Lesson 31b
Mighty River/ HeadQuarters
1. 3SC 11, 12:2-4 – “But as this message of 1930, like the one of 1888, was not accepted by the brethren, the fact soon became evident that if the message of 1930 was ever to reach the people, it must be published and distributed throughout the denomination. This resulted in the book entitled ‘The Shepherd’s Rod,’ Vol.1. This circumstance gave rise to The Universal Publishing Association which while located in Los Angeles, edited and published both, volumes One and Two besides several; pamphlets making up the series of: The Shepherd’s Rod’ publications, until finally in 1935 when, for lack of room, and to be more centrally located for the two Americas, the Association removed to its present location – Mt. Carmel Centre, Waco, Texas...The Lord foresaw this condition and therefore commanded by the pen of Ezekiel to ‘set the camp (Mt. Carmel) also against it.” ...
The California office was not called Mt. Carmel but U.P.A. The reason for the move to Waco was not following a river in Ezek 47 but was for more room, and to be centrally located.
1SC 2:2/Mic. 7:14 / Ezek 4:1,2/11SC 12:30 /1SR 129/1SR p 74-75 – The camp was to be set in fulfilment of Ezek 4:1,2 / Micah 7:14. Though 1SR 129 ( written in 1930 in California) says “Places” for HQs, which was written in 1945, while at Waco Camp, says: “...s’et the camp also against it’, that is , make a temporary lodging place for your workers, HQs from which to carry on the work, and make preparation to remain there until you have conquered the city. This is the devout purpose in building Mt. Carmel centre, this is its given goal” 1SR p 75 – meaning no more other HQs in USA apart from the one set at Waco!.
(a) Country: 8Tr.24/1TG 5:9,10 /1SC 8:9 /12SC 5:18 / 3SC 11-12:3 – it is USA.
(b) State in USA : Amos 1:2 / Isa 19:24 /Ezek 38:12 /1SC 10:1-4 / 3SC 11, 12:3 – “Consequently, the Lone (one) Star State being in the midst of the land for both Americas, North and South, is the place we must set the ‘Camp’, so that the light may be equally diffused east and west, north and south. Moreover, the ‘Camp’ from where the ‘battering rams’ are to be sent, naturally must be centrally located. ”
NOTE: Similarity not actuality is seen both in the river of Ezekiel and the midst of the land for Waco and Jerusalem.
(c) Exact place in Texas: 1SC 11, 12:2 = “the Camp.” 1SC 11, 12:2, 3 = a “place of refuge.” 2SC 5 5:3 = an “antitypical Hill.”
1SC 16:1 = a “permanent ...holy Mount”. Note: This statement was made in Oct 1935 while already at Mt. Carmel and Kingdom light already revealed since 1932.
(a) Joel 2:11 /Joel 3:16 /Amos 1:2 / 12SC 5:18/2Ans. 48-49 – “The General Conference” (Takoma Park, Washington – by E.G. White), “Mt. Carmel Centre Waco, Texas” (by Elijah), Jerusalem” (by Joel, Amos and Elijah).
(b) Amos 1:2 / 1SRp75 /11SC 12:32:0-1/ITG 25:6 – The expiry times for each HQs must only be announced by a prophet /messenger – not by a private individual, E. Council or Session: Washington-1930, Los Angeles – 1934, Mt Carmel, Waco Texas.
1SRp 75
“...‘set the camp also against it’, that is, make a temporary lodging place for your workers, HQs from which to carry on the work, and make preparation to remain there until you have conquered the city. This is the devout purpose in building Mt. Carmel centre, this is its given goal.”
1SC14:5-6 “The prophet Jeremiah in the following words explains that this wailing by those who are thus deceived will be at the close of probation. For they shall say "the harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." (Jer. 8:20.) That is, after the harvest, the time in which they could have been saved, they will realize that probationary time has closed. Then "the habitations of the shepherds shall mourn, and the top of Carmel shall wither….Hence, before that time the top of Carmel must have been green with much pasture, otherwise there would be nothing to wither; that is, though Carmel has now plenty of pasture (present truth), when probation closes it shall be deserted ("wither")… Thus shall the top of Carmel wither, and those who do not take heed to the word, "To day if ye will hear His voice, harden not your heart," at length will be alarmed that their opportunity for accepting the truth has slipped away. Then in their hasty, frenzied effort to acquaint themselves with present truth which went forth from the top of Carmel, to their surprise they shall find that Carmel has finished its work, its inhabitants removed, and probation closed, at which time the inhabitants of "Carmel" can but repeat, "the harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we have nothing for thee."
ITG 25:6 “During the judgement day (of living), the day in which the law goes ‘forth form Zion, and the Word of the Lord form Jerusalem,’ from the future Headquarters of the gospel.”
No other Hqs spoken of between Waco Carmel and Jerusalem!
Not for a colony or settling together in large communities – but to scatter “all over the country, in the towns, cities a, and villages...by their faith and works testifying to the near approach of the coming Saviour” 8T. 244. The work of Mt. Carmel Centre: 2SC 1:2 / 4SC 1-3:6/5SC 1-5:8-9 –To train workers, to punish and mail literature, looking after aged , disabled.....
