
Critical Material Appraisal - ongoing

Sam worked with the Students for Climate Action group at the Sheffield School of Architecture to curate and share a set of resources produced by MArch in Architecture students as part of their ARC554 module, Environment & Technology 1. 
The work is titled the "Critical Material Appraisal" (CMA) and asks students to work in groups to develop a body of design research relating to the material, technical and environmental themes emerging from their design studio work. The brief for the assignment asks students to develop a resource for use by their studio and, if relevant, by the wider MArch cohort, School of Architecture or external partners and collaborators. 
The work ranges from in-depth worked examples and critique of embodied carbon calculations, to original research into the production of construction materials using waste or bi-products of bio-remediation, as well as the exploration of the vernacular way of building in particular places around the world. The exhibition aims to make the products of tis research available and accessible to other students and to cultivate reflection on the emerging body of knowledge generated by students in the School.
Exhibition, Online resource, Climate Emergency, Material Cultures, Pedagogy, Sam Brown

Decarbonise your house now - 2020-2022

Acting as a research mentor I supported Editional Studio to develop The Decarbonise Your House Now! guide and exhibition.
The research commissioned by the RIBA explores the barriers that small practices play in communicating the importance of environmental upgrade to their domestic clients.  The research culminated in an exhibition of experimental building fragments exhibited in Editional Studios local high street shop.
Exhibition, Research Publication, Climate Emergency, Material Cultures, Building Performance, John Sampson
Decarbonise your House NOW Exhibition GuideFirst Edition 211126.pdf

Catalogue 2020 - June, 2020

Working closely with colleagues Luis Hernan and Ralph Mackinder and a small team of laid students, Sam developed the University of Sheffield School of Architecture’s end-of-year catalogue and online exhibition content in 2020, an innovative response to the challenges imposed by the COVID pandemic and associated restrictions on public gatherings. 
This required the development of an innovative online platform to take the place of the traditional physical end-of-year exhibition, as well as the integration of documents such as the catalogue with that platform.
Responding to this challenge also offered the opportunity to develop a method for documenting and disseminating the activity of the School that was not wholly (and only) aligned with the cycle of the validated courses and as such, more inclusive of post-graduate taught and post-graduate research activity.
Exhibition, Catalogue, Digital Learning, Participation, Sam Brown

SYHA / SSoA Housing Exhibition - June, 2021-ongoing

The exhibition is designed to celebrate two years of student work developed through the School's collaboration with South Yorkshire Housing Association, showcasing design projects, dissertation material and Live Projects.
The exhibition is designed to be deployed indoors or externally to reach as wide an audience as possible.
The exhibition would expose the excellent work of over 300 students from across the School to the general public, providing an engaging forum for discussion around topical housing issues. It is intended that several students would be involved as key members of the curatorial team.
Event, Presentation, Exhibition, EDI, Climate Emergency, Participation, Placemaking, Material Cultures, Building Performance, Carolyn Butterworth and Leo Care

Arrival City International Exhibitions - 2018-2019

During 2018 and 2019 the work of my MArch Arrival City Studio was exhibited in Mannheim and Milan in local venues in collaboration with local partners.  
2018 at Klokke, Mannheim. Exhibition of student work in collaboration with Mark Stancombe and Yanni Pitsillides and Klokke.
2019 at Mapping San Siro, Milan. The exhibition of student work in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano.
Exhibition, Placemaking, Participation, John Sampson
Arrival City Exhibition Board.pdf

Alpha Farm - 2011

Alpha Farm: A design-led research study commissioned by Manchester International Festival exploring the delivery of a Vertical Farm in Manchester. The project was a collaboration between URBED, Lancaster University, Cambridge University and Biomatrix Water. 
The team concluded that by taking a comprehensive approach to the integration of nutrient, water and energy flows within the building a vertical farm has the potential to be developed as a resource ‘sensible’ model. By this we mean that the farm has the potential to grow food using less energy than conventional farming based on the input of large numbers of pesticides and fertilisers and the transport of food over large distances.
This resulted in a demonstrator growing project called the Biosphere being constructed at Manchester College that integrated fungiculture, aquaculture, hydroponicsand vermiculture. The project won a National PACE Award for Environmental Sustainability.
Exhibition, Press Article, Built Project, Climate Emergency, Placemaking, Building Performance, John Sampson
20111031_ALPHA FARM Report Web.pdf