Lesson 21

Two Temples: in Type and Anti-type

PURPOSE: To reveal the steps the Christian Church will pass through to its purification and its attaining the second Pentecostal state.


“Thus the Waldeness witnessed for God centuries before the birth of Luther. Scattered over many lands, they planted the seeds of the reformation that began in the time of Wycliffe, grew broad and deep in the days of Luther, and is to be carried forward to the close of time by those who also are willing to suffer all things for the Word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. Revelation 1:9 – Great Controversy p. 78.

Therefore, as the reformation ascends the ladder of time it gains new doctrines and new believers, while it loses its old names, and attached traditions, theories and those who adamantly stick to theories of men. The Experience of the Temple of Solomon, from its construction to its destruction and restoration is a whole typical lesson to us living in its antitype time. We can now call Solomon’s Temple One, and its restoration-Ezra’s Temple, as Temple Two:


(a) 1Chronicles 17:1-6,11-15/ 1Chronicles 22:6-11 / 2Chronicles 3:1-2 / 5:1/7:1-3 – The plans and building of Solomon’s Temple. It was magnificent and was highly blessed of the Lord by His own glory to dedicate it.

(b) 11Chronicles 36:14-20 – This beautiful temple was destroyed by Babylon due to the sins of Israel. For 70 years it remained in ruins. Then the plans to restore it started (See II Chronicles 36:21-23)

(c) The Decree to restore the Temple

(i) First Decree: Ezra 1:1-6 / 3:7-13 – it was a happy moment to Israel as they

prepared to build the Temple of the Lord. But were met with opposition form the descendants of the old 10 tribes of Israel who intermarried with the Assyrians (who conquered them in 721BC): Ezra 4:1-5, 23-24. “Then ceased the work of the house of God which is at Jerusalem.” Ezra 4:24

(ii) Second Decree: Ezra 5:1-2: God called two prophets, Haggai and Zechariah to

co-jointly prophesy to the Jews to resume building the Temple. But the same opposers rose up against the builders – verses 3-10. But the Jews answered them and gave a brief history of the Temple, the captivity and Cyrus’ decree to allow them to build it – verses 11-

17. The king at that time was Darius. He made a search decree to search for Cyrus’ decree and it was found in the library at Achmetha (modern town of Hamadan on the road from Baghdad to Teheran). The Jews were proved right to build!.

(iii) Third Decree

Ezra 6:1-3 / 7-12 / 15 – Darius made a decree concerning the building of the Temple at Jerusalem: That it should not be stopped. Funds and animals for sacrifice to be given to the builders for their need. This fund was to be from the King’s own tribute revenue or taxes! Also, that anyone who dare to violate the decree must be hanged! “1 Darius have made a decree; let it be done with speed...And this house was finished on the 3rd day of the month Adar (March).

(d) The Two Temples compared

Ezra 3:10-13 / Haggai 2:3,7,9 /PK 597 – 598 – it was because Jesus physically came into Ezra’s Temple dedicated, taught there, and purified it by chasing the polluters – businessmen, that it was greater than the glorious Temple of Solomon.

(e) The Typical Revival and Reformation

Nehemiah 13:1-31 / Ezra 6:16,20,21 – restoration: The Law was restored to Judah, followed by strong reforms in the Holy three ordinances: Marriage, Sabbath, Tithe to the typical builders.


Zechariah 6:12-13 / - Jesus the Son of David as Solomon was, built a temple. Since He did not build a physical building of worship, it was the Christian Church – called after His name. if this is so, then Solomon’s temple was a perfect of the Christian Church. Therefore the experiences of both can be compared; the building, destruction and restoration through three decrees.

(a) The building – Zech 6:12-13,15 . Was glorious and Christ magnified, Christ bore the glory Rev. 1:5,6 and those afar off, gentiles shall build – join the church (Verse 15) as in Zech 2:10-11. The Church was glorious on the day of Pentecost – dedicated for His Gospel spreading.

