Quantum mechanics: Bizarre world at atomic scales

Sunday May 1st, 6 pm-8pm

Venue: live at Oskar Kleins auditorium of Stockholm University and streamed over Zoom (registration is required)

Lecturers: Dmytro Volin (quantum mechanics) and Jakub Mareček  (recent advances in quantum computing)

Watch on Youtube

PDF of the lecture

In preparation, we used videos from:

Brown Physics Demos demonstrating double slit with single photons (check other experiments also!),

Schrödinger's Smoke project,

Walking Droplets project,

as well as generated our own:

Double slit simulation from 2D Schrödinger equation ,

An illustration for Feynman path integral

We also suggest:

Popular discussion of double-slit experiments on Veritasium channel

Many videos on quantum mechanics and not only on Sabine Hossenfelder's channel

Contents of the lecture

Intro: Scales in Nature

Part I: Quasi-classical perspective

Trying to keep the classical ideas of particles and waves and brew them into the quantum world description. 

Main paradigms

Comments on pilot-wave interpretations

Coffee break where you can chat with our team. People on zoom can chat as well.

Part II: Hilbert space perspective


Quantum computing: 

Guest lecture by Jakub Mareček, a researcher in quantum computing technology and former member of IBM Research.

             (Image courtesy of https://www.lastwordonnothing.com/2010/09/21/abstruse-goose-life-paths-integrated-over-time/)