ptc champs
24-25 Record: 21-1 (7-0 PTC)
W 65-16 Garfield (11.22)
W 70-69 Columbia (11.26)
W 56-18 Aquinas (12.4)
W 59-3 @ LCC (12.7)
W 70-48 @ Field (12.9)
W 59-36 Independence (12.14)
W 59-49 @ Mogadore (12.18)
W 76-39 @ New Middletown Springfield (12.21)
W 63-28 @ Southeast (12.28)
W 61-38 Marlington (12.30)
L 54-51 @ Revere (1.2)
W 52-40 @ Crestwood (1.4)
W 61-43 JFK (1.8)
W 47-34 Smithville (1.11)
W 52-28 @ Kirtland (1.18)
W 74-45 Riverside (1.19)
W 59-6 LCC (1.22)
W 72-45 @ Chaney (1.29)
W 67-47 @ JFK (2.1)
W 70-43 Mogadore (2.5)
W 48-43 Perry (2.8)
W 71-55 Madison (2.10)
Division VI Northeast 1 (No. 1)
No. 34 Fairport Harding (2.15, 7p, SF)
ptc champs
23-24 Record: 22-3 (8-0 PTC)
W 49-45 Field (11.22)
W 60-39 @ Beaumont (11.25)
W 69-13 Crestwood (11.28)
W 71-21 Niles McKinley (12.4)
W 62-27 STA (12.6)
W 53-47 Revere (12.9)
W 62-27 @ Independence (12.18)
W 66-28 @ Southeast (12.20)
W 84-25 South Range (12.23)
W 60-44 @ Alliance (12.30)
W 69-22 Mogadore (1.3)
L 62-42 @ Chippewa (1.6)
W 55-45 @ JFK (1.10)
W 72-47 Badger (1.13)
L 51-48 @ Lutheran East (1.22)
W 60-34 Kirtland (1.29)
W 57-17 Southeast (1.31)
W 58-55 (2OT)) @ STA (2.5)
W 66-46 @ Mogadore (2.7)
W 57-19 @ Garfield (2.10)
W 67-24 Windham (2.12)
W 62-29 JFK (2.14)
Division III Northeast 1 (No. 4)
W 63-19 No. 38 Lakeview (2.21, 1st)
W 56-27 No. 37 Orrville (2.24, SF)
L 48-43 No. 2 Keystone (2.28, DS, at Lakeview)
ptc champs
22-23 Record: 17-6 (8-0 PTC)
W 57-37 @ Field (11.18)
W 49-15 @ Crestwood (11.23)
L 63-52 Chippewa (11.25)
W 49-40 Mogadore (11.30)
W 59-13 @ East Canton (12.1)
W 48-12 @ Windham (12.3)
W 59-39 JFK (12.7)
W 47-45 Tallmadge (12.12)
W 49-38 @ Aquinas (12.14)
W 51-33 Canton South (12.17)
W 46-21 Southeast (1.4)
W 68-53 Alliance (1.9)
W 67-48 @ Mogadore (1.11)
W 63-37 @ JFK (1.18)
L 51-36 Streetsboro (1.21)
L 50-28 @ West Branch (1.23)
L 37-32 New Middletown Springfield (1.28)
L 53-32 @ Revere (1.30)
W 55-24 Aquinas (2.2)
W 48-32 @ Kirtland (2.6)
W 55-30 @ Southeast (2.8)
W 34-31 Western Reserve (2.11)
Division III Northeast 1 (No. 8)
L 56-49 @ No. 6 Lake Catholic (2.18, SF)
Portage trail conference co-CHAMPS
21-22 Record: 15-8 (8-2 PTC)
W 58-38 Field (11.19)
W 58-47 @ Mogadore (12.1)
W 49-29 Windham (12.4)
W 56-23 Rittman (12.6)
W 58-42 @ JFK (12.8)
L 44-42 Tuslaw (12.11)
L 52-43 @ Canton South (12.13)
W 51-36 Aquinas (12.15)
L 57-49 @ LCC (12.22)
W 45-41 @ Western Reserve (12.27)
W 44-41 @ Southeast (1.5)
W 61-42 @ Alliance (1.10)
W 50-41 Mogadore (1.12)
W 54-40 JFK (1.19)
L 71-46 Loudonville (1.22)
W 35-27 @ Aquinas (1.26)
L 48-27 @ Streetsboro (1.29)
L 53-41 Crestwood (1.31)
W 43-31 LCC (2.2)
W 61-41 @ Springfield (2.5)
L 56-52 Southeast (2.9)
W 59-52 @ Lowellville (2.12)
Division III Lakeview (No. 8)
L 66-60 No. 10 Berkshire (2.19, SF)
2020-2021 Record: 12-7 (5-6 PTC)
W 47-26 @ Field (11.20)
W 33-29 Cuyahoga Heights (12.3)
W 50-34 @ LCC (12.16)
L 46-44 Streetsboro (12.19)
W 36-34 @ Woodridge (12.23)
W 74-2 Warren JFK (1.4)
W 54-25 LCC (1.6)
W 46-38 Alliance (1.11)
L 40-32 @ Southeast (1.13)
W 33-31 @ Mogadore (1.16)
W 43-38 Springfield (1.30)
W 51-38 Mogadore (2.1)
L 44-24 Southeast (2.3)
L 54-35 Mogadore (2.6)
L 45-23 @ Southeast (2.8)
L 58-32 @ Garfield (2.10)
W 53-47 Garfield (2.13)
Division III East (No. 9)
W 49-30 No. 14 Grand Valley (2.20, SF)
L 59-37 @ No. 2 Garfield (2.24, DS)
W 46-45 Field (11.22)
W 62-26 @ Alliance (11.25)
L 53-38 Smithville (11.30)
W 72-30 LCC (12.4)
W 54-37 VCS (12.11)
W 55-42 @ Mogadore (12.14)
L 68-51 @ Garfield (12.18)
W 44-36 Woodridge (12.21)
W 65-27 Windham (12.28)
W 42-29 Crestwood (1.4)
L 59-33 @ Southeast (1.8)
W 45-24 @ LCC (1.11)
W 43-35 East Canton (1.13)
W 69-38 Central Catholic (1.15)
L 59-42 @ Streetsboro (1.18)
W 45-10 @ VCS (1.22)
W 52-43 Mogadore (1.25)
W 47-41 Garfield (1.29)
W 45-34 @ Springfield (2.1)
W 52-41 @ Crestwood (2.5)
L 47-33 Southeast (2.12)
W 40-30 @ St. Thomas (2.8)
Division III Struthers District (No. 5)
W 39-25 No. 12 Canton Central Catholic (2.19, 1st)
L 56-44 @ No. 4 Crestview (2.22, SF)
Coach: John ZelenakPostseason: No. 10 seed, Division III Struthers, fell to No. 2 South Range in the sectional finals
Check out the Rovers' season preview!
L 63-20 @ Smithville (11.24)
L 62-34 Southeast (11.28)
W 63-24 @ Windham (11.29)
W 35-24 Alliance (12.3)
W 59-50 @ Crestwood (12.8)
W 43-28 LCC (12.12)
W 48-42 Aquinas (12.15)
L 55-36 @ Garfield (12.19)
L 53-41 @ Field (12.22)
W 57-40 Windham (12.27)
W 48-43 @ Woodridge (12.29)
L 54-42 Western Reserve (1.5)
W 63-29 Mogadore (1.9)
L 72-62 VCS (1.12)
L 41-20 @ Southeast (1.16)
L 62-48 @ East Canton (1.23)
W 53-40 Crestwood (1.26)
L 64-47 Streetsboro (1.28)
L 64-52 @ LCC (2.4)
L 44-38 Garfield (2.6)
W 41-40 @ Mogadore (2.9)
L 73-49 @ VCS (2.13)
Division III Struthers (No. 10)Â
W 40-34 @ No. 7 East Palestine (2.20, 1st)
L 58-22 @ No. 2 South Range (2.23, SF)
Coach: Chip BittecufferPostseason: No. 10 seed in Division III Ravenna District, eliminated by No. 7 Conneaut in the first round
W 36-18 Windham (11.30)
W 49-42 @ Streetsboro (12.2)
L 72-34 @ Southeast (12.6)
W 55-44 @ Elms (12.9)
L 49-46 LCC (12.16)
L 51-33 Garfield (12.20)
W 50-32 Woodridge (12.28)
L 49-46 Springfield (1.3)
L 74-41 @ Western Reserve (1.6)
L 56-46 @ Mogadore (1.10)
L 60-53 @ VCS (1.17)
L 51-28 Southeast (1.20)
W 51-46 East Canton (1.24)
W 46-41 @ Crestwood (1.27)
L 46-42 @ Alliance (1.29)
L 60-50 @ LCC (1.31)
W 48-46 Crestwood (2.3)
L 73-56 @ Garfield (2.7)
L 61-41 Mogadore (2.10)
L 58-52 VCS (2.14)
L 59-47 Berkshire (2.17)
Division III Ravenna (No. 10)
L 54-43 @ No. 7 Conneaut (2.21, 1st)
L 60-39 @ Coventry (11.26)
L 82-32 Southeast (11.30)
W 64-57 @ Springfield (12.3)
L 46-30 @ Windham (12.7)
L 52-40 @ Crestwood (12.10)
L 54-47 LCC (12.14)
L 50-36 Field (12.17)
L 84-25 @ Garfield (12.21)
L 44-30 Berkshire (12.23)
L 46-44 @ Woodridge (12.28)
L 74-25 Mogadore (1.4)
L 50-26 Waterloo (1.7)
L 78-23 @ Southeast (1.11)
L 66-31 Streetsboro (1.14)
W 67-39 Elms (1.18)
L 80-42 Crestwood (1.21)
W 43-19 Heartland Christian (1.23)
W 72-64 @ LCC (1.25)
L 84-35 @ Mogadore (1.28)
L 63-24 Garfield (2.1)
L 46-26 @ Waterloo (2.8)
W 39-37 Alliance (2.15)
Division IV Creston (No. 9)
L 83-27 @ No. 1 Lake Ridge Academy (2.25, SF)