40DOB - Coming Soon!


The 40 Days of Blessing start on 18 Jul and that is barely 6 weeks away. We are doing this to live out our mission to be a Family Blessed to Bless the Community and the Nations. The 40DOB will also help us Grow Deeper in Word, Spirit and Community and Go Further to Extend God’s Kingdom. But in order to do this, we need to do it with others; we cannot do it alone as individuals. If you are not yet in a cell, do join us at this link:


We are preparing a Participant’s Guide for you that contains the daily devotions, weekly memory verses and cell studies. There is space for sermon notes, and journaling after each devotion, and also for Project Safe Place planning. During 40DOB, we will be suspending the ROAD Bible Reading Plan as the daily devotions will take its place.

Some of you are excited to embark on this journey, while others are still hesitating. Whatever you may be feeling, let’s take it to the Lord in prayer. Here are a list of items to pray about.

Community Within

1. Pray that the church pastors and ministry leaders would be blessed with good health and fresh insights as they faithfully lead and guide the church to stay focused on fulfilling the vision of the church through the 40DOB movement.

2. Pray for the children that they would be blessed with divine peace and godly wisdom as they face many changes to their school and/or family routines. Pray also that the children could participate meaningfully in all the 40DOB activities as planned by the Silver Boxes’ Teachers.

3. Pray that the cell would be a safe haven for members to experience refreshment of body, soul and mind. Pray for a greater desire to participate in cell where “iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17).

Community at Large

1. Pray for calmness, resilience and unity as the people and authorities join forces to overcome the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore.

2. Pray that believers would be more outwardly focused and are able to see as God sees with a heart of compassion and generosity.

3. Pray for more willing hearts to provide neighbourly kindness and support for those in need so that the latter may know the Gospel as a gospel of love.

4. Thank God for public transport workers who provide a vital service to the public and help keep the economy going. Pray for financial stability for taxi drivers and private-hire care drivers, and protection from the coronavirus, and compassion from passengers.

40DOB - Ideas for Project Safe Place

We’ve talked about what the 40 Days of Blessings are about and how we will go about them. The focus on daily devotions, weekly sermons, cell studies and Project Safe Place will lead to spiritual growth. Watch the video to better understand how you can do Project Safe Space during the 40 days.

And if you are not in a cell group and want to be in one, sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/40DOBSIGNUP

Are YOU ready to Bless?

40DOB - What's it about?

In January this year, Ps Shih Ming talked about the Church-wide Engagement Programme 40 Days of Blessing (40DOB for short) that will take place from 18 Jul to 29 Aug. So what’s it about?

Let’s recap:

PLMC’s Vision – A Family Blessed to Bless the Community and the Nations

Directions 2021 – Growing Deeper in Word, Spirit and Community; Going Further to Extend God’s Kingdom

What is it?

40 days of focused spiritual growth to

  • Grow Deeper in Word, Spirit, and Community,

  • Go Further to Extend God’s Kingdom

Why do it?

  • Bless the community

  • Every worshipper & every cell to bless the community as a safe place of refuge

  • Grow in understanding of what & how we are to be safe places of refuge for others

  • Grow in the disciplines of devotions, study, weekly worship service, memorising Scripture

  • Grow in community as a cell

  • Giving those not in cell a 6-week experience of being in a cell

  • Families growing spiritually together

  • New persons joining the PLMC family

Are YOU ready to Bless?

40DOB - How's it done?

40 days of focused spiritual growth to

  • Grow Deeper in Word, Spirit, and Community,

  • Go Further to Extend God’s Kingdom

How do we do it?

  • Daily devotionals

  • Weekly sermons

  • Weekly cell study

  • Weekly memory verse

  • Project Safe Place

  • Done as a group

This will be a facilitated experience, so you don't need to worry about not knowing what to do!

Are YOU ready to Bless?

40DOB - What's Project Safe Place?

40 days of focused spiritual growth to

  • Grow Deeper in Word, Spirit, and Community,

  • Go Further to Extend God’s Kingdom

What's Project Safe Place

A guided process for the cell to discern the people God is calling them to provide a safe place to. This includes:

  • Listening to the people whom the cell is to serve

  • Planning a project to be a safe place for the people (e.g. inviting migrant workers to your cell for dinner, bringing a blessing packet to the needy in the community)

  • Executing the project

  • Developing a sustainable plan to continue to be a safe place to the people

Are YOU ready to Bless?

40DOB - Participate In a Cell Group

Are you ready to bless? If you are, and you’re not currently in a cell, here’s the good news! You can register to be put in a cell for the duration of the 40 days so you can participate in 40DOB and get to experience what being in a cell is like. Please register at this link https://tinyurl.com/40DOBSIGNUP