
Critical Material Appraisal - ongoing

Sam worked with the Students for Climate Action group at the Sheffield School of Architecture to curate and share a set of resources produced by MArch in Architecture students as part of their ARC554 module, Environment & Technology 1. 
The work is titled the "Critical Material Appraisal" (CMA) and asks students to work in groups to develop a body of design research relating to the material, technical and environmental themes emerging from their design studio work. The brief for the assignment asks students to develop a resource for use by their studio and, if relevant, by the wider MArch cohort, School of Architecture or external partners and collaborators. 
The work ranges from in-depth worked examples and critique of embodied carbon calculations, to original research into the production of construction materials using waste or bi-products of bio-remediation, as well as the exploration of the vernacular way of building in particular places around the world. The exhibition aims to make the products of tis research available and accessible to other students and to cultivate reflection on the emerging body of knowledge generated by students in the School.
Exhibition, Online resource, Climate Emergency, Material Cultures, Pedagogy, Sam Brown

The work of Prism Facades - a case study of a terracotta curtain walling system at Blue+William in Sydney, Australia - 8th March, 2023

Sam collaborated with the facade designer Troy Donovan of Prism Facades, based in Sydney, Australia, to develop a guest presentation and associated worksheet of teaching resources covering the role of a facade designer in design teams, the innovative approach to digital sketching used by Troy to develop detail design proposals and the application of this in the context of an innovative curtain walling system in use at the Blue+William development in Sydney, designed by Woods Bagot. 
Event, Teaching Resource, Climate Emergency, Building Performance, Material Cultures, Sam Brown - 2021-ongoing

Studio Just Transitions is an MArch Design Studio at Sheffield School of Architecture.   
The world is embarking on an unprecedented transition. To deliver on the global commitments enshrined in the Paris Agreement, the UK must achieve zero carbon emissions by the mid-2030s. Such a change will require the radical adaptation of both our energy system and the way we engage with energy as a society. Energy transitions have always been shaped by social, political and economic structures, and the transition ahead of us is as much a cultural transition as a physical one.
This site was created to form an archive of the studio's work both within and outside of the School of Architecture.
Website, Climate Emergency, Placemaking, Material Cultures, John Sampson

Urban Rooms Toolkit - January-September, 2022

The Urban Rooms Toolkit is a public resource to be used, downloaded and shared by anyone interested in situated creative community engagement in placemaking. Here you will find all you need to know about setting up an Urban Room. In this Toolkit you can read the STORIES, get the KNOWHOW and discover the METHODS that have been tried and tested by the Urban Rooms Network. 
The Toolkit consists of a website with links to download the whole Toolkit, or individual sections:■ Urban Rooms?: introducing the Urban Room as a tool for place-based community engagement - its ethos, the forms it can take and who might benefit from setting one up.■ Stories: case studies of Urban Rooms across the UK - how they were set up, their aims, challenges, activities and the impact they had on their place.■ Knowhow: how to make the case, set up, resource and operate an Urban Room - based on real experience from the Urban Rooms Network.■ Methods: the activities, techniques and tools that have been tried and tested in UrbanRooms to foster inclusive and creative engagement.
The project was funded via HEIF Knowledge Exchange funding by The University of Sheffield. The Toolkit was produced by Live Works, co-created with the Urban Rooms Network, in partnership with The Place Alliance, UR Folkestone and the Greater London Authority. The project also included the redesign of the Urban Rooms Network website.
"The Place Alliance set up the Urban Rooms Network as one of its working groups in 2015 because urban rooms can play a vital part in working with communities in helping them to appreciate and improve the quality of their places. The Toolkit will play a valuable and integral role in continuing the Place Alliance’s campaign for improving place quality nationally by encouraging the establishment of more urban rooms." - Prof. Matthew Carmona, Chair of Place Alliance, UCL Bartlett School of Planning
"We are pleased to have partnered the University of Sheffield on the UR Toolkit project which holds immense value to individuals and groups in helping them to develop civic participation in planning and architecture, and the built environment more generally." - Diane Dever, Chair of Urban Rooms Network
Website, Book, EDI, Participation, Placemaking, Carolyn Butterworth 

