Lesson 22

Antitypical Elijah and the Storehouse


To reveal the Storehouse and that Elijah is closely related to that storehouse.


Mal 4:5 / TM 475 – As seen in previous lessons, the Great and Dreadful day of the Lord is the solemn period. He gathers His own people form among the nations into His ban-the Premillennial Kingdom.


Type – 1Kins 17 – 19 – Elijah’s work was revival and reformation in backslidden old Israel.

Antitype 1 – Matt. 17:10-13 – John the Baptist’s work was revival and reformation as an antitype to that of Elijah. But he did not restore all things that time- he was only preparing for Christ’s 1st Advent. Many things including the setting up of the Kingdom which he was preaching about was not fulfilled (see Acts 1:6,7 – Kingdom still unrestored to Israel).

Antitype 2 – John 1:19-23 /Matt 17:10-13 –Controversy: John refused to be the Elijah but Jesus confirmed John was the Elijah! Mal 3:1 /Mal 4:5 /TM 475 /3T.62/1SM 174, 192 – the only one who came up with the message of the 144 000 was V.T. Houteff, 1930 in Southern California, USA – as predicted by E.G. White (see lesson 1:2)


Nah 1:15 /TM 117 /GC 609 /9T. 231 / Isa 55:1-2 /Jere 31:7, 10 – by publishing small books to scatter freely in the SDA denomination, to announce the Great and dreadful day of the Lord = Judgement of the Living.


Isa 27:12 / 1SM 122 / Jere 16:14-16 – personal investigation and conversion to Present Truth – to be sealed and gathered one by one.


(a) Remember the 3rd decree of Darius which was fulfilled because it was supported from the King’s own tribute fund. God’s tribute fund is the TITHE from the believers and doers of His Present Truth!

(b) Mal 1:6,7 /Mal 2:1 – Malachi’s prophecy is more addressing the priests – ministry.

Mal 3:1-5 The Messenger, the Lord and the message of the purification of the church as the most urgent Present truth which need our whole attention, time and support (EW 63). If this is the saving Present Truth today – then from where it is being published is the storehouse.

(c) Mal 3:6-10 – which is this whole nation? This nation refers to Israel – not heathen nations who do not know God and cannot be urgent to pay tithe to Him! Whole nation robbing God refers to whole SDA denomination robbing God!.

-the laity and Ministry equally charged by God as robbers – How?

(i) The Ministry : BY rejecting His final sealing message but keep on collecting His tithe and even use it to fight His message of the hour – Elijah’s message!

(ii) The Laity : - By not investigating Present Truth to know what and where the

storehouse is at present time. They are mischanelling the Lord’s tithe to the Grey horses of Zech 6- where Present Truth is not coming from!

(iii) Antitype Achans – Joshua 7/5T. 155-156 /Tract 4:43 – Achan’s two sins were Stealing a Babylon’s garment and silver which was for God. There are antitypical Achans among SDAs – “every (SDA) church and almost every family has its Achan” – 5T.157. To us: Babylonish garment = worldly dress: silver – God’s Tithes.

(d) Mal3:10 /GC 609 /EW 63 – Tithes need to be brought to the storehouse so that there can be a supply of “meat in due season” – Present Truth.

(e) John 12:6 / 13:29 – Christ found Himself in the same situation where the leadership has rejected His message. The Present Truth believers of His day were forced to support their message from their own contributions at their own expense and at their own risk! So was Luther’s; Knox’s Wesley’s Campbell’s, Miller’s, E.G. White’s movements!

Think again – if Jesus waited till the High Priest could give Him licence and funding to carry out His message! If Luther waited until the Pope could fund his publications of truth! If E.G. White waited for the Methodists to finance her writings! All could not have reached the people – and could not have led the church this far! All the laity of their time had to fear God rather than man by supporting the unpopular Truth of their time! SO IT IS TODAY if we hope to be sealed and survive the purification of the church.

(f) 1SR 251 - All SRod believers were asked to direct the Tithe to the SDA Priests until when the leaders had officially and permanents rejected the Present Truth. Then it was time to publish it to everyone in the church. Hence the need for the tithe to be used to publish Present Truth today. In each generation, the leaders’ rejection of Present Truth automatically disqualified them from being given the tithe from God’s sheep: Ezek 34:9-17

– They are stopped from feeding themselves from the products of the Lord’s own sheep tithes and offerings! However, the fallen leadership continue to feed on the opposers of truth, the ignorant and goats “goats” upon whom they lay loads of heavy contributions! The Lord has shown me that precious souls are starving for want of the Present Truth, sealing message, meat in due season”- RH Aug 1849.

“It would be poor policy to support from the Treasury of God (tithes) those who really mar and injure His work, and who are constantly lowering the standard of Christianity” – 3T. 553.

(g) Ezek 4:1-2 – there we see the war of reformation. The Bible is showing that we should set a “camp” and operate from there to capture God’s church back to Him. The soldiers “ (battering rams) or the hunters – the workers, the literature printing, etc for the siege; all need money – God’s own money – the tithe form the believers of His message, to fulfil this goal.

For these reasons, all the full members of this Association return their tithes to the DSDA Association, so that this message of the Judgement of the Living can reach every SDA member before church probation closes and church purification starts.


Elijah’s message is the meat in due season – the storehouse of Present truth – where the Bible is telling us now to channel God’s tithes. For those who are convinced by the message and have understood the urgent need to support it, they can contact their local leaders / teacher for further details on how to tithe and how to remit.