Highly collaborative and created out of the desire to continue to find ways to meaningfully connect during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Pacific Northwest Unitarian Universalist Kids Camp is a hybrid, home-based camp for Unitarian Universalist children and families in the Pacific Northwest.

Summer 2021

This summer, we'll be offering two weeks of the PNW UU Kids Camp!

  • Univelarian University of Wizarding Arts (UUWA): June 28-July 2, 2021

  • Minecraft: Good Trouble! (Grade 3+): August 16-20, 2021

  • The Rainbow Path (Kindergarten - Grade 2): August 16-20, 2021

Once again, participants will receive supply boxes through their local congregation on Sunday afternoons. During the week, children will get to join with other kiddos from all over the Pacific Northwest via Zoom to play games, create art, and explore Unitarian Universalism together.

For more information about each week of camp, the religious educators involved in creating the PNW UU Kids Camp, and how registration works, please use the sidebar to navigate to the relevant pages.