Theory of everything: what scientists are dreaming about

Brief description:

At last, what if one thing is massive, small, and fast? This is the smallest scale conceivable, the so-called Planck scale at which the matter and space-time are expected to get blurred into one only concept. That's the realm of what scientists often call the theory of everything. However, what is this scientific model and how bizarre it could be, nobody really knows yet.

Over the last 50 years, scientists have come up with many intriguing ideas. We still have a long way to go, as the Planck scale is fifteen orders of magnitude away from modern experiments, roughly the same number of orders that ancient Greeks were away from modern science. We can only wonder how many new exciting discoveries await us falling down such world!

Approximate plan for the lecture:

Part I - Standard model and Beyond

Part II- Towards theory of Quantum gravity