Quantum field theory: Higgs boson

and why did people build Large Hadron Collider

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Video: https://youtu.be/5vHC3YI2lMI

Brief description:

What if throw in small and fast objects? Welcome to the world of elementary particles! The rule of the game is the so-called Standard Model. It basically explains - with no exaggeration - all the invisible up to the visible everyday world with a resounding precision (about 0.000 000 1%).

We have two teams. One is fermions: neutrinos, electrons and quarks. They build up the matter and are not keen to sit exactly at the same spot. The other is bosons: photons, gluons, W- and Z-bosons. They "kick" fermions, exerting forces between them, can pile up in the same place and travel collectively. The most famous boson is likely the Higgs boson. Scientists have suspected its existence for decades in order to explain easily why objects have weight (or better, mass) and it was a big win when it was finally seen for the first time in the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva.