Minecraft: Good Trouble! (Grade 3+)

Our Minecraft group will work together to will explore how social justice movements around the world influenced positive changes in society or in a community.

Over the week of camp, the participants will work together as a team to:

  • Learn about social justice movements across history.

  • Research important person(s) across various social justice movements and their role within those movements.

  • Understand important social justice movements, the leaders, and the purpose behind them.

  • Explore how to make meaningful choices to influence positive change.

The group will run from August 16 - 20, 2021 with three sessions per day, exact times to be confirmed. There will be a combination of on and offline activities, with no more than 2.5 hours online per day. Participants are asked to commit to attending most or all of the online sessions.

Note: This program is open to a limited number of participants

Technical requirements
We will be using both Zoom and Minecraft at the same time. A computer screen with Zoom minimized (to see the speaker) and Minecraft maximized will work. Two screens/devices would be ideal.

  • Device(s) with stable internet connection

  • Minecraft Java Edition – version 1.16.5 (Note: phone/tablet editions of Minecraft are not compatible)

Registration for Minecraft: Good Trouble will close August 1, 2021.