(b) Life Sketch 380, 389, 392 – 395 – E.G. White led out the location for the Laodicean HQs in Washington DC, 7 miles to USA White House – and within city limits of Takoma Park, while she refused search even 30 miles away from New York vicinity! Even the Laodicean HQs was not allowed near New York! What more a Davidian HQs! V.T. Houteff also was only 2½ miles to city limits and 5 miles to Waco city centre! If God led in both cases, did He not know that by 1930 / 2017 these HQs would be in the midst of city limits! Whose problem – ours or God’s! Br. Houteff did not announce or appoint anyone to look for another HQs between Waco and Jerusalem. All who tried it must defend themselves not using the Rod, for it is not written there! The reasons for the HQs to be near the city is for the facilities like electricity, telephones, “postal services, gas, water, sewerage, and streets...” Ls. 394 – 395.
In 1935, Mt. Carmel bought “189 acres of land for our ‘Camp’ – 1SC 10:2 (1935). And in October 1936.
“We are happy to announce that Mt. Carmel’s area is now nearly doubled by the purchase of another tract of land (186) adjoining our original holding of 189 acres, making a total of 375 acres: and we feel certain that all Present Truth believers will be delighted to know that the acquisition of this addition acrage will make it possible, for those who wish to live independently of the regulations governing Mt. Carmel, to build dwellings for themselves
...too, as this piece of property was for sale, someone would eventually have purchased it, and possibly have become a menace to Mt. Carmel ” 2SC 10:2 (Oct 1936).
The Symbolic Code was not being published from 1943 to 1954 to give time to Tracts and TGs including E. Wedge (1946), GCS (1950) and W.H. Recruiter (1951). The Recruiter announced the hunting Campaign plan for workers. And in 1954, to raise funds for the campaign, part of Mt. Carmel was announced for sale: “..to first sell its excess property, subdivided for high class residences beginning at the old peach orchard near Mt. Carmel entrance…..
(a)..certainly then this move could be a sign – post to both Davidians and Laodeceans that the eleventh-hour message is on the very verge of a final and all-out effort to reclaim the church from the hands of the Enemy...Even now, the Lord’s example to raise funds by disposing of His possessions, is a Loud Cry to every Davidian to awake to the fact that he is privileged to join the campaign with faithful tithe and offering at first, and at last to swell the funds by giving everything so that the work may be finished and the saints be gathered home” 10SC 1:5,6 - 10SC 1:3, 4-6. (Sept 1954).
(b) “Still ringing in the ears of Mt. Carmel was the startling announcement in July (1954), telling of the beginning of the sale of Mt. Carmel property and of the preparation for an all- out effort to recapture the church form the hands of the Enemy. The method of selling was announced in the 10SC 2:11, 12 – subdividing it into plots, then build houses on it by Davidian builders, then sold those houses to Davidians! (it is a prime area for Waco City,
for high-class residence, therefore, was a target for the world men. That method was to keep away the noisy city from coming too near the office. However, the place is still as quite as ever before – a high class area – not industrial or commercial area): This subdivision site was called: “..Lake Shore Hills’ ...The main entrance road was named Mt. Carmel Boulevard (now called Mt. Carmel Drive)...is already a city of nine attractive homes, representing five Davidian builders ...yes, with the city coming to our very doors, the Peach orchard must go...Now the land will be sold at a profit and the means used to search out and save the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Good-bye dear old Peach orchard.” 10SC 2:11 – 13. The land was not sold in big portions but houses built on plots, and sold not all at once, but from time to time as need arises. Note that the land was legally theirs with title deeds – there was no hury such that by 1955, at Houteff’s death only 34 acreas were sold as plots. The reason for selling once more, was to raise funds for th Hunting program, so as to finish the work and go home- Kingdom, Jerusalem, not to some other place in USA. The knock-out blow (R33) through Sis. Houteff’s speedy selling of all land and buying another one at Elk- 25miles west of Waco, and there announce 1959 as year of slaughter of Ezek 9, show that she was led by the devil. She blindly thought both the close of probation and with of Mt. Carmel began with V.T Houteff’s death! Her experience is a warning to us. All who teach theories and engage in private interpretations, will meet their Day of Disappointment!.
In 1954 – 1955, instead of announcing the slaughter or shift to some other place, V.T. Houteff was building the biggest roomed house for the publishing Dpt. This Was the very Publishing house which was re-opened in 1991 – Praise God for ending the knock –out blow and Davidian wanderings.
1. Since 1844 God has only two messengers (E.G. White and V.T. Houteff) and five
HQs found in Inspiration: Battle Creek, Takoma Park, Los Angeles, Waco and Jerusalem, nothing else! Only one fo these was called a ‘Camp’ – Waco, in Texas.
2. The expiry of each is mentioned by Inspiration. God’s prophecies and promises fulfil themselves – no matter what conditions around the times and places like Waco and Jerusalem today. Only those who by their great faith, stick to that which is written will endure to the end and with the Lamb on Mt. Zion.