[Getting Started] 

Tone Track - Chords

Adding your First Tone Track - Chords

1. Connecting to Track 2


2. Opening a Tone Track In Prism

'Track Select State -> Track 2 -> Press Track Select button or SEQ to exit


Let's select track 2

SEQ -> Tonal Track

to set track 2 as a tonal track for controlling our synth


3. Adding Chords

Laying down notes in Prism is a breeze. Play notes on the [4x4] matrix to hear their output. As you play the center screen will update with the active notes. Press any trig step to lay down the active note data, the same way you would while using a 'Drum Track'.

Because we are on iPhones and small touch screens Prism has a variety of tools to make a single finger as powerful as possible. For this example we will use the Multi-Chord mode to create a pattern of seventh chords.

Press the keypad note mode button to toggle through the available play modes

We are looking for  mode 3 - [CHORD] Multi

[CHORD] Multi

Press Keypad 2 to go to the second chord type - seventh chords

Add a Trig

Press a lettered keypad to set the active notes. Then press any sequence step to add a trig.

.Add a few more trig steps to complete the chord progression. Here's ours

You might be screaming "wait!!! You buffoon. I don't want my progressing to be only a single bar." Don't you worry.

Change a Trig's Length with [Trig Edit]

As promised, we'll change our progression to 4 bars

To keep their relative placement and simply extend the overall length we can use 'Stretch'


4. Changing the Scale

Finally, let's change the scale of our pattern / the song

Keys and scales are very important in Prism. All tonal shift across every track are always done within the boundaries of the notes define by the set scale. Feel free to change the key or scale at any time, everything you've already played will update accordingly.

*Because of the layout of Prism working within scales < 8 notes provides an optimized experience.

Hit play for the ultimate masterpiece - "Hello, World!" "Hello"