(b) The Destruction

GC 384 – 385 – After the Apostles, about 150AD onward the church standards were lowered and the unconverted came to flood it then it fell into the Dark Ages of the Papal captivity – modern Babylon (538 -1798 AD). The Dark Ages period divides the Christian church into 2 sections: 31AD to 538, and 1798 onwards.

(c) Three decrees to restore the True Church

The knowledge of the Sabbath and sanctuary truth was in the Christian church from 31AD to 538AD. Then this truth was cast to the ground- “trodden underfoot” (Dan 8:13) from 538AD- 1798AD and was not revealed and restored until after 1335 years (Dan 12:12) – i.e. until 1844 AD.

(i) First Antitype Decree

1844 the sanctuary and Sabbath truth revealed and restored, true worship came back to the Christian church, through the 3 Angels’ messages. Therefore the messages of Luther, Knox, Wesley and Campbell (Lutherans, Presbyterians, Methodists and Baptists respectively) were only preparations for the restoration in 1844: “The Protestant churches which were raised up before the ‘woman’ returned form the wilderness (1798) were in total darkness concerning the sanctuary service. Therefore, they are not represented by the ‘woman’ or the ‘temple’ for as we stated before, the typical temples represent both sections of the church with two divine laws; namely, moral and ceremonial. Thus the ‘woman’ represents a church that keep the commandments of god – moral law, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ – ceremonial law or the plan of salvation revealed in the light of ‘The Spirit of Prophecy’. (Rev 12:17)...” 2SR 268. Thus, to the Law and to the testimonies – Spirit of prophecy.

(ii) Second Decree: As two prophets were guiding at 2nd typical decree, so was in the antitype – 1888 – 1892 – Jones and Waggoner – TM 91, 79, 468. As in the type opposition was led by nominal Israelites (not pure Israel), so in the antitype – the unconverted SDA have ever rejected any message of reformation. They delayed the Righteousness by faith message for 40 years – 1890 – 1930 (see lessons 1:2, 1:4 & 5). And are still rejecting this judgement of the Living message since 1930.

(iii) Third decree

Strong and fearful was the 3rd decree to rebuild the temple: It reinstated the Cyrus decree and strengthened it by the Kings order; that the builders be supported financially from the King’s tribute money; and that opposers be hanged. In the antitype, the 4th Angel’s message must continue the Revival and Reformation – restoration of true worship, of 184. It must be supported by God’s tribute money, tithes from the believers of Present Truth, and that those who choose to oppose the message will be “hanged” by the angels of the Lord- the slaughter of Ezekiel 9! Just as such a strong order finished the Temple, so will this message restore all things and brings the pure SDA church, House of David, into being. Note that since 1844 and that there was only one Cyrus decree which was being renewed and re-enforced! There was only the foundation that was laid by the 144 000 not in gentle land – but in Palestine, after the slaughter of Ezekiel 9. The emphasis here is that this message must be supported by God’s tithes by those who tremble at this antitypical decree. Then the church will soon be surely purified without delay.

(d) The Two Antitypical Temples compared

Solomon’s glorious temple had nothing in comparison to it. When the Ezra temple, which was built from old stones picked from Nebuchadnezzar’s fires of 587 BC, was completed it appeared inferior but was greater in glory by Jesus’ personal and physical presence in it. Likewise the church at the day of Pentecost though glorious indeed, but will be surpassed by the glory of the purified SDA church – the House of David! Will be pure, without sin or sinner in it.

Also, will speak in tongues, heal diseases, raise the dead, defeat its enemies, never die, will be like God! Zech 12:8 /PK 725/ Joel 2:8/ GC 611 – 612. The Lord Jesus will be with the church and be the glory in her midst and a wall fence of fire around it (Zech 2:5, 10-12). His presence however will not be physically visible –but His glory will be restored as pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day (Isa 4:2-6).


1. Revival and Reformation must continue up to the very close of time. The true

Worship and preparation of the building, to the completion of the temple is made possible by 3 decrees amid opposition. We are in the last, third decree period, and soon the church will be restored.

2. As in the former, Sabbath, tithe and marriage reforms should be upheld now, by the Believers if they hope to be sealed and work to complete the building of the Temple.