Handshake, and other search engines. You also can sort for newer postings to show first. I have started to notice that start dates are being moved a bit to the end of June or newer positions are also saying with the option for remote work.

  • Search for companies hiring remote workers and find resources such as this CNBC company list and use remote job search platforms such as, flexjobs, and (for remote work in marketing, tech, writing/editing, and customer service).

  • Check with temp services such as Kelly Services or Staffmark and let them know about the types of positions you are interested in.

  • As you are applying for remote options, consider how you can best market yourself as someone who can work remotely:

    • Ability to use technical tools like instant messaging (slack) or group management tools like (i.e. Microsoft Teams, Trello) and cloud storage (google docs, OneDrive) – recall your recent digital skills assignment)

    • Evidence of follow-through (responsible) and project management skills (working autonomously)

    • Ability to adapt to a new environment – examples from moving to remote instruction this past spring may apply or past success taking online courses

    • Past experience and evidence with communication and working with teams

    • Check out the Business Insider article with additional remote search tips and tools.

  • The strength of “weak ties” and networking still occurs in the virtual world. Continue to connect with professionals in the field and alum. What has their transition been like over the past few weeks? Show interest and start to develop a relationship.

  • If you have applied or had past interviews for positions and have not heard back, follow up, you may be able to have a discussion about how you could assist remotely during this time or when the position starts.


Volunteering can be a way to still gain experience virtually and in person as things open back up.

  1. Pre-Health Opportunities document (continuously updated)

  2. Skills-Based Virtual Volunteer Matching: Catchfire -

      • Browse through opportunities based on cause area, skillset, and time commitment.

      • Create a profile and apply for volunteer opportunities.

  1. Cincinnati Care Virtual Volunteering Options

      • Types of Projects Include (Others Available):

          • Proofreading or copywriting for newsletters, social media, communications, etc.

      • Consulting with non-profits on their biggest challenges

      • Creating social media content

      • Writing thank you notes or making thank you cards for donors

      • Leading training/professional development in your area of expertise

      • Online research and writing reports

      • Writing press releases

      • Reviewing training curriculum

  1. Become a Crisis Counselor: Crisis Text Line

      • Crisis Text Line is the free, 24/7 text line for people in crisis in the United States. The service is powered by volunteer Crisis Counselors who work remotely—anywhere with a computer and secure internet connection works.

  1. Virtual Companionship for Seniors

a. Seniors who are isolated by COVID-19 can sign up to receive calls from a volunteer for a virtual social visit, technology support by phone, finding answers to questions. It’s not just a one-time thing either. People will need support for the weeks or months to come. The phone bank ensures seniors get calls on a regular basis from the same person, building a new and meaningful connection in a moment of crisis. Sign up at this link or call (650) 267-2474.

  1. Virtual Volunteer Opportunity Search Websites:

Credit: The following list was developed by Heather Nester and includes resources across campus.