Visual Arts

Art School

The school boasts a vibrant art education system that encourages students to explore  their artistic vein. 

The dedicated art building is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities such as a fully-equipped photo studio, a sculpting room, and a variety of sewing machines to cater to the diverse interests and talents of its students.

In each period, students at Helsinki Kallion lukio engage in three distinct assignments, each with its own unique theme and focus. These tasks help students to experiment with different artistic techniques and styles, allowing them to develop a specific skill set. 

I think that the school also encourages students to think outside the box.

Art Assignemets

The assignments we saw expressed the diverse creativity of the students at Helsinki Kallion lukio, an art school where imagination knows no bounds.


One memorable task involved blending the styles of two famous buildings. This  actually challenged students to combine architectural elements in a way that was both visually striking and innovative. The freedom given to the students in choosing their methods —whether through drawing, digital art, or traditional painting—showed the school's emphasis on individual expression and personal comfort in art.

The artworks were diverse, creative and each piece reflected not only the technical skill of the students but also their ability to merge architectural styles in a very funny or creative way.

The art classroom became a melting pot of ideas, where students exchanged ideas and inspiration, forming a collaborative spirit amongthem.

The supportive atmosphere at Helsinki Kallion lukio extends beyond the classroom. Teachers, themselves experienced artists, provide guidance, nurturing the students' artistic development. The art school's commitment to excellence is evident and it prepares them for a future where creativity and innovation are highly valued.