Lesson 34



Every society, civil government, etc, has set of rules (Constitution) to follow to keep law, order, harmony and unity. Even those, associations supported by the General Conference have names, application forms for membership, and their own law and order.


“We therefore, as Reformers, must follow the divine instruction concerning a more thorough organisation...’Reformation will not bring forth the good fruit of righteousness unless it is connected with the revival of the Spirit...’ 3SC2 3.2

“As restorers of every Divine Institution, we are glad to announce to the readers of Present Truth, that besides the literature of revival they may now also obtain that of reformation, our organisational publication, the ‘Leviticus of the Davidian SDA’ – 1Ans 38.3

The SRod message in the tracts, Codes, TGs...Is the revival that awakens the sleeper from spiritual sleep, then when he/she realises his/her bad condition, asks – “What shall I do,”

The answer is simple – ‘Repent’ do rightly hear (obey) ye the Rod! (See Luke 3:10 / Micah 6:6-9, Rev 3:19-20). Sign and Cry – Ezek 9. Therefore we should not enforce Reformation before giving the Rod message – the revival, to avoid unnecessary confusion and opposition – hindering the very message we bear.

To answer the call in 1SM 121–128 /IT 270 / 8T 250 / Isaiah 54:2 (quoted) 3 Scode continues: “In harmony with the foregoing command, Mt. Carmel has begun to enlarge the place...to stretch forth her curtains (organise –protect herself against all underable elements) by establishing a thorough organisation after the pattern of the theocracy ...to lengthen the cords (revealing truth), by exhibiting in a forthcoming publication the herein announced organisation; and to strengthen her stakes (representative), by establishing each one at his post of duty” – 3SC2 2.3

To answer the call the Messenger had to: (a) increase the camp space for future Davidian plots to shield the world form the Camp offices.

(b) Organise by publishing the constitution in LD to protect the Association from “all undesirable elements” – i.e. confusion, theories, forms of winds or wrong methods of work, so as to spread the “codes “ united spreading of the message.

(c) Establishing Mt. Carmel’s representatives to oversee local areas.

(d) Establishing a thorough organisation after-


“Mt Carmel finds it impossible to carry out man’s plans and the Lord’s at the same time. Hence those who have made their own plans and who come to Mt. carmel centre, become...disappointed as soon as they find the work being carried on contrary to their own plans...Therefore, let all Present truth believers reform by walking in the light of the Lord instead of in their own. ” 4SC49 3.1

“God Himself cannot rule over the proud, self-important and self-sufficient. But as to His people, even children and women rule over them. There is a certain element whom even God Himself cannot convince...they never take orders from any but themselves.. regardless of their profession of what they think or say, they are not God’s people. His real people take orders from anyone whom God appoints because they walk in the light of the Lord, not in the sparks of men.............. ” ITG5 20.1.

“Therefore, let all Present Truth believers reform by walking in the light of the Lord instead of in their own To obey is better than to sacrifice. Obedience to God’s law and principles, both in our spiritual and moral lives, is the thermometer which records whether our spiritual temperature is up or down if our faith in God is as implicitly as the faith of a child, we will not be a halting, doubting spirit. And thus when we receive orders to “Go forward,” regardless of whether or not the way looks clear to us, we will not hold back and wait to see if it is really the way...just how foolish is such a spirit....” 4SC49 3.4

To obtain unity and harmony:

(a) Let us teach the message as it is – without adding or subtracting, not bringing things from the side edges (things not clearly revealed) to the middle of the road.

(b) Avoid back-biting and fault finding.

(c) Obey orders form the message and its Constitution, by-laws – Annual general meetings. Sessions, because we are a society though within another society though within another society) with a government, law and order, and discipline.


Ezek 9:4 / EW 270 / 3T 266-267 / 5T. 209 – 214 – “Sigh” (revive and reform) and “Cry” (teach revival and reformation to others in the church, in order to get the seal among the 144 000. Avoid adding to and subtracting form the message of the hour. Avoid pride, and unprincipled zeal, debate, blind attack, unnecessary disturbance of church service by words or actions. Let us pass through the baptism of opposition without complaint, bitterness, or revenge. But let no one or anything divert you from your duty for God-of reaching everyone SDA with this warning message: Let everyone Present Truth believer share the message. Let no month pass without any soul you have given reading material, collected his/her address, discussed with about the truth. Read 4Ans 30 – 31.


1. Association name: “General Association of Davidian Seventh-day Adventist (GA-DSDA).

2. HQs: 2500 Mt. Carmel Drive, Waco, Texas 76710 USA. Its main work:

To reprint the booklets of the Shepherd’s Rod message, and scatter them like the leaves of autumn to all SDA church, warning it about the approaching Judgement of the Living. Also, training and sending out Bible teachers to study with those interested.

3. MEMBERSHIP: The members of this association are in the main SDA church

– whether disfellowshipped because of the message or not yet disfellowshipped:

a) Studying members (SM) – those who are reading/studying/investigating the Message.

b) Tithe payers (TP) – Those who after they are convinced of the fact, return their tithes and offering to the GA_ DSDA for carrying out this message to the SDA church.

c) Card holders (CH) – Those who after being convinced of their need to sign and cry, have fulfilled the Present standards of Revival and Reformation: “ One’s support of the timely Davidian message, and his living-out its principles (baptism, Sabbath observance, along with the rest of the ten commandments, vegetarianism, dress reform, total abstinence from tobacco and alcoholic beverages, and all else contained in the Spirit of Prophecy), are the truest witnesses of his affiliation and the only genuine visible certification...the absolutely convincing evidences of one’s worthiness to membership in the DSDA Association...” Answer Book 5, p.82. When one has fulfilled these standards and if the application is approved by his local leaders and the Executive Council at the HQs, he/she is issued with the membership card – which is renewable every year.

d) Bible Workers: Those cardholders who wish to teach the message part time or full time – must have passed the Bible Correspondence Course, and went through a three month training course of “The Davidian – Levitical Institute” (DLI). These go out in new areas to teach and organise new groups of believers in Present truth.

4. Classification: The membership is grouped into:

a) Section – a group of studying members in a local area which has reached the level of having 7 or more tithe payers including 5 or more Cardholders.

b) Branch – a group of sections with at least 15 tithe payers including 12 cardholders.

c) Division: a group of branches and /or section, at least 35 tithe including 25 card-holding members minimum.

d) National Division – A group of Divisions in a Country


Annually, each Section or Branch or Division has an Annual general Meeting (AGM) which includes choosing of new leaders – a Board of Trustees (BOT) of 5 or 7: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and 2 or 4 BOT members. The HQs also has the executive Council of 7 chosen by Annual World Sessions made up of chosen representatives from the local sections, branches or divisions.


This Association is not a church but a self supporting society – without financial support from the SDA church or World donations. It is supported by its members who believe in the 4th Angel’s message. The name “Davidian” – is only an awareness program of the forth coming Davidian Kingdom (Zech 12:8; 13:1) – of the House of David – the new name of the purified SDA Church (Isa 62:1-2 / Isa 65:10-15). Also Isa 9:6,7 / Ezek 37:15-23/Jere 30:7-12, Hosea 3:4-5. It is not part of the Branch Davidian (At Elk, 25 miles west of Waco) and its David Koresh who died in the fires of the FBI in 1993. We are at 2500 Mt. Carmel Drive, Waco, Tx. HQs left by V.T. Houteff.


“God does not send judgement upon His people without first warning them to repent. He uses every means to bring them back to obedience and does not visit their iniquity with Judgement until he has given them ample opportunity to repent.” 4T.179

After all these lessons, warnings from inspiration, obviously you are now living in the midst of the valley of discussion or have already crossed it. Prayer, and study are the keys to develop knowledge, faith and action.

What we should all need to know is that each one of us is judged by the light which has shone upon him, for better or for worse. Also that whether we believe it or not, God will soon have the promised sealed company – 144 000 strong, either with us or without us! Therefore what really shall your next step be after all these revelations!.

Do not look at consequences:

“Christ’s Ambassadors have nothing to do with consequences. They must perform their duty and leave results with God” GC 609 – 610.

“All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” 2Timothy 3:12.

“Do not be unbelieving. The more you are jostled, misapprehended, misstated, misrepresented, the more evidence you have that you are doing a work for the Master, and the more closely you must cling to your Saviour” 8T.130.

“All who in that evil day would faithfully serve God according to the dictates of conscience, will need courage, firmness, and a knowledge of God and His word; for those who are true to God will be persecuted, their motives will be impugned, their best efforts misinterpreted, and their name cast out as evil” – Gospel Workers 264.

If you need to be visited for studies or more material, contact as shown below.

The time has come for powerful and personal discussions that must be made after all the evidence that have poured out for you to make them. Now, urgently join in the Message of the hour and its Association - to sigh and cry for you to receive the seal among the 144,000 May the Lord richly bless and guide you.

For more information, questions, material….