Donate and support

Help us estimate the impact of the event: fill a two-line anonymous form about your contribution.

We do not collect donations ourselves. Please choose any mean of support you judge appropriate. There are hundreds of options online to choose from. Below we list only few, as a possible suggestion.

Disclaimer: We provide information as private individuals. Official positions of our employers (Universities or Research institutes) are available on their websites.

Understand your own attitude

There are many stakeholders affected by the war. Think about your value system and choose accordingly how to support. An important part of the scientific method is to share ideas and discuss with peers. You can apply it here: Speak with others, listen to different opinions and express your own.  Don't forget to prove your point with an experiment: Take action now! You will deepen your understanding, formulating a better-grounded take on the matter, and contribute to a higher cause.

The Ukrainian people have put up an extraordinary resistance since the very first days of war and keep fighting right now, despite the humanitarian disaster. You can help the people surviving there right now and the struggle of Ukraine by supporting a governmental cause.

The current war is to a large extent the result of the oppression on the civil society in Russia.  Yet, despite the politically-motivated prosecution and the lack of freedom of thought and speech, there are local Russian civil society organisations fighting against it. You can support them.

There are a number of private initiatives targeting specific needs

Information is a victim of war. Uncertain times have stripped media channels of stable revenue sources (in Ukraine) or were banned by the government (in Russia). To hold the frontline on the reality of war, keep the spotlight on the appalling stories surfacing day by day and give a hand to news agencies.

Several grassroots organisations have stemmed alongside established institutions in Sweden that provide practical and moral support to many Ukrainians who made it to here. You can help on the domestic front and stand by local Swedish organisations!