
The teacher is  Kuivalainen Maiju 

When I entered the class I thought we are going to take aerobic classes as our form teacher said so, but when we had our first lesson and our teacher intoduced this course my heart skipped a beat. I am really afraid of these exercises cause I feel I am going to break my bones somehow, or just get hurt. Of course our teacher tried to calm down but it did not worked for me.

We always started our courses with a long warm up and streching.  In the first week we practiced the forward and back rolls, which I hated. I always thought that I will break my neck somehow, but luckyly I got braver and braver.
As the class progressed, my anxiety slowly gave way to a mix of curiosity. 

The gym transformed into a lively space filled with mats and balance beams. Our teacher began explaining the fundamentals of acrobatics and the importance of trust among classmates during the performance of various stunts.

We started with basic warm-up exercises to prepare our bodies for the challenges ahead then we tried each move gradually.

As the lesson unfolded, we were introduced to acrobatic elements that involved partner work.

The first attempts were awkward as we stumbled through the exercises.

Our teacher’s encouraging feedback was very motivating though. She demonstrated every move with precision that made it easier for us to understand and replicate the acrobatic elements.

 The class turned into a supportive environment where students helped each other overcome their fears.