Sobre / about

(English version below)

Somos um grupo de cinco investigadoras das Universidades do Algarve, Lisboa, Minho e Porto que, mobilizadas pelo impacto da COVID-19 nos/as trabalhadores/as e nas organizações nacionais, tomou a iniciativa de criar o Power2Project: People, Organizations, Work: Emerging Resources and Realities. Temos vindo a trabalhar juntas desde 7 de Abril de 2020.

Pode encontrar mais informação na nossa página do ResearchGate

Contacte-nos através do seguinte endereço eletrónico:

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We are a team of five researchers from the Universities of Algarve, Lisbon, Minho and Porto. Mobilized by the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on employees and national organizations, we took the initiative to create Power2Project: People, Organizations, Work: Emerging Resources and Realities. We have been working together since April 7, 2020.

You mind find more information on our ResearchGate page

Contact us at this email address: