Take a look below to see the themes and topics we explored at the PNW UU Kids Camp in 2020:

The Rainbow Path Camp used the colors of the rainbow to explore our Seven Unitarian Universalist Principles.

The Rainbow Path was led by Sara Lewis and Amanda Uluhan.

In Animals of the Pacific Northwest, children learned about our local wildlife. They also explored the ways in which habitat, climate, and human impact are intertwined.

Animals of the Pacific Northwest was led by Sara Lewis and Melinda Eiander.

In Dance, Joy, Freedom, children experienced embodied spiritual practice. They explored how movement and dance help us understand the world and ourselves.

Dance, Joy, Freedom was led by Abhilasha Vyas, with help from Maisy Elspeth, Melinda Einander, and Arran Liddel.

In Stories, Improv, & Theater, children explored the wide variety of story-telling methods we experience and incorporate into our lives. Children played games, practiced story analysis, and performed their own story or puppet show at the end of the week.

Stories, Improv, & Theater was led by Margaret Rogers and Aria Curtis, with help from Sara Geiger and Martin Durham.

In For the Love of Food, children considered the paths through which food makes it to their tables. They learned about the important role of bees and cooks yummy snacks and treats together over Zoom.

For the Love of Food was led by Amanda Uluhan and Aria Curtis.

In Art & Painting, children learned about a variety of methods and mediums for approaching artistic expression. Children practiced blending colors, painting with watercolors, and quilting.

Art & Painting was led by Regina McConaghy and Margaret Rogers.

In Minecraft: Climate Justice, children used Minecraft to learn about and practice implementing different kinds of renewable energy. They spent each day exploring wind power, solar power, biomass, and geothermal energy. Children created their own solar ovens and experimented with yeast, to see biomass in action.

Minecraft: Climate Justice was led by Marissa Donaldson and Abhilasha Vyas, with help from Arran Liddel and Zackrie Vinczen.