 SSoA Feminist Library - May, 2020-ongoing

In March 2020 SSoA staff and students organised a Feminist Teach Out to explore feminist foundations, fields and futures and celebrate 20 years of feminist activity at SSoA. Many participants at the event expressed interest in having access to the work produced in the school over the years under this banner. During the last decades, numerous students have produced design and theoretical projects addressing feminist topics and methodologies which remained invisible to the wider School community. Much of the feminist work in the School took more intangible forms such as conferences, events and discussions which remained fully or partially unrecorded. The Feminist Library at SSoA will include an archive, in which previous outputs (dissertations, publications, theses, design projects, event recordings and testimonials) will be documented and stored, and a live part in which new events, activities, and debates will be posted in real time. The Feminist Library will be launched during a special event in November and disseminated across UK and international HE institutions. This will be a key resource for students and staff and will ensure that SSoA continues to set the agenda in feminist pedagogy and research.
Website, EDI, History and Representation, Pedagogy, Participation, Carolyn Butterworth and Catherine Skelcher

Studio Learning Culture: MArch studio archive and learning resource - 2020

The Studio Learning Culture web resource disseminates a collated and collective body of student work from 2015-2019. Organised into 8 thematic areas, each is a lense through which learning has been explored; revealing a series of crucial contemporary societal, spatial and environmental challenges. Projects exhibited here have formulated innovative approaches and critical design responses to these challenges; raising many questions as well as solutions.
Since 2015 Studio Learning Culture has explored what it means to learn; to acquire skills or gain knowledge, to study or be taught, to educate or engage in a pedagogical process.
Studio Learning Culture comprises a group of Masters Architecture students based in Sheffield School of Architecture at the University of Sheffield. Led by Leo Care the studio has collaborated with a range of stakeholders from academia, local authorities, charities, interest groups and schools.
Based in South Yorkshire and the Sheffield City Region, this body of work forms a collective set of ideas and visions to transform learning in the region and transform the region through learning.
Website, Digital Learning, Climate Emergency, Pedagogy, Placemaking, Leo Care

Around the Toilet: Design Toolkit - 2018

The Design toolkit was one strand of the Around The Toilet research project, that aimed to create an online resource to help students to understand the importance of toilet design and engage them in the challenges of creating better toilets. The work incorporated gender and disability studies with architectural design and research. The work and outputs from the project were presented at the Disordinary Architecture conference at UCL in March 2018.
The project was AHRC funded.
Journal Article, Website, EDI, History and Representation, Pedagogy, Participation, Building Performance, Leo Care

The Careers Compendium - 2017

The Careers Compendium is part of a suite of educational resources, created in collaboration with Doncaster Civic Trust. The aim is to offer an accessible and easily digestible series of career information related to Architecture, Planning, Urban Design and Landscape Architecture. The compendium was created to sit alongside a study bursary scheme for Doncaster residents.
Resource for Secondary School Children, EDI, Participation, Leo Care

Space to Park - 2014

Home Improvements, an AHRC-funded Knowledge Exchange programme, aims to improve the quality and value of new housing by enhancing communication and knowledge exchange between volume housing builders and architectural practices. The project is a collaboration between the Universities of Sheffield (lead partner), Edinburgh and Kingston, in partnership with the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA),housing industry stakeholders, including Taylor Wimpey, Design for Homes and Radian as well as 3 practice partners.
As one of the practice partners on the project URBED in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh and Design for Homes prepared the Space to Park study. This tests assumptions about parking provision in residential developments using data collected on more than 400 new house schemes in Kent, six case studies, residents’ survey and focus groups.
Space to Park has resulted in a web-based, user-generated resource of best practice for those seeking parking solutions in new build residential developments.
Its final report and findings were presented at a parliamentary launch in Westminster on 12th February 2014 by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.
The project was also nominated for an RIBA President's Award for Outstanding University-located Research.
A copy of the full report along with the executive summary and good practice case studies can be found at the  Space to Park Website (Link to
Event, Journal Article, Website, Placemaking, John Sampson

Motivating Collective Custom Build - 2013-2014

Sam was seconded to Ash Sakula Architects as part of a project that tested methods by which academic institutions could collaborate with industry partners. The project focused on in-depth research into the delivery of custom build housing in the UK. Sam collaborated with Ash Sakula Architects and housing industry social enterprise, Design For Homes, on the production of a short film and website that collected, curated and introduced information about collective forms of self-provided housing and argued the case for greater support for this type of development. The project attracted significant media interest and was launched in the UK Parliament in 2014. The project was set within the Home Improvements research project funded by the Arts & Humanities Research (AHRC) and led by Prof. Flora Samuel. Motivating Collective Custom Build was led by Prof. Fionn Stevenson as Primary Investigator and Dr Cristina Cerulli as Co-Investigator.
Event, Film, Website, Participation, Sam Brown
CollectiveCustomBuild_inWeb (trimmed).wmv
Ash, C., Birkbeck, D., Brown, S., Cerulli, C. and Stevenson, F. (2013) - Motivating Collective Custom Build_full report.pdf