This Week in PLMC


- 1 November 2020 -

Deeper in the Spirit: Receive

John 20:19-23

BE Dr Wee Boon Hup

Do Not Grieve The Holy Spirit;

Ephesians ; 以弗所书 4:30

Ps Alex Ho, 何进南牧师

10.45AM / 1.30PM

Continue 'Church-at-Home'
with the little ones.

Celebrating Holy Communion TODAY, 1 Nov 2020

We are celebrating Holy Communion as a PLMC Family TODAY, 1 Nov 2020 during our English and Mandarin worship services. Please ensure that you have the Holy Communion elements with you even before the start of the services. Please do not use your own bread and juice for the Holy Communion.

Announcement Highlights

Ministries in Service

As announced last Sunday, all the ministries featured in this year’s Laity Month will be in PLMC TODAY until the end of the year to give you another chance to find out more about them and where the Holy Spirit is leading you to serve.

These ministries are looking for people who have been called to serve, so click here to see how you can!

Outreach “Christmas At Your Doorstep”


We are bringing the Christmas message of joy and hope directly to the homes of our immediate neighbours and also to beneficiaries of our partners and agencies this year.

Join us in sharing God’s love during this Christmas season. As a church, may PLMC shine as a beacon of light to glorify our Lord Jesus in the community.

Please visit Outreach Ministry for more details and to sign up as volunteers.

Jobs Portal for Employers (with Jobs Listings)

COVID-19 has brought about an unprecedented economic crisis affecting lives and livelihoods. Yet, in every crisis, there is an opportunity to demonstrate Christian love and unity.
If you are a business owner or working in a company seeking to employ new staff, and wish to advertise the available positions, please fill in the job details of the vacancies in this link: A listing of the available positions can be found here

Other Announcements

Food & Faith: Eating Together

Eating is one of the most common and most profound ways by which we relate with each other, to the created world, and to God. Indeed, Jesus Christ left a meal for his followers to remember Him by. And yet many Christians think little about the food they eat: where did it come from; or the meals they share, such as who prepared the meal. Eating together can also be a profound act of hospitality, and therefore a means of reaching out to others. In this session, we shall address some of these issues from Scripture so that we can live more fully and wholly in God’s ways. We will also explore ways that we can eat with others as gracious hosts so as to invite them into the Kingdom of God.

Register at

Date: 28 November 2020 (Saturday)

Time: 10.00am – 11.30am

Venue: Chapel (Covenant Block, Level 4)

No. of Seats: 50 max.

Speaker: Ms Kwa Kiem Kiok

Kwa Kiem Kiok teaches in the area of missions and interdisciplinary studies at Biblical Graduate School of Theology. She is a Local Preacher from Trinity Methodist Church and enjoys cooking for friends.


Life in PLMC told through the eyes of worshippers and staff. In this issue, we bring you a heartwarming testimony from one of the worshippers in the Filipino Service, and rejoice with 9 staff from PLMC and our Outreach arms who received their Long Service Awards.

Silver Boxes Parents’ Portal

Have you been wanting to disciple your child at home, but feel clueless about how to start? Check out the Silver Boxes Parents’ Portal website for our very own weekly mid-week discipling packages at Parent’s Guides and resources included.

Tithes & Offerings

  • PayNow or PayLah to UEN S87CC0520L

  • Bank Transfer to DBS BANK LTD 023-905121-9

  • Under Reference No. enter

    • S9 for English Service

    • S92 for English Service 2nd Offering

    • MS11 for Mandarin Service

    • MS112 for Mandarin Service 2nd Offering

    • 2nd Offering Beneficiary for November:
      TRAC Lease Renewal Fund

Prayer Focus

Children's Ministry

Silver Boxes

1. Praise God for a wonderful team of mentors and Sec 3 youths who organised the P6 Crossover Camp on 26-27 November.

2. Pray for our upcoming camps for the children at year-end.

3. We thank God for bringing new children and leaders to join in our Zoom online sessions.

Sonshine Kids

1. We thank God for bringing the children back to re-join in our weekly zoom sessions.

2. Pray for our upcoming camps in November and December.

Discipleship & Nurture

  1. Pray for our brothers and sisters who are preparing for baptism and/or membership in November 2020. As they are now gong through the BMC class, pray that God will deepen their faith in and relationship with Him, and connection with the Church family.

  2. We give thanks to God for the 2020 Class of DISCIPLE 1 who graduated on 20 Oct with a Communion Service. We want to thank God for the faithfulness of the facilitators and the perseverance of the participants in their commitment throughout the course. Pray that the community that was formed will continue to grow in strength even after the course.

  3. We thank God for the participants and facilitators of the ALPHA course. Continue to keep the participants in prayer as they continue to grow in their faith and understanding of God.

Young Adults Ministry

  1. Thank God for a fruitful YA Committee planning retreat. Pray for the YA Committee as they continue to put the plans into action and schedule the programmes, to allow the community to be centred on Christ, connected to the times and impact the world.

  2. Pray for the community to continue to be engaged with one another and grow together as a community.

  3. Pray for more leaders to step forward and be willing to serve in the YA ministry as cell group leaders.

  4. Pray for the 18 year olds who will be joining the YA ministry next year.

  5. Pray for YAs who are in universities as they prepare for their end of term exam.

Youth Ministry

  1. Please pray for our youths going through major exams to have a calm mind during examinations, to remember and understand what they have learnt and, through the stresses, to know that our God is with them.

  2. Please pray for the general health of our youth during this season.

Care & Healing

Pastoral Care

We praise and thank God that the daily infections of COVID-19 have been coming down in our nation. Never-the-less, we understand that there are some of us who are not coping as well as others, and there may be anxiety, frustration, sadness, anger, helplessness and a whole slew of other emotions. As your pastors, we want you to know that we are here for you.

  • You can email us at or call us at 62851234

  • Please send your prayer requests to

Care Hub (English & Chinese)

Care Hub is formed to support and journey alongside our members / worshippers whose lives and livelihoods have been affected by this crisis. The end goal of Care Hub is pastoral care, for someone to journey with them and remind them they are beloved of God and to find strength in God to face the challenges.

As each individual has different needs, Care Hub serves as a one-stop helpline where an individual can obtain support in the church in various areas. If you have been affected by this crisis, Care Hub is here to support you.
English version.:
Chinese version.:

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need to be a worshipper at PLMC to obtain help for Care Hub?

As long as you have been worshipping with us, either on-site or online, you are welcome to obtain help from Care Hub. We seek to journey with you as a family of faith during, and beyond, the COVID-19 period.

2. Is it compulsory for a Care Befriender to journey with me?

Yes, it is. We are not designed to journey alone. The church is the Body of Christ and each of us is a part of the body. Having a Care Befriender in this journey is to experience the community and interdependence of our Triune God. God is never alone; we need others too.

3. How long will the Care Befriender journey with me?

Each person has a different journey. Each journey is unique. In general, the Care Befriender will journey with you 3 – 6 months. Let these be a meaningful journey of deepening in God through the company of another.

4. Can I request for pastor to be my spiritual mentor/counsellor?

Yes, you can make the request, but we are all called to be a priesthood of believers hence most likely a mature believer will be assigned to journey with you. Trust that it is God’s hand that has led you thus far, and He will ensure that you are mentored or counselled by the right person with the necessary spiritual gifts for you.

5. I am not affected by COVID-19 but I need someone to talk to. Do I send my request through Care Hub?

No, Care Hub specifically caters to those who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and its ramifications. Please contact the relevant ministry that caters to your need directly. Contact details can be found at the end of this site, under ‘Our Ministries’.

PLMC Inner Healing Ministry

The PLMC Inner Healing Ministry helps individuals get to the root of things that are hindering their personal connection with God. This Ministry continues online every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm. Email requests to

Need A Helping Hand To Get By Covid-19?

Find available grants, funds and packages for individuals at

Our congratulations to:

  • Mr Charlton Ying Zheng and Mdm Ruth Lee Li-Yan on the birth of their son Silas Ying Cheng Yong on 7 September 2020.

  • Mr Tong Yechuan and Mdm Dawn Lim on the birth of their son Adriel Tong Yong En on 23 October 2020 .

Join Us On PLMC Staff

We're looking for suitable candidates to fill these positions:

  • Executive Assistant (Service Coordinator)

Job Responsibilities include:

  • Providing administrative support to the pastors and directors for the effective running of the ministries.

  • Coordinating the smooth running of service rehearsals and the worship services.

  • Preparing and disseminating the Service Order to all relevant team members (Worship Teams, Audio & Media Teams, Communications Team and Pastoral Team)

  • Ensuring timely, clear communications and coordination with the scheduled Worship/Audio/Media teams – for rehearsals and services call times.

  • Coordinating logistics for ministry events, and provide administrative support including but not limited to consolidating attendance, printing materials, ordering event supplies, and room bookings etc.

Job Requirements:

  • Pleasant disposition, resourceful, good organisational skills, able to work independently

  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills and a team player

  • Proficient with “MS Office” applications, and capable to learn & use new software

  • Willing to work on Sundays

  • Experience in service/events coordinating in a church setting would be an advantage

  • Preferably bilingual (written/oral) in Chinese and English

If you are interested, please send in your full resume with expected salary & recent photograph to

We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Other positions:

  • Director of Missions

  • Director/Executive - Outreach Ministry

  • Executive - Corporate Communications

  • Ministry Executive - Mandarin Service

For more information on the job opportunities available, please visit our website at

Useful Links & Resources

Full Worship Service Available Week-Long
(From Monday 9am
to Friday 6pm)

Watch & Listen to our Sermons here:

Watch & Listen to Peranakan & Indonesian
sermons and worship videos here:

Read testimonies and stories of life in PLMC here:

Useful Links & Resources

Free Bible Lockscreens & Wallpapers

Sermon Reflections & Discussion

Prepare Yourself for Online Worship

Our Ministries

Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming

Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup

Rev Vincent Goh

Rev Christopher Chin

Assistant Pastor
Rev Jacob Lim

Assistant Pastor
Pastor Alex Chew

Ms Angelina Chew

Cell Group
Mr Jeffrey Khaw

Children’s Ministry (Silver Boxes)
Ms Carolyn Lee

Ms Amy Cheong

Mrs Florence Lim

Creative Expressions
Mr Paul Seow

Discipleship & Nurture
Mr Low Kwang Meng

Family Life Ministry
Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup

Filipino Service
Ms Daphne Thong

Ms Jessamyn Tian

Human Resources
Ms Rebecca Goh

Mandarin Service
Mrs Judith Chua

Ministry To The Visually Impaired
Mr Ng Choon Hwee

Rev Vincent Goh

Mr Lee Choon Wee

Rev Jacob Lim

Pastoral Care & Spiritual Formation
Ms Teo Soo Hoong

Rev Christopher Chin


Worship & Music
Mrs Susanna Kam

Youth Ministry
Pastor Alex Chew

Young Adults Ministry
Pastor Alex Chew