

Plugins Many Have Found Helpful

Plugin How To's along with plugin recommendations presented at ALET's Winter Conference

Installation Instructions for PowerSchool Plugins
PowerSchool Plugins

ALSDE Developed Plugins


Power Data Solutions

Power Data Solutions - https://www.powerdatasolutions.org/content/pscb-plugin-directory-0 

This is an AMAZING repository of customizations and report bundles that you can add to your servers to enhance your use of PowerSchool.

PowerSource Plugins Helpful to AL Districts

For all PowerSource plugins, it is advised that you click the link "Watch this File" located in the toolbox area on the plugin page.  Clicking this link will send you email alerts when the plugin is either updated or commented on. Doing this ,means you are not constantly checking manually to know when it has been updated for you to install the new version of the plugin.


Schedule Search allows you to search live active student schedules for holes or conflicts. It breaks your school year down into parts, regardless of how many different size term portions you have, (multiple term portions of sizes 1 through 12 supported) and searches for any holes or conflicts no matter how small.

After installation, switch to a school (this does not function in District mode), click the Schedule Search button, and a dialog customized to your school will pop up offering to search through either the currently selected students or the enrolled students. You can also select which parts of your school year you wish to search as well as which day/period combinations you are interested in. Finally you select whether you are searching for holes or conflicts or both and click search.

Any students matching the search parameters will be automatically selected


Display a list of categorized PowerSchool DATs and examples of how they are used.

You can quickly filter for the tag / description to help locate the one you need


This plugin allows teachers to see a directory listing of all students at their school. They can do a search or filter on first name, last name, grade level, gender, or student number. On the row with the student name are links to popups that show demographics information (including photo), list schedule, weekly (bell) schedule, and where the student can currently be found (Find Me). 

By default, this plugin will display the legacy contact fields in the Student Directory popup window.

If you are using the new Student Contacts module introduced as of version 12 and would like for those to display on the demographics popup instead, navigate to School > PT Student Directory Preferences, and change the setting. This must be done for every school separately.


Shows teachers the Meeting Attendance for students that has been taken in other periods on the same day.


Once a selection of students has been made, select Mass Print A Student Screen from the Group Functions drop-down (lower-right corner of the PowerSchool home screen) or the Special Functions > Group Functions page.  Select a screen from the drop-down on the right side of the screen, and click Submit.

The screens will load for each student, and a progress bar will provide feedback.  Be patient.  Some screens produce a lot of data per student, and the browser can become bogged down as it fills with content.  It is not recommended that any screen be printed for selections of students greater than 1,000, as it may crash the browser.  If you need to print for more students, try breaking it up into smaller jobs. 


This current version works in the Admin portal, based on current selection. It also works in PowerTeacher, from the Student Information icon.

There are some additional preferences, and some changes in the existing preferences:

For the student contacts column, currently the only filter on the emails displayed is the "Receives Mail" flag on the student relationship. And that the person is active, as well, of course. In future releases, I am considering adding additional filter options, and built the system to be able to be expanded. 


Adds a checkbox to the admin header that blurs some student data. This is useful for screenshots and meetings where you do not want the student's identity revealed.


The Counselor Dashboard has been re-done again (3.x to 4.x)! Now, by popular demand, there is also a Teacher Dashboard.

The Zip you download includes two different plugin files so you can decide if you want the Counselor Dashboard, the Teacher Dashboard, or both.

Important: The Teacher Dashboard has a configuration screen in the admin portal on the School Setup menu. Look for the Teacher Dashboard Settings link in the General category. This page allows you to control which data portlets will be enabled. These settings are school specific so, for example, you can hide the Grad Plan information at your elementary schools. Nothing will be displayed to teachers until you enable at least one portlet at each school!

These dashboards allow your counselors and/or teachers to simultaneously view the Quick Lookup, Current Schedule, Cumulative Info, Historical Grades, Test Scores, Net Access, All Enrollments, and the new Grad Planner and/or Graduation Progress screens all at the same time. Please note that CD4 works best with large wide-screen monitors.

** Watch a demonstration of CD4 and TD4 on the PowerSchool Insider Episode 28 **


Add a new tab to your Start Page that allows users with access to the page to find any student in the district. Helpful for any of you that would like to search before enrolling a new student or many other possible reasons. This is a database-wide search and will find all matching students and show their enrollment status. So it will find inactive as well as active students.


This customization allows selection of multiple students or staff without selecting each student or staff by hand. Simply Copy & Paste (or type) the student/staff numbers, state student number, "Lastname, Firstname" or "Firstname Lastname" from any source like Excel or Word file. This comes handy when you already have a list of students or staff and would like to reselect them in PowerSchool.


 This plugin is based on the Contact Info DAT cheat sheet by Jason Springel. It allows dynamic building of DAT codes to extract data from the new PowerSchool unlimited contacts. It provides a more accessible way for end users to generate DAT tags for use on exports and reports rather than constructing them from scratch.


 Quick Object Reports is designed to facilitate quick edits as well as importing and exporting templates for Object Reports.


Quick summary screen to review and select students based on their learning preference.


State Reporting added new functionality to track student's learning preferences along with the type and quality of internet access at home and device access. The only place to see this data for each student is on the Learning Preferences page within each student record or to add the Student Learning Preferences Enterprise Report to your system.

This plugin gives you the option of display the students most recent Learning Preference and Effective Data in the following locations:


This customization adds a link to the admin home page below the search for Homeroom Search. It uses SQL to create a list of current homerooms, using the home_room field on the modify info page. The homeroom SQL currently does not work from the district office, so the link will not show up. You have to be in a school.


This plug-in adds a tab to the edit course navigation tab set that allows you to very easily adjust the standards associated with a course. This means no more clicking a standard from the Standards List, pasting a comma and your new course number into the course list, submitting, and then repeating the process for the 50 standards you wish to assign to a course.

The page displays as read-only if viewed from a school or if the user does not have permission to access the /admin/standards/home.html page.

Since this plug-in makes it substantially easier to associate and dissociate standards with courses it provides warnings about removing course associations if there are scores or custom weights involved.

There is also a potential delay of a few hours between making changes to standards with this plug-in and those changes appearing in teachers' gradebooks. If you wish to force the update immediately, you can save your changes with one desired standard still unassigned. Then when you have changed the rest, go into the Standards List and assign the course to that one remaining standard. Suggestions are welcome as to how to trigger the PowerTeacher Gradebook cached standards to update on command, rather than on an intermittent schedule.


The ability to add custom class names in PowerTeacher Pro was added in PS 11 (it's been part of PTG for quite some time.) However, you may have noticed the custom class names don't display in the PowerTeacher Portal. For any teacher who teaches multiple classes, all with the same course name, finding the section a particular student is in can be a cumbersome, click-heavy experience, if you don't know what period or section they are in.


This plug-in adds the historical fees associated with a student to the bottom of their Free Transactions page.

You no longer need to switch to previous years, or worse previous schools, to identify the original cause of a SOY balance.

The year, school, date, and original information about the fee is all displayed.

As a minor security note, this does technically allow people assigned to one school to view fees created at another school, but that is rather the point since often times those SOY balances have rolled up from the middle school.

Additionally, all SOY balances are removed from the history unless they have payments associated, and there are no totals as these interfere with the current year's totals.


Here is a really helpful screen Jason Springel created a few years ago to display login history for staff.

Makes it really easy to find out when a user logged in should you ever need to know...or how often they are signing in.


This plugin allows you to set up an automated email notification when a new student is enrolled or an existing student is transferred in or out.

Email notifications are school specific. Each school is setup individually. Multiple email addresses may be added though for each location.


 This plugin creates a dialog box popup on the Quick Lookup screen of all 3 portals. The dialog has a button for e-mailing all current teachers using the default e-mail client. It also lists all addresses in a textarea so they can be copied and pasted into another client if the default is not set up or if a browser does not handle mailto: links well.


This plugin changes the home_room field on the Modify Info screen from an open text box to a drop-down that lists all of the current home_room values at a particular school.  This helps prevent spelling errors, trailing spaces, and other issues that cause this list of values to proliferate out of control.  

End users always have the ability to manually type in a home_room name by clicking the nearby link.  A new entry will automatically be added to the list of choices.


Ever have a building where someone forgets to update the current final grade name when the quarter or semester rolls over?  Parents will continue to receive outdated grade e-mails, and automated queries and reports may not pull correctly.  

This customization checks to see if the store code preference has a date range that includes the current date.  If not, a warning will display on /admin/home.html until it is fixed. 


This plugin will add an alert to the meeting attendance page for teachers if a student has been enrolled in their class within the past 14 days.


This plugin will add the student's homeroom field (students.home_room) as an additional column to the Start Screen Student Selection.

The home room will be when in District Office or when you have a School selected.

This replaces my original Start Screen Homeroom Plugin which worked with the older PowerSchool (non-New Look) and was shared on Groups.io


Displays a banner on Admin UI when a previous, or future year, is selected from the Term dropdown. 

Import Homeroom Plugin


I’ve updated my plugin that helps import data into the Home Room field on the “Modify Information” page. PowerSchool imported old information into this field from INOW, so it’s good to update it to prevent confusion.


Here’s a link to download the plugin:



The plugin doesn’t add any page modifications or anything of that nature. It’s just 3 PowerQueries that you can use in Data Export Manager.


I’ve updated it from the previous version.


Here’s a video explanation of how to get it running so that your Home Room fields take care of themselves:



Since we can’t simply run a PowerQuery to update the Home_Room field directly from the plugin (PowerQuery plugins only get read access to the database) we have to export a file using a Scheduled Job in data Export Manager, then a few minutes later have a scheduled AutoComm pick up that very same file.


Please let me know if you have any questions or problems.

If you’re having trouble with Duplicate student_number(s) stalling your Auto_Comm, here’s a (Windows) script that will clean duplicates out of your file. Modify it with your filename and path, then schedule it to run in the window of time between when the file is created by DEM and when it is picked up by your AutoComm.




Thomas Ashbaugh

Network Engineer

Lee County Board of Education